*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

:hi: everyone sorry not been on today to catch up properly I hope you are all okay :hugs: I have been busy cleaning the house organising everything and painting DD's room as she is at my parents for the weekend! We went out last night and it was lovely - meal and avengers at cinema! :yipee:

My sweep yday was the most hideous thing in the world and doesn't seem to have done a thing so a bit disappointed! Also the hospital is heaving with women so looks like I may not be induced in the morning now either so will have to rearrange for another day! :cry: bit annoyed as we were keeping it quiet as my parents have DD and won;t have childcare now and it is just frustrating when you get your head around it and it doesn't happen! :shrug:

Anyway what will be will be!

Sorry that post was all about meeeeeee!!!!! But I did read everyones posts and glad everyone is doing okay if not fed up too :hugs:
Kendra: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! What's your degree on??? :happydance:

Vesper: I'm happy you and DH are feeling better =D

Jenna: That sounds frustrating. At least you got a night out.
We tried having a date night today with movies but I can't stand being out for too many hours. We ended up driving around and having pizza at a cute little diner somewhere in the middle of the woods :haha:

Anti: Hope things start happening soon =D I've no idea what the correlation between the bloody show and contractions is.

zombina: nice to see you again! You haven't posted in a while. Hang in there, not too much longer now :hugs:

Soooo, I was putting this photo album together with my belly progression. DH looks at this photo of me at 16 weeks and, without thinking, says "wow, you were hot!" :dohh:
He'll never hear the end of it now. He doesn't understand how telling me I was hot got him into trouble. He tried fixing it by telling me I have a beautiful pregnancy glow now :haha::haha:
I feel like a beach ball. I've really enjoyed my pregnancy body and have no complaints but I am ready to go back to my normal self (or as close as possible, at least)
I have a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology, and graduated with honors :) Very proud of myself. Made some serious cash from family today too. Which is great because we are pretty financially strapped because of me being on maternity leave and hubby losing his unemployment.
Congrats Kendra! Big day for you!

For all of us overdue or waiting for induction, soon soon soon! But yes, every minute is an hour, no? :)

And lastly, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!
happy mother's day!!!!

kendra, you should be proud!!! sorry things are hard money wise.

i am thinking this pelvis thing may be spd. rolling over in bed or getting up is so painful i was almost in tears.
on the positive side, i made one boob leak a little bit. I know it sounds gross but it made me ridiculously happy to know that they work :haha:
All the baby dreams I'm having lately have to do with breastfeeding.
Thanks. Ana sounds like you had a lovely time that pizza place sounds d's lovely.......it does sound like beginnings of special hun xxxxx hope it goes

Well I am off in for induction will try and keep updating no one knows so please no one post anything on my Facebook xxx thanks and hope you're all wellxx
I can't remember why it is that nobody knows you're getting induced? Why would you want that? I'm just curious cause it confuses me :(
Still nothing to report from my side!! Still got niggly pains but that's all. Nothing new! :(

Happy mothers day to the ladies in the states and aus and Africa and everywhere except the UK I think!!
Good luck Jai_Jai!!!!!!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the American and Canadian Mommies! Hope you get some nice pressies :)

I am going to take a quick bath, then DH, B and I are going out to run some errands. Have to wear my super sexy :roll: velcro belt as been having some ouch spd pains. Hope you all have a great day!

Congrats Kendra! I also have a degree in Criminal Justice but my minor is Sociology. It was a great degree :)
Good Luck Jai Jai :hugs:
Hope everyone is well and your babies arrive soon!! I am going to updat the first post but I need time to write down names, weights etc so might be this evening.

Well done Kendra :happydance:
Nesting overload here! lol

Cleaned the whole house from top to bottom, including all those jobs I hate like vacuuming the stairs and cleaning the bathroom lol. Just can't help it. I feel like I want to make sure that it's clean so that I don't come home to a pile of washing, or a dirty bathroom.....weird as I really don't feel like I'm going to go anytime soon. Woke up in agony twice last night - felt like my pelvis was on fire!

