*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Diana- Congrats on the birth of your little girl :happydance:

Nits- Wow a c-section date I bet it is getting very exciting now :)

FF- I really hope baby makes an appearance soon for you :hugs:

Jules- I have increased discharge, the plug is usually very 'gooey', stringy/sticky, with little bits of blood in it :)

Booth- Great advice :thumbup:

Ami- Congrats on reaching 37 weeks hope baby stays to term for you

I'm really getting fed up now last night was awful I have been up most of the night being sick, having period type cramps and my SPD was awful last night. Everytime I finally got to sleep and I turned over I was woken up by the pain :cry: Roll on full term!

Has anyone heard from MrsQ? The last update I sa she has been sceduled for a c-section the next day due to the cord not functioning well but I havn't seen any more updates. I may have missed it as I'm really not observant lol x
Not seen a update, but from being a December mummy in 2009 I know her FB name and she's had her baby and all seems well. :flower:
Hey, Nic - I had a dream that you had your baby last night!!! :haha: It was REALLY weird...lol

JJules: sounds like normal last few weeks discharge to me! I've been losing bits since my sweep on tuesday - Looks like a gooey glob of snot!!! (ewwww)

Was supposed to go to a baby shower tomorrow for a friend, but its about a 45 minute drive out of the city. OH decided last night that he was very uneasy about me driving all the way out there (he is working all day tomorrow) and asked me to see if I could catch a ride with a friend, or just not go at all. I really only know the mama to be, and one other person going, who's car is already full... so sadly, im not going.... So now baby is definitely not going to come this weekend!

My male dog (Jackson) has been acting very strange in the last few days. He is normally a bit of a suck, but for the past 2 days, he wont let me out of his sight, I cant even go to the bathroom without him following me! He's been REALLY snuggly too - can't sit with me on the couch, he has to be sitting ON me, OH can't come near me without Jackson getting in the way... I think he knows something is happening soon...
Why was it not true :rofl: ^^^^^^
MrsQ has posted in 3rd Tri, now!!! xx
Does anyone have increased discharge? Could it be the mucous plug?

I am sooooo ready to have my little girl, I am hoping this week!!!!!!!

I am too! Very watery and milky, almost wondering if its mixed amniotic fluid because of how much I've had but its not trickling or gushing so who knows *shrug*

What is that saying Something like 'there are no ways to be a perfect mother but a million ways to be a good one'

I LOVE this quote!!!

My male dog (Jackson) has been acting very strange in the last few days. He is normally a bit of a suck, but for the past 2 days, he wont let me out of his sight, I cant even go to the bathroom without him following me! He's been REALLY snuggly too - can't sit with me on the couch, he has to be sitting ON me, OH can't come near me without Jackson getting in the way... I think he knows something is happening soon...

My cats are acting very similar!

As for me, I have my last non-stress test today in about an hour. I am a bit nervous as I am very swollen and have been four about four days. Nurse on Tuesday didn't say anything about my BP although the numbers seemed higher than usual for me. She was a pretty crappy nurse, didn't make me feel very confident in my being there. So at this point I don't know what my BP is and if its high I think I will end up getting induced since I am so close to 37 weeks as it is, I have my hospital bag and diaper bag packed, car seat is installed, I think my instinct is just telling me he will be here any day. I am nervous/scared/worried for this NST but ready for my son to be here <3
My cat is being super affectionate with me lately.

Kendra, I'm sure he'll be here soon :)

I am still getting used to the idea of a c-section but getting more and more excited to meet our little girl.

DH and I always have a great relationship but things have been a get tense lately. I seem to try to pick a fight with him all the time, and he's been a lot more moody (he's usually super cheerful). I think we are both getting anxious and it doesn't help that all of a sudden I've become high risk (although noone has mentioned that term per se).
Aidan's Mummy: hope you are feeling better hon :hugs:

bumpin2012: no reaction from dog or 2 kitties yet but will be seeing if that changes!

KendraNoell: hope everything is ok. Sorry your nurse was crappy :(

Nits: Hope everything is ok. I can also get a bit moody but it could be that you are both getting a little anxious as it's getting closer. That was def the case for DH and I last time.
FF- Just seen her update :)

