*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

I was 3 days over with Earl and he eventually arrived at 5 days overdue (43 hours of labour in total). I think this one will go slightly over too, just because they put my dates so far forward at the beginning.

Luckily I haven't really swollen but I took my rings off weeks ago because I just prefer them not to be on to get stuck lol.
I had both my boys at 41 weeks. I started at 40+6. I dont know about this one, part of my just presumes she'll be a 41 weeker too, but then I, getting mad BH and cramps and feel as though it could be any day !
I dont wear my rings unless I go out anyway as I have bad excema on my fingers so i tend to wear cream a lot x
Ouch, FF, Excema can be painful!

So, part of me want to go into labor naturally instead of having a scheduled c-section. Even if I do end up needing a cesarean. I have the hope she may turn last minute.
Everyone who's had a c-section before (including my mom) tells me I'm insane. They all say it's a lot better to have it scheduled than to have to endure labor and top if off with surgery.
It makes sense but I hate the idea of rushing her if she isn't ready. I also want to know what labor feels like, even if it is for just a little bit.

Not to mention, I am pissed that no-one will even try to deliver a frank breech baby vaginally. The risks are supposed to be almost as low as a head-first delivery. So, i already think this c-section could be avoided, tbh.

I find it funny that you all want to know when baby is coming out and I am mad that I know exactly when I'll have her :haha:
I guess women CAN be difficult =P
Jesse was born on his due date! I loved it, me and dh went out on the Friday night for food, and the waiter asked us what we were doing this weekend, I said giving birth lol, and said this was the last supper haha! I went into labour while we were at the cinema and had him the next afternoon on his due date! So good cus I'd spent all pregnancy with that date in my head and then he was actually born on it! :) this time will be exactly 1 week early if all goes to plan which is fine by me too! So I've never experienced going over due! Can't stay I'd want to either though x
Nic: I want a baby this weekend too!!

Nits: any chance of baby turning in these last few weeks? Did you have a look at the website spinningbabies.com? They have a few exercises to get baby to turn late in pregnancy. Might be worth a look, and hey, if it works, you can join us in the impatient "when will this kid vacate" waiting game!

On the swelling front, I haven't had a bit of fluid retention, its almost weird, I figured with the amount of milk/water I drink that I would have some...
Nits: any chance of baby turning in these last few weeks? Did you have a look at the website spinningbabies.com? They have a few exercises to get baby to turn late in pregnancy. Might be worth a look, and hey, if it works, you can join us in the impatient "when will this kid vacate" waiting game!

I actually had my first acupunture session today for moxibustion to make her turn! I don't know if it will work but she was definitely moving like crazy during the session.

After leaving the session, feeling super relaxed, I got into a car accident :haha:
It was nothing, we were both pulling out of opposite parking spaces in a very narrow parking lot. it was just the rear bumpers that got scratched. :dohh:
Good grief! I hope that's all it was, I probably would have still went to L and D to get checked out just cause I'm so crammed up in the steering wheel now LOL.

Ok ladies... I am having LOADS of cramping.. I am hoping this means something, its a lot different than period cramping or gas pains... its very low.

I would love to have this baby this weekend though! My husband wants May 11 so bad, and that's horrible for me since my college graduation is May 12! I do not want to be in the hospital it took me 10 years to get that degree and I'm going to walk pregnant or not!
How annoying! We packed all our stuff up to move in September, and it's all been in various places since, we moved here in February and we've had no car for a whole so finally got the car back on the road been and picked up some stuff from grandads...
Found 5 bin bags of my clothes, 2 of which are mainly maternity clothes from Jesse :dohh: I've been getting by on about 3 main outfits all this bloody time!! Can't believe it haha, ah well I might as well sell them now seeing as I won't be needing them for a few years and buy myself some new things when the baby arrives x
anything happening Kendra? I hope no news is good news!! I wouldn't want to miss my grad either... I honestly think I would take that walk IN LABOUR!

Nothing new here - still having LOADS of braxton hicks, like 6-8 an hour, but they never progress! Its like my body is trying to go into labour, but it just can't...so I wait...lol
anything happening Kendra? I hope no news is good news!! I wouldn't want to miss my grad either... I honestly think I would take that walk IN LABOUR!

Nothing new here - still having LOADS of braxton hicks, like 6-8 an hour, but they never progress! Its like my body is trying to go into labour, but it just can't...so I wait...lol

Im so similar to you. BH all the time, but not painful. im sure something has to kick off soon. With me I bet it happens all of a sudden. With Noah I just went to bed and my waters broke at 2am and he was born at 4.56am .
I'm starting to think I'll go over now xx
Its soooo frustrating! I think im going to be REALLY overdue. I'm just tired of getting my hopes up with all these contractions. OH seems to think that Im supposed to deliver before my due date... no matter how many times I tell him that most babies arrive AFTER he refuses to believe that baby is gonna be late!
I've decided to think she'll come at 41 like James and Noah and any sooner will be a bonus. I see the MW at 40 weeks on wed and then she'll arrange a sweep x
Ladies, I too am getting painfully uncomfortable. It seems to be from about 10pm that baby makes my life incredibly uncomfortable. Last night I was nigh on in tears from the discomfort. I get contractions, 1 or 2, that last about 30 minutes! The go all around the bump, my back and my legs and make it impossible to sit or lie comfortably until I simply pass out - I had to take 2 paracetamol last night and it still took them an hour to kick in. Last night I think my hubby actually thought we'd be visiting the hospital as I was faint, looked like death and was practically writhing around the bed. I'm fine in the morning though (bar the tiredness) but I'm having to take an hours nap in the afternoon (have discovered that if I take Earl with me, he will happily sit and watch cbeebies next to me the entire time, until he gets bored, then he'll wake me up by giving me cuddles. I think he knows something I don't though. He keeps coming up to me, lifting my top to give the baby cuddles - normal lol - and then looking and saying 'baby still there, mummy ok?'. 6th sense or what?! lol

Despite all this, I still think I'm going overdue. I just think I'm going to have to find a solution to these contractions. Hubby thinks it's baby engaging because I'm lying down, and then when I get up and get on with my day, baby pops back out again. :shrug:
Booth :dohh: I can't believe you just found a ton of maternity clothes you forgot you had!

Everyone else, I am sorry you are in pain =(
I'm a few weeks behind you, so still feeling mostly fine. I did wake up today with a ton of pressure on my pelvis but that's all.

Hope these babies get here soon :hugs:
bumpin- wouldn't 6-8 an hour be enough to go in and get checked? I was under the impression it was either every 5 minutes or more than 5 in an hour. Having said that though I probably wouldn't go in either cause they would turn me away.

No nothing good here, I was in quite a bit of pain last night but it seems going to sleep stopped everything... I was reading horror stories about women losing their babies at full term because they didn't go in when the baby's movements changed and it put me in a sour mood last night so I got offline really quick... baby is moving around quite a bit though he has a preference to what position he stays in most of the day and I think because of how I slept last night he scooted to the other side of my belly and has been trying to get back to his regular spot all morning LOL
Kendra: I was in the assessment unit sunday night for decreased movement. I was having bh while being monitored, and no one was concerned. I mentioned the ongoing bh to my dr at my last appointment and she said that they are nothing to worry about.

I think they are more concerned about bh before 37 weeks as they can progress to preterm labour.
Isn't that frustrating as hell? I have tons of BH every time I was in there and they never said anything either :(
I just wish they would either progress to something real, or just go away.
Hope you are all doing well! I finally moved but have no Internet yet :( moving was hell but things are better now. Spending all Sunday waiting for Iowa to deliver my new couch tomorrow.

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