Hope everyone is ok - hope the babies are doing well and everyone is recovering nicely. I think there's only about 4 or 5 of us left to go now. Is anyone else left to pop finding it all a bit surreal that now there are babies being born, and soon ours will be too. Hubby turned to me the other night and said that 'it'll be weird to have 2' and it's been lurking in my head that actually, yes it will be lol. Doesn't seem like 9 months though....really has flown.
Jenna I hope this is it for you!

Aimee, I was keeping my house super clean until my mom got here,now she took it upon herself to clean everything and I don't mind one bit :haha:
She's cleaning the kitchen drawers right now.

Last night I dreamt that Amy gave me a mother's day card, I was crying in my dream. I woke up with a smile :)

OT: tomorrow is my birthday!! Unless she comes today, which I'm not planning on, I'll be 27 when my baby is born. I just hope she doesn't come tomorrow, I want her to have her own birthday.
I think it's beginning to dawn on me that somewhere in my mind I was rather convinced that this baby was coming this weekend or more specifically on Mother's Day! With every passing hour it's becoming less and less likely. I'm trying not to feel disappointed but I do a little. OH also thought this and is pretty bummed about having to go to work tomorrow! :haha: Well, maybe tonight? The suspense of not knowing is the worst!
It's so hard to believe right now that she will be here tomorrow. With my daughter I went 5 days over due. I keep worrying that she will be to little or something. Told LO I will be going to the hospital and she keeps going around saying mommy going to hospital to get a boo boo :haha:

I have so much cleaning to do and OH parents are coming today.. secretly I kind of can't wait just because his mom will go on some sort of cleaning spree and help me :blush:
I just have to say I am thrilled how fast my baby weight came off. I am already down to pre-pregnancy weight in 8 days. I had soooo much water weight! My stomach is obviously a different shape but it actually looks BETTER under clothes than my stomach used to be because my stomach was a little pot belly and now that its sagging a little it can be flattened a bit under jeans better. Isn't that sad LOL
Vesper, don't be too disappointed, he'll be here soon.

Kendra, do u mind if I ask u how much u lost? I saw nic's post today saying the exact same thing. I'm hoping it kind f happens to me, I think I have like ten lbs of water alone.

Just wondering, I don't want to make a big deal of it.
Hi Ladies!!! Sorry I have been MIA for a while! I have been trying to keep up on my phone which is a pain to post with!

Vesper: Im glad you are feeling relaxed about this birth. I hope its an easy one for you, after the traumatic one you had with your first baby

Becki: Your little man is soooo cute! congrats! How is your first baby handling his new brother? Im glad that your section went well!

Kendra: Congrats on your degree! You're brave to step on the scale! I haven't although I can get into my prepregnacy jeans. I still have a little jelly belly, so as soon as things settle around here im going to get back to they gym!

Nic: Welcome to the world Saskia! I love her name! Im glad your birth was all that you had wanted! I saw her pictures on fb and she is just too cute!

Happy Mothers Day to all those who are celebrating today!

I've finally gotten a moment to sit down at the computer to type up my birth story:

As you all know, I'd been in slow labour for weeks, and was getting very frustrated with all the contractions and false starts. Sunday (May 6) started as usual, OH and I took the dogs to the park to run around and burn off some energy, and we had planned to go and watch a movie that OH really wanted to see, planning on catching the last show of the evening. When we got home from the park, we DTD, and shortly after the contractions were a bit painful, but felt the same as my previous false starts had felt. A few hours later, they were still really painful, so I decided to have a bath to see if that would help. I told OH that if the pains continued, I didn't think I would be able to go and dit through the movie, and if they were still hurting in hour I wanted to go in and be seen. at 630 pm I decided to go in and be seen.

