*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Purple, how do they remove the staples, do you know? Glad you a recovering well too.
I felt great all day yesterday but think I overdid it, by the end of the night my belly was pretty sore.

Aimee, not boring at all! Keep the updates coming! Amy was born at 39+1, that's why she's so tiny. She always measured on the smaller side too. Both me and DH were 7 lbs at birth so we weren't that big either.

Amy has been amazing, she's sleeping five hours at a time. We fell asleep at midnight and I didn't wake up until 4. She's making some noise now but not really awake. It's feeding tie when she wakes up.
BFing is a bit challenging but I think we are getting it. She didn't gain or lose any weight today, which is good :)
ah nits sounds like you've got a chilled out baby there!

I've been wedding shopping with my mum today - hoping to get a few more bits organised before baby comes as wedding planning will go out the window when she does. Also went to a daisy birthing class and had a tour round our local maternity unit incase the hb doesnt go to plan.

It amazes me how there are no beds at our maternity ward - they really arent keen on you trying to lie down during labour which from what I've heard is a good thing - i just thought hospitals would still be sticking to the same old routine of lay on your back and push it out but our local seems to be really upto date :)
Frangi - which hospital is that? I'm hoping to go to the midwife led maternity birthing unit, which is a completely different ethos to a normal labour and delivery unit. Earl was born in an MLBU and it's brilliant. They concentrate on you using the normal birthing instincts, aromatherapy, massage, active birthing, water etc etc and help you to get on with the job at hand without much interference. There are no Dr's as such, and no epidurals are available. If you have an emergency they transfer you to the normal unit. The rooms at the MLBU I had Earl in had kidney shaped 'cushion beds' that were intended as support, not to have you on your back lol :thumbup:

Happy wedding planning! When is the big day?

What's a daisy birthing class?
one of the best things i figured out is not setting alarms or waking baby up to feed, been letting him wake up on his own and i get soooo much more sleep that way!!

My little man is 2 weeks old today! In some ways it feels like each individual day drags on and on, and then altogether it feels like its totally flown!

The Dr's are very pleased with his weight gain- they want the baby to be at birth weight again by 2 weeks old. By 10 days he was 2.5 ounces over birth weight and today at 2 weeks he is 5.5 ounces over birth weight, at 7lbs 1 oz :)

As for me, I tried very hard to breast feed, after a few days it was obvious that I wasn't producing as much as the little guy wanted and he and I would sit up all night being so frustrated with everything. Gradually I was supplementing formula and finally two days ago I pulled the plug on breast feeding. I attribute his awesome weight gain to the formula. Honestly, my theory is if baby is happy and mom is happy, that there is going to do more good for this child than the bond of breastfeeding, especially when it isn't really a bond when both mom and baby are irritable, tired and stressed. My demeanor and attitude has changed a 180 since I went to formula and it allows dad and grandma more freedom to come and help me out when I need a break and we don't have to work our lives around each feeding.

I'm glad I stopped when I did because I haven't totally ruined the idea of breast feeding. When we try for another I will give it another go. If I would have tried for a few more weeks I could have ended up hating it so much that I wouldn't have given my future children a go at it. Luckily I found a lot of support on BnB for mothers who gave up on breast feeding for whatever reason (I haven't pumped or breast fed in over 24 hours and I'm not even engorged, just a little sore, which means I am really not producing anything at all) and my family supports me 100%. I have had a few snarky people make comments about formula feeding but honestly I gave him my colustrum when he was first born which is the best stuff for him, and when I get really engorged I will manually pump enough to take the pain away and maybe have some stored to give him a breast milk bottle every now and then. But I am happy with my choice.
Nits I had my staples removed by the community mw the first time she came. She had a tool that looked like round nose pliers but don't worry it didn't hurt at all.
I googled staple removal today. It looks slightly scary lol.. Im sure it won't be to bad. Im getting annoyed by them any way. The incesion feels and looks fine but the staples where they are sting a bit when i try cleaning it or move to fast.
Ladies, I wrote my birth story! We are still in the hospital but I am thinking we'll go home tomorrow. Amy is BFing great, and I am recovering really well. I actually had a bowel movement today, which make me way happier than it should :haha:
Anyway, here's my birth story, sorry it's so long!

