*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Aimee- when was the last ultrasound you had of baby? I was kinda disappointed in my 32 week ultrasound, you forget the transducer is only so big and its a lot smaller than baby at that point so you can't see a lot at one time and you don't get the cute curled up baby shots that you do at the gender scans...

Jai- Originally I had planned on working until I had him. However, I work 20+ minutes away from the hospital I want to deliver at and my fear is that I will go into labor and not be able to get myself to the hospital. I do NOT want to have him up where I work and so I am not sure what I am going to do. I have been talking to my boss about potentially leaving at 39 weeks if I don't have him by then. Part of the reason is because physically and mentally I am not sure how much longer I can work. I don't even do much for my job it is not physically demanding but I sit at a desk all day and the chair cuts off my circulation at the knees which is why my feet swell so bad. I could probably deal with that for a while longer but with my hips spread apart so far and everything it is very painful having to walk all the way to the bathroom (my bathroom is halfway across the office floor which is a long walk when you feel like you're gonna pee yourself as soon as you stand!) and I have to get up every 10-15 minutes and walk to the printer and retrieve documents, then every 90 minutes I have to go up and down a flight of stairs to the other part of the office to put things away and grab more things. So its quite a bit of movement when you think about it. I can't imagine women that work jobs that require you to stand all day I'm not sure how they do it but they get big kudos from me!
:rofl: Love the baby names V!!

Im so fed up today, tired emotional and have sciatica. Hope that this means labour is not far off!! x
Kendra - We had one at 32 weeks too, but I thought it was really good. We got a really nice profile picture and everything was so detailed....it only lasted a max of 5 minutes though :wacko: The one I have at 40 weeks will be 1 whole hour and I'll have about 4 different trainee sonographers working on me (trainees).

Jai - My cold is a little better but I'm so drained it's silly. I keep randomly going for a lie down if I feel weak and I'll pass out to sleep for 30 minutes without even realising! :sleep: I seem to be just about surviving though. I don't think it helps having hubby to run around after too as if it takes 2 hands, he can't do it! Simple things like making a cup of tea or just getting dressed are a struggle - He has promised me he'll make up for it once he's back to being 2-handed though lol. He's getting better though....he has managed so far today without painkillers! :thumbup:
Back from my hospital visit. Not sure if I feel better or not really. It became rather apparent there that I seem to have some birth fears because of how long I had contractions without progress last time and the amount of tearing in the end because they needed to use a suction cup. I have another appt to check on the estimated weight on the due date. They would have booked me to see a doctor specializing in birth fears but they were booked up until after my due date... I'm not really worried about a new baby at all! It's the big unknown of the birth that is getting to me I think. Anything would be better than last time... :nope:

Baby is an estimated 3.5kg or slightly bigger at the moment so it seems I'm looking at another 4kg+ baby if I make it to the due date. On the bright side, I am 1cm dilated (normal for a second timer) and somewhat effaced :happydance: (I think that's what it is anyway. They say something about softening in Finnish). I was right a couple of days ago about the baby dropping into the pelvis because today he was really low and very engaged, if not 100%. :happydance: The doctor said his head still moves a bit. I sincerely hope he will arrive next week sometime.
Back from my hospital visit. Not sure if I feel better or not really. It became rather apparent there that I seem to have some birth fears because of how long I had contractions without progress last time and the amount of tearing in the end because they needed to use a suction cup. I have another appt to check on the estimated weight on the due date. They would have booked me to see a doctor specializing in birth fears but they were booked up until after my due date... I'm not really worried about a new baby at all! It's the big unknown of the birth that is getting to me I think. Anything would be better than last time... :nope:

Baby is an estimated 3.5kg or slightly bigger at the moment so it seems I'm looking at another 4kg+ baby if I make it to the due date. On the bright side, I am 1cm dilated (normal for a second timer) and somewhat effaced :happydance: (I think that's what it is anyway. They say something about softening in Finnish). I was right a couple of days ago about the baby dropping into the pelvis because today he was really low and very engaged, if not 100%. :happydance: The doctor said his head still moves a bit. I sincerely hope he will arrive next week sometime.
Glad things look like they're heading in the right direction. Only advice on the birth is to think births can be veyr different . My 2 sons were a world apart, Noah being much easier. I had no trauma either time, so I can't imagine what you went through and how it must worry you. It will hopefully be much easier this time xxx
Wow, things are moving along for us (even if it seems like an eternity)!
Vesper, 3.5kg already! =D

Kendra, HOLLY SWOLLEN FEET, I totally hear you! Granted, my BP has gone up. but my feet and my hand are so swollen, my fingers hurt when I make a fist :(
my ankles are MIA. I put on 4 lbs in a week and there is NO WAY it's baby and fat, it's mostly water. I hope I drop 20 lbs of water after birth :haha: I am so swollen it's ridiculous.
My husband was saying that he likes my feet now, because they are smooth and you can't see any veins, it's like barbie doll's feet :dohh:
Glad things look like they're heading in the right direction. Only advice on the birth is to think births can be veyr different . My 2 sons were a world apart, Noah being much easier. I had no trauma either time, so I can't imagine what you went through and how it must worry you. It will hopefully be much easier this time xxx

Thanks. I'm hoping it will be very different! It's the great unknown that is kinda scary.

