*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Aw hope these babies stay put for those wanting them too! I have banned LO from trying to escape lol. If she does she just might be grounded for life lol. Im on my last week of exams for school before I start my next course (medical office assistant) and if she comes Im afraid of all the explaining it might take to get another chance at my exams.
Although maybe today is a quite day for babies as DD wasn't moving to much today so i was freaking out and ate some sugar and cold stuff and tried getting her to move but now she seems pretty good and moving
Just stopping by. I've been reading this thread but have been too tired to write anything. Hoping all goes well for everyone. I think I'm getting a cold. I have the sniffles and a headache. My son has the sniffles too. Boo. I have a midwife appt tomorrow and go to the hospital on Thursday to check the baby's size and the area where I tore before. I'm looking forward to feeling like we're moving forward with things. I'm officially sick of being pregnant and haven't been sleeping well with peeing all the time and heartburn. I wake up every 2 hours all night long.
Awww Bumpin, Sorry you had a scare :hugs:
I've been up all night with contractions and pains that have come to nothing! Im still in pain, but there is no regularity to them. Im just resting today cos OH is out all day so could really do with not going into labour xxx
So tired! slumped on couch after numerous phone calls and preperations for tomorrow's packing and moving. Blarggghhh
I just had an hour and a half and Noah is still asleep!! He must have bee tied too. Im at the stage where I feel worse for sleeping, but a few minutes and a brew and I'll hopefully feel it was a benefit x
Boothh - How are you feeling hunni?? That must have been very scary for you :hugs: I hope V stays put until your c/s date :flower: try and relax as much as poss - great that your Mum is gonna take LO for you, huge help as very hard to relax at all if they're about :hugs:
I didn't know about the lion cub page on FB - could you point me to it (added you on there today).

Flowerfairy - I hope you can keep bubs in for a day or so, so OH can have his St Georges Day fun - how are you feeling now? Will go an look for your thread in 3rd tri....

Nits - hope you are okay hunni, and that LO stays put for a while :hugs:

Aidans Mummy - are you feeling any better? I do hope so :hugs:

Kendra - sorry you had a rubbish nurse - how are you feeling?

Modo - that is really freaky.....I hope LO holds out for you too so that you can have the dates you want :D Hope the move goes well!!!

Bumpin2012 - WOW :hugs: sweets that must have been soooooo scary :hugs: I am glad all is okay and that you even got a sneak peak at bubs!! Do not worry about going in no matter how many times....all of us our different and so are our babies, some of us will never go in and some will go in every week, but you must remember it is the Midwife and Doctor's jobs to look after you and investigate any worries - you wouldn't feel bad going to a shop or cafe to inquire about a different thing every week and you pay for this service through taxes so use it as much as you need :hugs:

Purple_Kiwi - Hope you get to do your exams....if your baby is more quiet than normal and you are concerned please get it checked out :hugs:

Vesper - I hope your cold is a little one if one at all and you manage to get some rest - I love the idea of a bluebell nap :sleep:

AFM - Well I am Full term today :wohoo: I am period crampy and strong BH's and had some show today but nothing really to report home about :haha: bubs is wriggly, SPD is painful and I could have him or her whenever, I have no preference just not late :haha: I keep having dreams I am in labour it is very annoying :dohh: cos I then don't sleep very well :shrug:

:hugs: for anyone I have missed, sorry there were lots of posts and I have gone back as far as I think I have caught up on :wacko:
Jai Jai, good job at replying everybody's posts!

Vesper: Collective Nap sounds awesome!

Nic: What is St. George's day? (besides a drinking holiday :haha) It's 11 am here, so if she hasn't come yet i guess your DH got to have his day off after all.

Bumpin: what a cappy feeling :hugs: I'm glad it was just a scare

Boothh: how are you feeling today?

I've defaulted to sleeping on the couch. I find it easier to be on my side when I can rest my back against something. Poor husband gets the bed all to himself :haha:

I still have period-like cramps every day but she's being a nice active girl and with all my bi-weekly NSTs and what not, I am not concerned. Besides, I'm almost 36 weeks already :happydance: I wouldn't feel nearly as bad if she was born now than if she had been born at 33 weeks, when all the craziness started.
And speaking of 36 weeks, just noticed my ticker is on the last square!!!!
Jai Jai, good job at replying everybody's posts!

Vesper: Collective Nap sounds awesome!