My birth story

At 33 weeks, I was diagnosed with pregnancy-induced hypertension and was sent for a growth ultrasound. They found that my amniotic fluid was also on the lower side (at 8) and my LO was breech. They had me start my maternity leave right then and I had to go in twice a week to check the fluid and my blood pressure.
At one point at 35 weeks my fluid went down to 5. We thought she might be born that day but luckily it went back up. Because of the low amniotic fluid, she never turned. I tried with an acupuncturist and a chiropractor but no luck. They scheduled my c-section for May 17th, at 39+1.
The day before was a mix of unexplainable feelings. We got the hospital at 6 in the morning. They started me on an IV (it took them 4 tries and it left bruises) and then my OB comes in. She told us that we couldn’t use the OR at 8:30, as scheduled, since there was a woman in labor who was trying for a VBAC and they had to reserve the OR for her, just in case she needed an emergency c-section. She was only 4 cm dilated by then, for all we knew it could take all day for her to dilate.
We went back to the room. I couldn’t eat or drink anything, which was the worst part. I took a nap and woke up at around 11 am. Shortly after that, the OB comes in and tells us the other patient was being wheeled to the OR. I felt bad she couldn’t get her VBAC but it was a relief to know I would have my surgery soon.
They took DH and I back to the waiting room outside the OR and they brought me there at around 2 pm. The spinal wasn’t painful but it was scary. I was afraid I would move and be paralyze for life. The nurses and the midwife were WONDERFUL. They kept telling me I was doing great and tried to get my mind off things. It took a while but the spinal started to kick in, my legs felt nice, warm and tingly. I think I was already crying by then. After the spinal was done, they brought my DH in and started the surgery.

Baby was out in a matter of minutes. Amelia was born at 2:25 pm on May 17th. They brought her to the warmer, she cried on her own but needed a little bit of oxygen because she was blue. Soon they gave her to my husband, and he put her right next to me. I gave her a lot of little nose kisses. They were taken back to the room and they took me to a recovery room for an hour.
Maybe it was because I was prepared for it, but the whole experience was really positive. Being in the recovery room for an hour actually felt good, and time went by super fast, it only seemed like 5 minutes. As soon as I could move my legs, they took me to my room and my new family =)
All the doctors and nurses were extremely nice. We are at a birthing center, they don’t even have a nursery so baby rooms in with us. We have a private room (with room service, haha). Even though I had dreamed of a water birth, my delivery was actually great. I don’t feel I missed out on anything and I bonded with her right away. My love for her grows every single day and she is breastfeeding like a champ. We are super happy =)

Thanks for reading!

Amelia Jane. Born on May 17th at 2:25 pm. 7 lbs and 20 inches long.


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Awwww Nits - what a lovely story, and so positive! Glad you're all doing well.

Kendra - glad that you're happy and doing well. I've never breastfed through my own choice, so I can't comprehend the grief that you ladies who try go through, but it sounds like you gave it your all. Don't be upset (doesn't sound like you are tbh) and enjoy your LO. Those early weeks are magical, and you only get them once. :hugs:

Why is it that the idea of the staple removal is making my stomach feel funny? lol

Well, I'm still here. No real twinges to report, but I do feel incredibly sick, and my right leg appears to have developed contortionist tendencies as I woke up feeling like it had dropped off (actually that would have been a relief lol). I'm getting a bit stressed out about the whole thing TBH......hubby is also having trouble revising (thankfully he needs minimal marks to pass (like between 20 and 30% in each exam) but you can understand.

