*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Jai_Jai - I'm moody as anything. Earl has brought a cold home, and I now have it, and his still hasn't gone. I'm all swollen still and I am getting repeatedly stabbed in the cervix by something sharp- I'm going with fingers. I have a seriously short fuse today, so much so I actually gave Earl a warning for grinding his teeth earlier - whoops! Over-zealous Mummy! :blush: I've had a rest and some lunch (Earl's had a nap too lol) and feel a lot better.
Yeah, tired and moody here too! Had a midwife appt today. All is well and my decision to cut out any sweets on the weekdays (I started 1 week ago) def showed in my weight gain. :) I go to the hospital on Thursday for an ultrasound to check the baby's size and my lady bits. Hoping to find out more then.
Jai Jai! Oh was very rough this morning, but he's coming round now. He;s gone out with the dog for an hour to clear his head. No sympathy!
Nothing to report. Come on babies!
Hope everyone is well xx
well, my pregnancy drama continues...

Had my 39 week appointment today. 2.5 cm dilated, baby's head is "right there" and my membranes are bulging. Had a good sweep, im apparently very favorable.

BUT my dr felt that baby was measuring smaller than she would like. So we did an ultrasound in the office, and confirmed baby was small. So she wanted to get a more detailed scan up in the fetal assessment unit. Baby is only measuring at about 36 weeks, and falls into the 12th percentile for size. If baby had measured in the 10th percentile or less we would have been induced today. She is happy to let me go on my own, as she thinks I will be going into labor soon anyways. Baby is about 6 lbs at this point, so still a healthy size, and baby is VERY active, which indicates that baby is healthy and happy.

I hope this sweep works! Im so tired of the stress of this pregnancy!
Aww. I really hope the sweep works hun!! Good luck and 6lb is a decent weight so try not to worry x x
Good luck bumpin!

I've worked hard all day and nearly finished the nursery corner :) just going to get something for the walls this weekend, dh has just put the crib up but needs a new mattress before I can make it up!


If you knew what it looked like this morning you would honestly be impressed! That side of the room was like waste high in unpacked boxes from when we moved 2months ago :rofl:

And also it's abit late but 36 week bump pic!

Im knackered now, it's been a big nesting day, aswell as the nursery corner I cleaned the kitchen to within an inch of its life and cleaned all the glass, mirrors and windows in the house too, and cleared all our wardrobes out so my back is just killing now, have a mountain of washing to get through now which I'm aiming to have at least contained the dirty washing to just the laundry basket and not the whole landing by weekend :haha:

All I need to do now is get the changing table and a few storage boxes etc and were good to go! So pleased with my productive little self haha x
Looks great Booth!!!
39 weeks today, so 2 weeks until when the Boys were born. Hopefully she will come sooner tho! x
I am still grumpy today but at least JT is going to nursery today PHEEEW - but I better get my arse dressed and take her :rofl:

I have woken with a bloody cold and feel crap so I hope baby stays put until it has gone - no signs whatsoever of anything happening so I don't think anything will be happening before!!

Good job Boothh you have done really well, and love the bump!!

Flowerfairy - hahaha aaah well at least the dog gets a good old walk :wink:

Bumpin - hope you labour soon but 6lbs is definitely a good weight!! exciting that your bubs could be here very soon :yipee:

My 37 week bump pic


  • 37 Wks z Left.jpg
    37 Wks z Left.jpg
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Great bumps girl, my little surprise is pretty comfy in my belly no signs for me yet, have another growth scan on Monday, just hope my little bubba has gained an above that bottom line on my growth chart x
Oh booth you can get some fab wall stickers on eBay, I'm currently debating if I should get one for my daughters room x
Jai jai I have a cold to do you're not alone!! I woke up yesterday with it and it's worse today!! Just hope it goes away soon!
Jai jai I have a cold to do you're not alone!! I woke up yesterday with it and it's worse today!! Just hope it goes away soon!

