*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Thanks for the congratulations!! :hugs:

Officially letting you all know as some are not on FB that our very tiny :yellow: bump turned into a big 8lb 8oz :blue: bump via a 3hr water birth on Sunday 13th May- it was all totally perfect! I would recommend water to anyone! :yipee: I also didn't have to have any stitches this time which I am so thrilled about!! We named our :blue: bundle of joy Tobi Jos!

As for Sweeps - I wouldn't have them again (we aren't having anymore but if we did have another baby I wouldn't have a sweep) I had 3 with DD and 3 again with DS and none of them work, I think the women they must work for prob would go into labour anyway.....but that is just my opinion.

We are doing really well, Tobi has a tongue tie and although not as bad as his sisters was (hers was 100%) it definitely is effecting feeding and my nipples are already very sore!! He has lost 6.5% of his birth weight so we are getting the tongue tie snipped tomorrow to help with his latch, but apart from that everything is going well, he is doing brilliantly and I feel great :yipee:

Kendra - I didn't want people to know I was being induced as it can take days to have the baby with induction and I didn't want the constant nagging/texting and questions asking if baby had arrived yet :dohh: bad enough when you're overdue so I would imagine it to be worse when being induced plus I like the excitement and surprise of telling everyone baby is here :)

Hope everyone is doing really well and that more babies come soon! Congrats to anyone else I may have missed who has had their baby over the weekend :hugs: xx
Hi all,

Nothing at all to report here!

Congratulations Jai_Jai! :thumbup:

Modo - good luck, hope you start to progress :flower:

Nits - hope you're doing ok. I was back in my pre-pregnancy clothes within 2 weeks - we went to my MIL's at 10 days PP and I was in my normal clothes. Hoping for the same again, but I'm hoping to go clothes shopping before our holiday in July too lol.

Vesper - Hope you're ok too xx

Relative of ours (think I've mentioned before that she would be going in to be induced due to failure to thrive) went naturally on Monday. Little girl born at 10.10pm, 5lb5oz, named Jemima Anne. So pleased for her - don't know how her labour was (I'm sure we'll find out soon as we're going to a party on that side of the family on 3rd June) but I now kind of feel like everyone is bored of waiting lol. I'm not even at my EDD yet lol. :dohh:
Jenna, I'm so happy you got a water birth =D
I don't know if they'd let me try a water birth for a vbac next time? Oh well, I'm not going to worry about my next delivery :haha:
It's awesome you didn't need any stitches either. And I'm glad they'll take care of the latching issue.

Had an NST today and baby girl is doing great. She's a happy little girl, bouncing up and down in my belly. They didn't even bother with an u/s giving that I'm going in on thursday anyway.

Aimee, how's your SPD or was it Jenna that had it? :dohh: aaargh I hate it when I get all confused.

Two more sleeps now (if I can sleep at all, that is :haha:)
Hi Ladies!!

I haven't been on in a bit but I would like to announce the birth of my daughter Isabella Rose!! Born on May 4th, at 9:04pm. 7lbs 9oz, 20 inches long!!

The worst part was pushing and I had to get an episiotomy : (
Still in a bit of pain but worth every second of it!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to everyone on their may babies and the ladies still waiting to give birth to their precious babies... good luck!! :hugs:

Good to know I'm not the only one still in pain. I didn't have an episiotomy because they thought he would be fine coming out but I ended up tearing instead. Everything I had read said it would be getting better by now but it's only a little better. Dr said today I'm healing nicely but he refilled my pain meds for me without question so I guess it isn't that off for me to still be in pain.
Kendra did you have a catheter placed? I am feeling such discomfort in the top area of my V?! I was wondering if that was normal pain after a vaginal delivery or if it could be an effect of the catheter. It is such an uncomfortable feeling standing up and sitting down and i get a weird painful sensation when I have to pee.

ANy advice ladies?

I just want to feel good so I can enjoy every moment!!!!!
YES! I had a catheter in for an extra day because I couldn't pee after delivering. Did you too? My Dr said everything was fine so I guess its just extended pain from the catheter. I dunno.
Jules, she's beautiful. Congrats!!!!
Sorry you girls are in pain.
Yay for more birth announcements! And yes, I have officially reached the jealous stage... my son's birth started at 40+5 which is today for this one so I'm hoping he follows suit. Midwife this morning to check up on things...
Yay for more birth announcements! And yes, I have officially reached the jealous stage... my son's birth started at 40+5 which is today for this one so I'm hoping he follows suit. Midwife this morning to check up on things...

maybe our little ones will share their birthdays!