Nic: What is St. George's day? (besides a drinking holiday :haha) It's 11 am here, so if she hasn't come yet i guess your DH got to have his day off after all.

Bumpin: what a cappy feeling :hugs: I'm glad it was just a scare

Boothh: how are you feeling today?

I've defaulted to sleeping on the couch. I find it easier to be on my side when I can rest my back against something. Poor husband gets the bed all to himself :haha:

I still have period-like cramps every day but she's being a nice active girl and with all my bi-weekly NSTs and what not, I am not concerned. Besides, I'm almost 36 weeks already :happydance: I wouldn't feel nearly as bad if she was born now than if she had been born at 33 weeks, when all the craziness started.
And speaking of 36 weeks, just noticed my ticker is on the last square!!!!
No, no baby !:haha: He's out and has been since 10am and doesnt sound drunk at all so Im quite impressed.

St George is the Patron Saint of England. Ireland have St Patrick . Sadly England fail to celebrate their patron saint because the St George flag has nasty connotations with racist groups. People like my husband, brother etc feel it should be a Bank Holiday and celebrated and dont see why the small minority of idiots that use it for racist reasons should spoil it, so every year in 23rd April they book the day off and go for a drinking session!!
Wiki Linki
Oooooh FF I never knew that was the reason why it wasn't so publicly celebrated, how interesting!! I am very impressed too that he doesn't sound :drunk: or is he just good at being "not drunk" on the phone :haha:

Nits - our couch is soooo comfy too - I slept on there a lot last time as our bed was hideous but we have a very comfy bed and I have an abundance of pillows all around me :rofl: I am surprised DH hasn't ditched me for the sofa by now!!!! Glad you are feeling more reassured and I am so pleased she stayed put - prob go to 42 wks now the little minx :dohh: oh and yaaaay :wohoo: for last box on the ticker - great achievement!!! :dance:
No, if he's drunk I can tell :rofl: He will be later, but it just means he won't be as rough tomorrow !!
Hello everyone..

I know I haven't been around much but I have stalked to try and keep up to date.
Congratulations to Diana on the birth of her daughter.
We are all in the last stretch of pregnancy and feeling the effects.
I am already starting to get annoyed with ppl calling to see if I am still here.. I am not due for another two weeks !!!
It will be interesting to see who will be next to meet their little bundles.
Jai_Jai: Thanks hon! How was your weekend?

Nits: Hope you manage to sleep better! I got a lot of mild cramping today but I'm pretty sure it's just BHs. Hope baby hold off till you are ready :D but you are right at 36 weeks it's a lot better than 33 weeks.

FlowerFairy: Good for your DH. Why should some stupid racists ruin the holiday! Another bank holiday would also be pretty great :haha:

I am moving tomorrow! Lot of excited/scared feelings going on here :haha: Hope it all goes well but probably will be exhausting :lol: Anyone have any tips? B will be at nursery in the morning for the packing part but then we will all head to the new house for the unpacking. That's what I am worried about :dohh: There is a softplay centre not far from our new home that my DH can take him to if he turns into a nightmare :lol: We shall just have to see!
Nic, thanks for the explanation!!! =D

Nits - our couch is soooo comfy too - I slept on there a lot last time as our bed was hideous but we have a very comfy bed and I have an abundance of pillows all around me :rofl: I am surprised DH hasn't ditched me for the sofa by now!!!! Glad you are feeling more reassured and I am so pleased she stayed put - prob go to 42 wks now the little minx :dohh: oh and yaaaay :wohoo: for last box on the ticker - great achievement!!! :dance:

I am loving the couch right now :haha:
i am scheduled for a c-section at 39 weeks, they won't let me go pass that because of my blood pressure and the amniotic fluid. But if it wasn't for that, yes, she'd probably go to 42 weeks :haha:

I am moving tomorrow! Lot of excited/scared feelings going on here :haha: Hope it all goes well but probably will be exhausting :lol: Anyone have any tips? B will be at nursery in the morning for the packing part but then we will all head to the new house for the unpacking. That's what I am worried about :dohh: There is a softplay centre not far from our new home that my DH can take him to if he turns into a nightmare :lol: We shall just have to see!