So we got to the hospital, and we were admitted to the early labour unit. My OB was the dr on call, so she can and checked my cervix, and I was thrilled to hear that I was actually in labour, I was 4 cm dilated. We were told to head on out, walk around for 2 hours and come back in to have my progress checked. We went to the car so that I could toss my purse in the trunk, only to find some jackass had thrown a rock through the passenger window and stolen about 75 cents worth of change, dug through the glove box and took off with our GPS! Thankfully they didn't get into the trunk, cause we had a $1500 camera in there!

So our good friends (and baby's godparents) came to the hospital, she walked with me for 2 hours while he and my OH dealt with the car insurance, police and finally took the damaged car home and swapped it for my car.

When I went back upstairs, I was only 5 cm, and I told my dr that I wasn't going home, that our car had been broken into and I wasn't leaving without a baby! :haha: We decided to break my water to help speed things along.

I had my water broken at 11pm, and My GOODNESS did the contractions start to hurt after that!! I plugged along through the pain until 1 am, and when I was checked again, I was only about 5.5 cm. So I got an epidural, because there was no way I was going to be able to take the pain for several more hours. I think if I hadn't had my water broken, I may have been able to cope better, but looking back I have no regrets. My Epidural took an hour to kick in, but in that hour I had gotten to 7 cm.

At this point, I had a large gush of fluid. The nurse checked the pad, and apparently it was all blood. I was quickly reattached to the fetal monitor as they were thought I was having a placental abruption. Thankfully baby's heartrate was perfect, so my dr decided to monitor me and baby. I guess the resident was really pushing for a emergency c section, and my nurse was fighting to allow me a vaginal delivery, but I dont remember any of that discussion. By 330 am, I was 10 cm dilated and ready to start pushing. Baby's heartrate had stayed perfect, so I got to have my vaginal delivery.

Gabriel James was born at 501 am, weighing 6lbs, 13oz, and 22 inches long. When he came out, he was white as the sheets, but screaming his little head off. It took a few minutes, but he did pink up nicely. When they delivered my placenta, they were able to confirm that I had a partial abruption, but not bad enough to have bothered Gabe at all!

Since his birth we have been struggling with breastfeeding. during the 2 days I was in the hospital he refused the boob, and screamed bloody murder every time I tried to feed him. He was very sleepy, we had to go as far as putting cold wet cloths on him just to wake him up. I was able to express a bit of colostrum to feed it to him on my fingertips and after several nurses trying to get him to latch, we decided to start pumping to stimulate the breasts because he just wasn't doing it. Our first night home was a complete nightmare. OH woke up with me, he fed Gabe a bottle while I pumped the next feed. I spent 2 days crying because nothing I did could get this boy on the boob! I had a public health nurse come by (standard thing here) and talked to her about the trouble I was having. After about 20 mins, she managed to get him to accept the boob using a nipple shield. We are still having some issues, but most of his feeds are from the boob. I am still pumping so that OH can give him a bottle while I get some sleep, or run a few errands. I haven't had to supplement with formula yet. When we left the hospital he weighed 6 lbs 3 oz, and he is getting weighed on tuesday at his first drs appt. So hopefully he has gained some weight. I know he is getting something to eat, his jaundice is clearing, and he is much more alert (no more cold wet cloths!) but I am still worried that he is not getting enough. I know you cant really tell with breastfed babies, but I am a worrier.

Anyways, sorry its so long! Here's some photos of my little monkey!
Congrats bumpin he is gorgeous :)

Vesper- I hope your LO makes an apperance soon

Purple- Good luck!!

Aimee- I'm always cleaning at the moment but it never stays tidy :rofl: x

My sister in law had her baby last night she was 5 days overdue and she weighed 9lb 5 :) I'm really happy for her as she was so fed up but it makes me want my baby boy now :hissy:

Is anyone else starting to get uncomfy and feeling like this is never going to end?
Bumpin he is gorgeous! Well done! What a great birth story :)

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