I am beyond excited and anxious now. Today it finally hit me that we are bringing our daughter home and she will be with us forever (minus college and all that :haha:)
Haha Ana about the college comment. Maybe they will share a birthday. I have a funny feeling the labor will start today but I'm refusing to let myself get too hopeful. I've had some cramping and my cervix is sore. There are a lot more sensations going on than in previous days so that can only be good at this point but it could be over a week still... I MUST remember that! I just hope not.
Hi guys again I've not caught up properly but just wanted to update you all on teddy,

He has a clicky hip which I forgot to mention I think and needs to go for an ultra sound on soon,

Also we are BF but it isn't going very well, he lost 13% of his birth weight on Monday, and yesterday he had lost another 1oz so he's gone from 7lbs 4oz to 6lbs 4oz! A whole pound. :(
We are havin latching trouble and I am expressing at the moment and cup/ syringe feeding him. I'm waiting for the mw now and if he's lost anything else we have to go back to hospital today, he's also pretty jaundiced so were abit worried about him xx
Boothh - sorry to hear about the troubles with feeding. Hope the midwife is helpful :hugs: With the clicky hip don't worry. Earl had to go for a scan at 6ish weeks and got the all clear. They check literally EVERYONE that has the slightest click.

Nice day here today - thinking park and ice-cremas it's that nice lol. EDD tomorrow - off for my freebie scans if I'm still in once piece. TBH I'm feeling very settled and not a niggle or a pain - darn it! lol. Have kind of said that as of Friday evening I will be taking to my bed in an attempt to stave off labour lol. Hubby has exams on Mon, Tues and Wed, so I'm not allowed to go into labour before Wednesday lunchtime! lol Baby has got til Friday tea time to start their 'approach', but then the roads are closed for 4-5 days lol. Obviously, if they choose to come (Earl was born on 40+5 and I'm 40 weeks tomorrow lol) there's not a lot we can do, but would rather not have to put hubby through re-sits :dohh:

Vesper- hope you're right about it starting today for you again. :thumbup:

Nits - I think it was Jenna, I've had bad hips and SI but nothing like SPD (Don't think I'd be able to cope with it so consider myself very lucky). How are you feeling? Nervous?

Kendra - I had stitches with Earl on a small scratch/tear and while it healed great, even now it still gives me a little bit of agro. I have to be careful sometimes and I can feel it pulling - I think a nerve got exposed or something. I'm worried it will re-open in birth but the MW has said they're prepared for that. Not trying to worry you, but the 'painful' bit does take a while to go, while the healing can take very little time at all. :hugs:

Congrats to everyone and hope we're all ok.
got my sweep today... arghhh! Am terrified of what the next few days are going to bring :( xx
Also we are BF but it isn't going very well, he lost 13% of his birth weight on Monday, and yesterday he had lost another 1oz so he's gone from 7lbs 4oz to 6lbs 4oz! A whole pound. :(
We are havin latching trouble and I am expressing at the moment and cup/ syringe feeding him. I'm waiting for the mw now and if he's lost anything else we have to go back to hospital today, he's also pretty jaundiced so were abit worried about him xx

I'm sorry to hear that things are off to a bit of a rough start. Good that it's being monitored and hopefully things will look up soon!

Vesper- hope you're right about it starting today for you again. :thumbup:

Kendra - I had stitches with Earl on a small scratch/tear and while it healed great, even now it still gives me a little bit of agro. I have to be careful sometimes and I can feel it pulling - I think a nerve got exposed or something. I'm worried it will re-open in birth but the MW has said they're prepared for that. Not trying to worry you, but the 'painful' bit does take a while to go, while the healing can take very little time at all. :hugs:

Thanks. I tore too and am a little concerned about this time but I know that it's very clearly in my papers that the nurses and doctor need to be vigilant.

Had a midwife appt this morning and everything seems fine. I gained another kg in a week and my hemoglobens are the lowest they've been so far even though I've been taking a suppliment everyday. I guess it's nothing to be too concerned over at the moment. Oh well. :shrug:
Just stopping back by to whine and moan and complain since I've been trying to avoid doing it on FB. People and their stupid comments and questions just infuriate me. Oh, and then the people who "like" statuses where you are clearly expressing misery... I thought it safer to come here. WHY IN THE HELL can't this boy arrive now? Just found out that my friend who was my number 1 caretaker if I needed someone to come over in the night can no longer help either. He daughter has chicken pox or some other childhood disease which we don't really want my toddler to have with a newborn around... stressed about the nights now. Great.
Sorry to hear that Vesper :hugs: I hope everything works out and you find some one else to watch your son :hugs:

Booth: hope everything works of with the bfing :hugs: :hugs:

Not many twinges today. Saw my doula who reckons that it's my body getting ready for labour. Doesn't mean I'll have baby soon which I am fine with as we have so much stuff to do. It's my son's birthday party on Sunday. My Mom is now in the country wich gives me some peace of mind about going into labour overnight. House is coming together well. So I am pleased about that :)
Kendra, I had to have it re placed also because I couldn't Pee after delivering either. Hoping the soreness is just from that although I tore a bit up top :(
Starting to wonder how much worse a c section is?! Considering it for baby number two when it comes time.
:happydance::happydance:My waters just broke at 7:30pm (Finnish time - that's 2 hrs ahead of the UK for example) :happydance::happydance:

No contractions yet though but at least I know he's on his way! NO COMMENTS ON FB PLEASE! :thumbup:

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