*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Had MW App. All is well and I have become a local celebrity as everyone wants to attend my homebirth. Im next due :haha:
All fine with baby, still head down etc. having a few achy pains and the usual but no doubt will come to nothing !1 xx
That's good nic, at least you won't be short of helpers haha :haha:
I've got consultant on Friday! Always scared in case she's nasty but she's not really she's nice x
Glad mw appt went well FF :hugs: aaaah love a good homebirth so no wonder you are popular :haha: must feel nice!! :)

Boothh - how you feeling anymore cramps?

I had mw appt yday too - was over 2hrs long :haha: my mw is caseloading me and is on call for me from Friday night so I hope baby comes soon so she doesn't have to not :drunk: for 5 weeks I think she will go mad :haha: I am very excited about the birth now and just hope she is not at a homebirth when I go into the hospital! Baby is still measuring really small - grown and is now measuring 31wks :haha: seriously must have a Narnia's wardrobe in there!!!
:wohoo: how exciting!!!!! can't wait t o see pics xx have fun :hugs:
ff :happydance: for your homebirth =D

I have a BIG(ish) update.
I went to my MW appointment yesterday and my amniotic fluid was borderline low (5.7). They reffered me to a bigger hospital with a NICU because they thought I might be having the baby yesterday O_O
Needless to say, it was a crazy few hours. I don't even have my bags ready... anyway, it was a roller coaster.
I went for the appointment at the bigger hospital at 3. They did a growth u/s and baby is measuring right at 35 weeks :happydance: and the amniotic fluid was at 8 :happydance: again. So then I talked to two of the head obstetricians there. They were really happy about baby's growth. Because of my blood pressure and the AF, I will have to have NSTs (non-stress tests) twice a week and an u/s once a week from now on. If everything stays the same, they will schedule an induction or c-section (if she's still breech, which she probably will be because there isn't much amniotic fluid for her to turn) at 39 weeks. If my blood pressure gets out of control or the baby stops growing, they will move it to 37 or 38 weeks. Either way, my baby won't be born a premmie :happydance: (I just started crying typing that).

Now I have at least 2 weeks to clean the house, the car and prepare the bags :haha:

I also want to say that my DH was AMAZING through all this yesterday. I couldn't have chosen a better partner :)

Sorry for the long post =)
Awwww what a scare but soooooo glad all is OK nits xxxx
Glad everything is fine Nits! Your dh sounds very supportive :)
Glad all is well Nits!]

I have the same feeling as if AF is going to show. My legs ache and my tummy feels really heavy! Urrrgggghhhhh I hope it's the start but not feelin it will be x
I feel really crampy, but I've never had a labour start like this, so I keep wondering if I just have a bug! :( we shall see x
Had a bath and feel better. Think it's my body trying to play tricks! I want to have a baby xx
Glad everything is okay nits,

I've had period pains on and off today, no more plug, but still seem to be clearing out, not sure if it's normal but it's weird as I don't have any stomach ache etc like I'd normally get if I had the runs, tmi sorry!
Nesting kicked up a gear today too and I've just generally felt uneasy! Will see what consultant has to say tomorrow!
FF and Booth, hope you have your babies soon!!!
I've been losing plug very slowly. Looks kinda snotty, no big clumps though. Belly is very sore, lots of cramps for me too, and horrid back pain, like he's attacking my kidneys :(

Dr says one more NST on Saturday and no more! Obviously because I would be full term and baby could come any time he wants!
Full term today. Anytime now... or in 5 weeks. Blah. But 5 weeks is beginning to sound like a little amount when I think that it's the absolute MAX amt of time he can stay in there! Wow! Maternity shoot was fun. I should get to select the pictures for processing in the next few days. :) Glad everyone is managing fairly well, even if no more babies have arrived just yet. :)

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