40+3 today - this is when my labour started with Earl (in the evening, during X Factor lol) so maybe that's why I''m extra nervous today. Just have to get through til Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Gah!
Nits: what a lovely birth story :cloud9: you have me in tears. That picture of the two of you is just gorgeous :cloud9:

Purple: it's really not that bad at all. It didn't hurt me. Just don't look when they do it if you feel grossed out.

aimee-lou: good luck :hugs: Maybe today will be it for you! I really wish I could have my baby in the Natural Birthing Centre they have in my hospital but they won't let me as I am a vbac :cry: Luckily, I am a 10 min drive from the hospital so I am planning to go in very late :haha:

Kendra: Glad you are fine with your decision. I formula fed my son and he totally thrived on it.
Frangi, when is your wedding?
What is a daisy birthing class? 0.o All i can picture is daisy duck :haha:
That's really cool the labor rooms don't have a bed =D
Although, I am totally in love with my hospital bed, I am trying to figure out a way to smuggle it out of the hospital and bring it home :haha:

Kendra, I am not setting alarms either. And the nurses are very supportive of that. They told me to try to feed her every time she wants to but not push it. Especially at night, it's ok if she goes 4 or 5 hours without eating.
And about BF versus FF, you are 100% right. It is way more important to ahve a healthy baby who is gaining weight and a mother who isn't wasting all her energy trying to get a few drops of milk.
My DH can't wait until I start pumping so he can feed her as well. He's already said he feels jealous he can't feed her (and was totally serious too).
Like you say, happy mom and happy baby is all that matters.

Purple, I'm sure the removal will go just fine. Google can be the enemy sometimes O_O

Aimee, wish your hubby good luck for the next three days! Hope LO behaves and gives his dad three more days and maybe three more days for you without pain =)

I can't wait to hear your birth story and see pics =D

Modo, didn't mean to make you cry :haha: Thanks =)
I hope you can get your vbac, I will prbably try for one next time as well. Although I am more concerned about birth control than future birthing plans right now :haha::haha:

I am still checking this thread every day =)
I'm not going anywhere =)
Any news from Vesper or Becki? Both have gone very quiet! I don't have FB for either.
Aimee - they said teddy would be big and measured larger than average, he was meant to be around 9lbs 11oz at 39 weeks but he was actually 7lbs 4oz when he was born at 39 weeks, he went down to 6lbs 1oz but was 6lbs 10oz yesterday (wooo!)

I had to get people to bring us tiny baby and that's still baggy on him, he's also wearing micro baby nappies too as size 1 are just huge!

Kendra - I wish that we could leave ted to wake when he wants but because of his weight issues we are under strict instructions to make sure he's fed regularly! Once he's above birth weight though I think we will relax abit more!*
I agree too, a happy mummy means a happy baby, teddy wasnt getting enough from me, I was sore, he couldn't latch properly with his 'short tongue' and we would both end up crying for hours, I am expressing about half of his feeds now and supplementing with formula which has been great, I can see exactly the amount he drinks, I'm not stressed,
It doesn't hurt me to pump, he is gaining weight again and he is like a whole different baby! So relaxed and calm! I will carry on expressing as long as I can, I've tried to get him back on the boob too but he isn't interested but I feel happy that we tried and all that matters is that's he's healthy and happy and he wasn't while we were exclusively bf!

I just want to say to all the mummy's who are breastfeeding I think you're amazing! I really found it so hard and struggled to get the right support from the midwives etc, I really think anyone who manages to do it is brilliant! xxx

Nits - that's such a lovely birth story congratulations! :) xxx

And congratulations to all the other mummys who had popped since I last checked in! There are loads of new babies now :haha:

I can't remember what I last updated with so I'll just condense incase I've already written lol :dohh:

We had to go back to hospital with teddy he went from 7lbs 4oz to 6lbs 1oz, he was abit jaundiced too and needed some light treatment and had a mild infection which he has anti biotics for and we also now have some eye cream as he has some bacteria in his eyes which they said was a normal skin bacteria but some newborns can't cope with it so he has gunky eyes!
He is doing really well though now were home and I mentioned above we are combination feeding now! Every day I exclusively bf he was losing weight so that says to me I clearly wasn't giving him what he needed, I don't feel too sad about it and he's still getting some EBM every day :) he's upto 6lbs 10oz now which I'm pleased with and due to be weighed tomorrow!

I'm doing really well with my recovery too, and i weighed myself yesterday and I only have 3lbs of baby weight to lose! :happydance:

We registered teddy on Friday so he is officially named Theodore Hiro :)

Good luck everybody that hasn't had their babies yet!