I have a cold too and it's a stinker. I woke at 2am unable to breathe at all, and ended up taking 2 paracetamol and drinking half a carton of cranberry juice just to try to get something moving. I desperately feel like I need to sneeze to clear it. Earl has had it too bless him but he seems to be over it now. His came on on Sunday, so looks like a 4-dayer. :dohh: I had to take hubby into Uni this morning as he has an exam today at 11am. On the way home Earl and I stopped off at McD's to treat ourselves. Earl is very very pleased with his orange balloon and I got a sausage muffin which was just about the best thing ever. Have stuck the heating on, and Earl is now watching Up! and I feel the need for a nap before I go and collect hubby at 1pm.

Boothh - wow that's a lovely corner. Mine is very beige (obviously, as we're team yellow) so I would LOVE to be able to get a bit of colour. It looks wonderful! :thumbup:
Sorry some of you are feeling crappy :hugs:

I have great news! I had my u/s for the amniotic fluid yesterday and they discovered another pocket of AF they hadn't seen before, so it is back up to 13 :happydance:
My little girl is kicking and happy inside my tummy :)

I'm going to call and make an appointment for acupunture and next week, if the fluid stays this high, I'll ask the OB if she thinks an ECV would be safe.

My blood pressure is still on the higher side but it's not going up (130/80 yesterday)

Brilliant news Nits so pleased for you :wohoo:

Aimee - did you get your nap? Sorry you are feeling crappy - I want a nap but feel it is probably a bit too late now for that :dohh: early night for me instead then!

Anti - sorry you have a cold too they really do suck! :(

youngNImum - glad bump is comfy in there and hope growth scan shows a good improvement!

arrrgh sooooo tired, achy and coldified - caught up with a friend today which was nice but soooo tired now - JT is in nursery so should have made the most of this afternoon but nope I have not napped or cleaned I have been on the computer :grr:
I don't get how my feet could be SO SWOLLEN and my BP isn't going up. It is so bad I cannot wear shoes at all and they are even swelling up over the straps of the sandals I've been wearing. My toes are swollen, my ankles and calves too. And now the skin is hurting from being so stretched out! When I'm home my feet go up and it doesn't help. Nothing does. It sucks :( I am so miserable I just wish he would come early!
Haha totally had a dream I met you in person last night Nic. I had my baby at 37+ something weeks and didn't tear! I kept forgetting to change his diaper though so some reason. You were still waiting but then you had your daughter the next day. You were going to name her Ann Aqualon and then it was going to be Melinann and then just Ann. :haha:

Going to the hospital today and I get an ultrasound! :happydance: I just want to feel like something is happening already. I'm so over pregnancy and I can't wait to meet this little guy. I'm ready now. Something has settled over me. I've been getting shooting pains in the cervix in the evenings and some cramping. I feel like my body is preparing itself.
Vespersonnica - that's how I've been feeling. My joints have loosened off too (I have weak wrists and I've noticed that they are really painful and clicky which they haven't been in over a year! :wacko:), shooting pains and cramps and I keep having just 1 contraction lol. :wacko: I too feel like I could have this LO now and just get on with it (37 weeks today! :happydance:) but we need to get hubby the all clear first, so can't come before Tuesday I'm afraid lol. Hubby and I have picked dates. I've said 11th, Hubby has said 14th. We were both totally wrong last time! lol :blush:

Jealous of the ultrasound. I have one booked for 17th May - if I'm still PG it will be a treat for us all to see the LO. Hope it goes well :thumbup:
Sorry you are feeling rubbish Kendra and your feet are sooo swollen, hopefully with you being so busy baby won't be long here....are you working right up until you deliver?

Vesper - :haha: funny dream about Nic, it is weird how we dream about ppl on here, I do it a lot ha! I dream all the time so I think anything that I have spoken about or taken part in throughout the day comes up in my dreams! Good luck today with the scan and your perineum check I hope all goes well :hugs:

Aimee - how is your cold? I feel hideous today :cry:

I too guys feel like my body is getting ready but then I also have no feeling that labour is on its way at all - I have guessed the 7th and DH has guessed the 8th but we were totally out as well last time :haha:

I want my baby to be a May baby and I definitely do not want it to be born on 30th April, bad day for me! So I hope bubs holds out until at least Tuesday haha! xx

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