Wow, things are moving along for us (even if it seems like an eternity)!
Vesper, 3.5kg already! =D

Kendra, HOLLY SWOLLEN FEET, I totally hear you! Granted, my BP has gone up. but my feet and my hand are so swollen, my fingers hurt when I make a fist :(
my ankles are MIA. I put on 4 lbs in a week and there is NO WAY it's baby and fat, it's mostly water. I hope I drop 20 lbs of water after birth :haha: I am so swollen it's ridiculous.
My husband was saying that he likes my feet now, because they are smooth and you can't see any veins, it's like barbie doll's feet :dohh:

I swear I peed 8kg out in the first week... all the extra fluids have to go somewhere. I bet you will too!
Wow, things are moving along for us (even if it seems like an eternity)!
Vesper, 3.5kg already! =D

Kendra, HOLLY SWOLLEN FEET, I totally hear you! Granted, my BP has gone up. but my feet and my hand are so swollen, my fingers hurt when I make a fist :(
my ankles are MIA. I put on 4 lbs in a week and there is NO WAY it's baby and fat, it's mostly water. I hope I drop 20 lbs of water after birth :haha: I am so swollen it's ridiculous.
My husband was saying that he likes my feet now, because they are smooth and you can't see any veins, it's like barbie doll's feet :dohh:

I have put on 4 lbs since my appointment 10 days ago and before that it was another 4 lbs in 2 weeks. When I have only gained 15 lbs total my whole pregnancy adding another 8 lbs in less than 3 weeks has me pretty stressed.

Here is a picture of my feet I took last week.. they are even worse now.


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Had my 37 week appointment today, they wouldn't check my cervix. I guess that they don't like to check before 38 weeks because it can induce labor. Well the nurse practicioner checked me at 36 weeks and I didn't go into labor so why would it matter now that I'm term?! They said I had pretty bad edema but because my BP is fine that its not a big deal. Tested positive for GBS and I don't know why that bothers me because I have had a pretty easy pregnancy and baby has been fine all the way through and I worry that somehow even though they will give me antibiotics in labor that the baby will get it somehow. And its a two night mandatory stay at my hospital if you have positive GBS. Then I did bloodwork for anemia, almost positive at this point I'm anemic from the exhaustion I've had but we will see. Have another appointment in 1 week.

However, they ordered an ultrasound for Monday. Has anyone else had one that late in the game? They didn't say baby's size was concerning but I'm wondering if that's why they are doing it.
I had a scan because my dr was concerned about baby's size... Maybe they want to confirm position? Or just to see that baby is tolerating your bp?
I think its growth/position. I just wasn't expecting one this far along. This will make 7 ultrasounds total.
I just had one yesterday and they checked the size, heartbeat, position, breathing. It's not terribly exciting since you can't see too much since baby is so big but it's nice to know things are ok. I imagine they are just checking in since you got a diagnosis.
Kendra your poor feet :hugs:
I feel for you girls who are getting all swollen up, it must be nice! :( my hands are puffy now, my wedding ring is tight when it was loose before I got pregnant and my feet get a little puffy at the end of the day but nothing like that!
The end is in sight now though!

And :happydance: I am full term today!! Baby can make an appearance if he feels like it now! ;) id still rather he waited til the 11th though, (2 weeks today eeeek!)
Congrats on full term Boothh!! Hope he stays in there till your section date!!!

I've been really lucky this pregnancy swelling-wise. My sister and cousin had to take off their rings quite early on and I know my sister had to borrow all my shoes cause her feet swelled, but I'm still wearing my rings (they are probably a teeny bit tighter than normal but I check to make sure I can get them on and off comfortably every day!) and my shoes are fine! My mum did say to me that she never had to take her rings off during pregnancy and I seem to be taking after her in most things!!

There is one thing I hope I don't get from her and that's that all of her babies were overdue!! EEk!
Mrsrof mine will still go on and off fine but I just wear it when I leave the house now instead of all the time cus it's abit tight I keep getting a rash with it rubbing so I don't wear it all the time now x
Boothh, full term! :happydance:

Swelling is a b**** :haha:
my rings had to come off at 32 week (they used to be somewhat loose just the week before) and I haven't work anything but sneakers (or trainers or running shoes, whatever the word is around the world) regardless of what the rest of the outfit looks like.
But, there are way worse things that could have happened: I have no varicose vain, no constipation, no headaches, I've been in a great mood the whole pregnancy... I think I can't complain.

Kendra, they probably want to check on the position and the size? I don't know =S
Like Vesper said, US this far along aren't much fun, baby is too big. You end up seeing a foot here, an arm there, it's like a Mr. potato Head inside your uterus =P

My mom gets here next week :happydance: I haven't seen her at all this pregnancy, although we talk and skype every day. I hadn't realized how much I missed her until now!
hahaha, Nits ' Mr Potato head! So true! :haha:

MrsRof: My mom went overdue with all her babies too, and Im positive im going overdue with this one! Despite 3 dr's telling me since 37 weeks that they think baby will be an early bird,2 VERY favorable sweeps and loads of regular contractions, Peanut has persistently stayed stuck. My OH is driving me nuts, refusing to accept that Peanut is going to be stubborn and stay in as long as s/he is able to!
hahaha, Nits ' Mr Potato head! So true! :haha:

MrsRof: My mom went overdue with all her babies too, and Im positive im going overdue with this one! Despite 3 dr's telling me since 37 weeks that they think baby will be an early bird,2 VERY favorable sweeps and loads of regular contractions, Peanut has persistently stayed stuck. My OH is driving me nuts, refusing to accept that Peanut is going to be stubborn and stay in as long as s/he is able to!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that your LO gets a move on!!! I last saw my midwife at 36 weeks and she basically said "I wouldn't get your hopes up, most first babies (4 out of 5 apparently!!) come after their due dates".

Every morning DH asks me "Are we going to have a baby today?" and every morning I say "probably not love" so he gets up and goes to work. Cannot wait till I can tell him that YES, we will be having a baby today!!

I apparently was one week late and didn't need to be induced. I could deal with that I think, although I am ridiculously uncomfortable so would prefer if I didn't have to wait that long! Have midwife on tuesday...hoping she'll do a sweep then!!

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