Kendra- Sorry the nurse wasn't very good, hope your non-stress test goes ok :hugs: x
Just a quick update - im currently on labor ward, been here since las night, started having contractions around 4pm, and they have been off the scale on the monitor ad were every 5-6 mins, I was told we were going to go and do c section last night omg me and dh never been so scared in our lives. Consultant then said as im not 37 weeks yet we need to wait until my cervix changes. Been checked 3 times and it's still long and closed, so even though the contractions are awful they arnt doing anything! Was given pethadine to sleep and since then contractions have been irregular, I jus want to go home now, was evn started to prepped for theatre las night so it has been abit of a disheartener for them to change theirs minds but I know it's better he stays in, they don't think it will be much longer though hence the steroids, I'm just tired, sore and feel rubbish. But should hopefully be allowed home today to wait it out :(
Just a quick update - im currently on labor ward, been here since las night, started having contractions around 4pm, and they have been off the scale on the monitor ad were every 5-6 mins, I was told we were going to go and do c section last night omg me and dh never been so scared in our lives. Consultant then said as im not 37 weeks yet we need to wait until my cervix changes. Been checked 3 times and it's still long and closed, so even though the contractions are awful they arnt doing anything! Was given pethadine to sleep and since then contractions have been irregular, I jus want to go home now, was evn started to prepped for theatre las night so it has been abit of a disheartener for them to change theirs minds but I know it's better he stays in, they don't think it will be much longer though hence the steroids, I'm just tired, sore and feel rubbish. But should hopefully be allowed home today to wait it out :(
Gosh booth :hugs: Hope he stays in a bit longer hun xxx
yikes boothh!!! I sure hope the little man decides to behave himself!

Its almost funny tho (not your situation boothh) that most of us are either determined to evict, or desperate to keep them in, and those that are trying to keep them in, have the babies trying to get out!
Thanks girls, home now, been told to rest and have codeine for pain, they said if contractions start to regulate again or waters etc break then come back, nobody seems to think he will wait more than a few days now though! My mum is going to take LO to stay with her for a few days so I can rest as I don't want dh wasting his holidays before the baby comes!

On another note id just like to say again how much I love and recommend pethadine, its is amazing stuff, I thought so after last labor and again after last night, it really works for me x

Anyway keep your fingers crossed for me that V decides to stay in for a little bit! Now I'm off with free reign on dh bank card to order some tiny baby clothes just incase :haha:
Boothh, :hugs: I know what a roller coaster you must have gone through, not long until 37 weeks now. And even before that, you LO would be fine =)
But yeah, I know the feeling. :hugs:

yikes boothh!!! I sure hope the little man decides to behave himself!

Its almost funny tho (not your situation boothh) that most of us are either determined to evict, or desperate to keep them in, and those that are trying to keep them in, have the babies trying to get out!

:haha: I know!
I've been having a lot of painful menstrual-like cramps lately. I have no idea what labor feels like but I know this is not it. However, i can't help but wonder every time I get them.
I need her to stay there at least a few more weeks. I cried so much when they thought she might need to be born at 35 weeks...
The good news is that we are all at great gestational ages, our babies should be fine if they were born now. It is a bit scary, though.
Boothh: I hope the baby stays put til your c/s but like Nits said at this gestation the baby would be fine.

Nits: I have been getting cramps too which I didn't with my son. I am just hoping it's my body practising and not any sign that I will be early.

I really want this baby to be born in early June so my son and baby can have their own separate birthday months. It's amazing how you can plan what you want but the complete opposite happens :haha: My sister and I were born 2 years and 5 days apart and we both hated having our birthdays within 5 days of each other. I always thought I would avoid having a two year gap between my kids and aimed for 3 years minimum. Then I got pregnant by accident and not only is it a two year gap but the baby is due 5 days after my son's birthday :haha:

Yay! I am moving this week!
:haha: modo, that's what i call history repeating itself!
Booth- :hugs: Hope he stays put until at least 37 weeks, sorry your in somuch pain though hun x
I have a Thread in 3rd Tri. I feel awful today. Period pains, heavy legs, multiple BM and feeling sick. Pains have started but they're not regular and I can't time them but I'm just waiting to see where this goes!
OH is supposed to be on a bit of a drinking session all day tomorrow for St Georges day and he doesn't want baby to come as his mates have booked day off work :rofl: Gutted for him!!!
lol... gotta love how little ones interfere with our plans!

Good luck Nic! I hope little miss D is going to make her grand entrance soon - even though we had a deal, I'll forgive you, as long as she shows up in time to completely ruin daddy's plans!!! :haha:
lol... gotta love how little ones interfere with our plans!

Good luck Nic! I hope little miss D is going to make her grand entrance soon - even though we had a deal, I'll forgive you, as long as she shows up in time to completely ruin daddy's plans!!! :haha:

:haha: Im trying to stick to the deal Poor lads gutted. He'd be fine obviously if she was here but it's the wondering!!
I'd probably tell him to go have a couple early evening and my mum could come over!! x
so I just got back from the assessment unit. I hadn't felt baby move for quite a few hours, and normally this monkey is so active, I dont even bother to count kicks. When we got there, the triage nurse pulled out the doppler to listen to baby's heartbeat, and couldn't find one. Finally on the 4th try we found one, but by this point I was freaking out, bawling my eyes out! So they hooked me up to the monitor for an hour, baby seems pretty happy, but just to make me feel better, they did a quick ultrasound, and baby looks perfect. I cant believe how much bigger baby looks! I hope this is my last trip in before im actually in labour. I hate going in and feeling like an overparanoid crazy preggo!

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