May Buds and June Bug 2012 Mummy's Club

Thankyou :) temp is finally down to 36.5 and heart rate 174 at the mo. I've had a good cry and spoken to the doctor and nurses and had a cry again. She has canulas in each hand now and looks so vulnerable. Shes responding at the moment but don't reckon we'll be out of here until monday. I don't mind though, i just want her better. Really thought we were going to lose her earlier. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers :) update when i can, i'd got loads of other stuff to tell you too but then this happened! XxX
Temp and heartrate still all over the place :( apparently they usually see an improvement 24-48 hrs after the start of the antibiotics. Fingers crossed, just want my little baby well and back home. Some good news, found out shes 8lb 10 today, not so little anymore :) XxX
Any improvement over night Rose? Hope she's started responding a bit more to the antibiotics. Poor Isobelle, I can only imagine how vulnerable she looks. Hoping today brings you some good news and things start to turn around massively for you xxx
She's been a lot more settled overnight. Heartrate came down and so did temp but its back up again now. Its a one step forwards, two steps back scenario. Consultant will be back round later so hopefully more news then :) Hope everyone else is ok? XxX
Rose I hope there has been some improvement this morning and I hope the consultant has some answers for you. I know she must look so small and vulnerable just now but she is in the best place to care for her. I hope things start to improve so you can take your wee princess home again. Fab news about her weight though. Thinking of you hun :hugs:
Thanks:hugs: waiting for doctors now. Shes unsettled again and her temp went up to 39.3 had ibuprofen and calpol and its 38.3 now. Her sats keep dropping to 80's which is scaring me to death coz it sets the alarm off. Shes got diarrhoea too but i think thats due to the antibiotics. Wish i could wave a magic wand and make her better XxX
Oh my goodness ROse! poor issobelle............. and poor you. It is the most scary thing in the world having you little girl in hospital so poorly. Katie was in twice last year with pneumonia and infections and sounds pretty much like the sounds scenario. SATS un and down. have they put her on oxygen? seems fitting if her sats are going down to the 80s.
I have said a prayer for her already and i hope she feels better soon. Poor little thing, so much for such a little mite xx
Thanks megan its horrible isn't it? I've been lucky with my other two, they were never ill li,e this and never so young either. Nightmare, i honestly thought when she was acting up at home that she'd got colic, i was gonna post on here that she'd finally got it too but the poor little thing was really poorly. Anyway...... Apparently the sats reading wasn't accurate as her feet were so cold and blood supply to them was bad at that time, panic over!! Shes managed to maintain a decent temperature now for a good 3-4 hrs, really pleased. Shes been for a ct scan of her brain which was a nightmare trying to keep her still. Doctors still haven't got a clue whats wrong. Ts great about her temperature though, i'm so relieved. Shes been sick all over me twice and i havent got a change of clothes until i go home for the first time later. Just popping back for a quick bath and a few things for isobelle. I must stink! Lol. Shes had some suspicious looking spots come up on her since scan so nurse drew round them to point out to consultantwhen he finally turns up. Anyway, shes fast asleep on me at the mo, just had her amoxycillin infusion and shes feeling a normal temp to me still and not a bad colour either. Fingers crossed we're getting there slowly XxX
Oh no, hope the doctors manage to figure out what's wrong with her soon so they can treat her properly. Poor little Isobelle, she's been through so much already bless her. Keeping you both in my thoughts and hope thing turn around overnight for you. Hope Mark is being a good support for you xx
Thanks, i can't believe they dont know whats wrong :( One minute shes looking great and thd next her temps right up again, shes grey and all the doctors are round her. They told me earlier she'd lost a bit of weight since yesterday but they weren't too concerned. Shes settled in the cot at the mo. They've put her on continuous iv fluids too, difficult to pick her up with all her attachments although she ripped all her leads off her for the monitor earlier, she might be poorly but shes still feisty lol. Spoke to nurse and asked her if this is quite common, babies that dont respond to antibiotics as quickly as others and she said yes, by day 3 they're usually on the mend and go home with the canula in and a nurse comes out to your home to complete the course. Marks being as good as he can but they only allow one parent here overnight and i'd rather be here to be honest. They allow you to have your phone on the ward so hes only at the end of the phone :) Hope everyone's babies are ok and you're finding solutions for your colic problems. XxX
Oh forgot to mentioned, ct scan results were completely normal :) x
Oh I'm so glad that the CT scan came back normal, at least that's a bit of good news for you :) just need her to start responding to the antibiotics now! Has the rash gone yet? I think rashes terrify us more than anything else don't they? Hopefully that nurse will be right and she'll be going home tomorrow with her little canula x
Rash hasn't gone but hasnt got any worse either so they aren't too concerned about it. She's had quite a good night even though i managed to sleep straight through her crying at 3, felt so guilty but the nurse fed her and took her to sit at the nurses station for a while. Temp dud go up slightly in night but not as high as before so thats progress and they're asking about stopping her iv fluids which is a good sign too. Hopefully we'll be back on the old ward again soon and then home :) XxX
Been up and down today but up more than down. Still in hdu, consultant reckons its viral but getting confused by some new blood results showing low white blood cell count, it doesn't fit in with their other results hence the confusion. He said extremely low chance it could be some form of autoimmune disease but thats about 1 in a 1000. If she doesn't significantly improve they'll do more tests such as bone marrow biopsy to see whats going on but they're reluctant to do it unless absolutely necessary and they'd put her under a general anaesthetic. Things appear to be going in right direction now so fingers crossed its viral and tomorrow she'll be back to normal, we'll be out of hdu and on the right path to going home XxX
Any updates Rose? Hopefully you'll be home by now or at least out of the HDU x
Rose I am so sorry to hear isobelle is not well!! We have had a busy few days with Rics brothers wedding on saturday etc so I hadnt even checked bnb til today, feel so bad ive not known about this til now. Saying double prayers for her tonight to make up for it. Hope she has improved, such a relief the ct scan was clear. Massive hugs to you all, thinking of you hun xxxx
Still in hdu but she has improved. Still on iv antibiotics for 7 days in total. Going to do more blood tests today. Think its most likely viral, possibly something she got through me before she was born. Also not ruling out the group b strep as a contributing factor but havent found any evidence of that being the main cause. She lies in her cot watching cbeebies on the telly sucking her bandages round her canulas, its so cute. Tnanks for all you thoughts and prayers, dont want to tempt fate but it looks like were getting there slowly XxX
I think we're coming home on their hospital at home scheme, yay! Now they think it was poss viral meningitis but not 100% on that. Shes only got one cannula in now too. :happydance: XXXX:

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