I've spent the last 2:30hs of my life emailing people to schedule showings of their apartments. We won't move until june/july, probably but looking alone is exhausting!
As if being 9 months pregnant wasn't enough, right? :dohh:
Modo - good luck with the move. We moved house twice last year and to be honest because we did it on an absolute shoestring it was a nightmare! We're planning on moving again in September, but at least it will just be down the road, not 4 hours each way! :wacko: Hope it goes well and it's not too stressful for you :flower:

Kendra - I've been off work for nearly 7 weeks now. I don't think I would still be able to work now. I am huge, and so uncomfortable. I'm only functioning as well as I am because I'm able to rest. Well done for carrying on as long as you have though. :thumbup:

Speaking of uncomfortable - I am so swollen all over my tummy and 'lady bits' that I feel like Ive been beaten up or something. I think I keep falling asleep on my back as it's normally when I wake up about 6am, desperate for a wee and in almighty amounts of pain! Ouchie!

Hope everyone is ok :flower:
It's moving day and I'm ill :( Been throwing up. I really know how to time things well :cry:
Hey Ladies,

Sorry not to have posted in a while, I have subscribed to so many threads that I turned into a bit of a stalker on all of them :blush:

The reason for the post today is seeking reassurance that my weird symptoms of the last few days are normal and nothing to worry myself about :thumbup:

Essentially since the weekend I have been having intermittent episodes of feeling dizzy and sick, almost like seasickness, or (if I remember correctly :haha: ) being a bit squiffy from alcohol. It is normally accompanied with a hot flush and being desperate for cold air and cold water (but this might be a normal biological response because I HATE being sick)

It happens whether I am laying, sitting, standing or walking about and seems to pass of its own accord within a few minutes.

On Saturday morning this weird feeling was also randomly accompanied by a nosebleed (first one in years) but this stopped quickly and I wrote it off as another joy of pregnancy.

My blood pressure has been consistently low throughout, and other than one UTI a few months ago I haven't had any problems with my urine tests either. I don't have any swelling (other than bump :cloud9: ) and am keeping well hydrated and eating little and often. Bubs is also good and active, so I am not worried that it is affecting her.

Any suggestions or advice would be welcome :hugs:

I will call the midwife if it keeps happening, but part of me knows I will get called in monitored for hours as a precaution and then sent home again, so I am reluctant to phone unless you guys think there is something to worry about.

Thanks :flower:
Hi guys :hi: I've read everything but I've missed loads and can't remember who said what now :dohh:
Hope everyone is keeping well,
Baby V is not here yet, contractions are still around but very irregular maybe 2 or 3 an hour if that sometimes but they really hurt when they come!
I'm going to make a nursery today in our room for LO, 17 sleeps and he still has no where to sleep and all his stuff is still packed up! Well I won't be happy til he has a little area now and I've promised myself I will get it done today so wish me luck! :) x
Kendra - no not still working, although I wish I still was at the moment but we have to stop at 35wks :grr: you're not crazy, but take it easy :hugs:

aimee-lou - Ooooh that doesn't sound very nice at all :hugs: I hope it eases, maybe try putting a pillow between your legs and one behind you to stop you rolling onto your back

Modo - arrrgh rubbish timing to be ill, I hope it goes well despite it! I had a nice weekend thank you for asking - went to lunch with DH on Sat and dropped DD at SIL's for a few hours, it was nice but went far to quickly *feels guilty*

Boothh - Glad V has stayed put - arrgh when you say 17 sleeps that sounds sooooo close :yipee: hope you get your nursery corner done :hugs:

Cliqmo - TBH it is probably low BP or something but the fact it has just started and you haven't had it throughout your pregnancy I would definitely call your midwife....you are obviously concerned so you must seek professional advice if you are concerned about anything....wouldn't you rather a few hrs up the hospital to know all is okay rather than sitting at home for days worrying yourself? Good luck and hope you start to feel better soon :hugs:

Flowerfairy how is DH today...not too sore a head I hope? How are your contractions etc have they died down? Hope baby comes soon for you :hugs:

Well I feel exhausted!! I am sure it is the fact that I get up 6-8 times a night for a pee but I just don't want to get up!!! It is sooo much harder the 2nd time around as you can't have lie-ins like the first time...anyone else feeling very lethargic and irritable? I feel sorry for DD as I am a moody :mamafy: :haha: I can't wait to meet LO and hope s/he makes an appearance - I have a cons appt next Tuesday but would love to not have to go because bubs is here already - wishful thinking!!!!

I hope you all have a very nice day :hugs:

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