A question for formula/expressing mummy's if there are any.. How much does your LO take at each feed? We struggle to get ted to take 50/60ml but the odd feed he will take about 85/90ml (mainly when it's breastmilk cus it must taste better :haha:) Jesse was on between 120/150ml at this point but he was a much bigger baby and seemed constantly hungry! I'm just curious to know, also his feeds are between every 3.5/4 hours x
I'm still reading!! I'm just so busy, who knew having 3 children could spoil your BnB time :rofl:
Hope you're all well and good luck to the ladies still to pop!!
Saskia is doing brilliantly and BF is going well, I never managed it this long with my boys so I'm pleased, but I am a gret believer in as long as yo feed your baby that's fine! I FF the boys from about 1 week and they're both strapping healthy little people.
Happy baby is Happy Mummy is Happy Baby xx
One day, when i get more than 10 seconds to myself I'll get everything updated. Did we decided to have a parenting group or just chat in here? xxxxx
Some new pictures for those not on fb x




Hi girls! Had my little girl on her due date, May 15 at 9am! Ellie Louise weighed 7 lbs, 6oz and is 20 inches long! Labor was 11 hours, no pain meds, however had a 3rd degree tear :nope:

We're home and doing good! Breastfeeding is going well but I'm so sore!!

Congrats to all other new mamas and good luck to the rest! SOON!! :hugs:

Birth story: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/b...1015455-fast-natural-first-time-due-date.html
Peg leg, congrats!!! She is a cutie!

Nic, how dare you be busy? =P
We decided we'd just keep this thread going, which is great with me. It's the only threAd I'm still checking, I haven't looked into the baby group ones yet.

Becki, teddy is really a cutie bear and he looks so big already! I am glad he's gaining weight. Amy got close to losing 10 percent of her birth weight and they were a bit concerned but they weighed her again before discharging us today and she had gained 20 grams in a few hours. We are going to the pediatrician on Monday and hopefully she will have gained more.
I have to say I really enjoy BFing, but I am very aware of how lucky I am that she took to it so easily. Like we said already, all that matters is that they eat and grow healthily.

We came home Sunday late afternoon. Dh had to work at 11 pm and we figured he deserved a nap in his own bed and I was ready to be home.
I had a good cry once we were home, though. It was much needed. Then Amy and I fell asleep at around 10:30 pm. We woke up at 2 because she was hungry and I was back to feeling awesome again. I've been riding a happiness wave :haha:

Aimee and modo, how are you girls feeling?
Vesper announced the birth of her boy on Friday, 18 th on Facebook and said the delivery went smoothly. No news since then but she looked happy.
Booth: Teddy is so gorgeous!

Pegleg: congrats :)

Nits: Glad to hear bfing is going so well :) I am doing well! Thanks for asking :hugs: Was my son's 2nd Birthday Party yesterday which was pretty exhausting! Just pretty resting today by laying on the couch watching TV :haha: My son's at nursery so have the house to myself.
I've only got bloody mastitis! :( got a prescription for antiBs now though, the doc has just been round, woke through the night with awful flu symptoms and a high fever and left boob big red patches on it got 2 blocked areas, I've tried expressing but it's not clearing the blocked areas :( it sounds really ming but even DH has had a go on they side to try get things moving and it did help abit but it cringed me out abit too much to let him do it properly :haha: think I might have to bite the bullet though and let him because the pump isn't working and teddy will not latch on :/
Modo, I can't imagine having to throw a kids bday party at 39 weeks O_O
the things we do because we love our children! :haha:

Becki, mastitis is shitty! =S
(I was going to say mastitis sucks, but it was a pretty lame pun =P)

When you say your DH had a go at it you mean manually or he was pretending to be a baby? 0.o
Either way I think it's funny and cute, haha.

DH had to go to work last night (he does the graveyard shift). He told em he wishes he could breastfeed so he could stay home with amy and I would go to work. I told him we do that when he gets a pair of boobs.
He is having some serious jealousy with the feeding thing. He's made several comments that he feels left out, or he wishes he could feed her. He's a super smart and nice guy, so he isn't mean about it or anything. I don't know how to make him feel more included. I will start pumping and giving her a bottle together with the breast in a few months. I am just a bit scared that once she grabs the bottle she won't bother with my breasts =(
We'll see...

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