Hi ladies,
Sorry I havent been on here in an age, time just seems to be running away these days!
Rose, glad to hear Izzy is on the up and up. Theon loves the bath too but HATES getting out! I'm trying to do bath, bottle bed as a night time routine, but as much as the bath relaxes him, he is then completely crazy until I have dressed him and got the bottle in his mouth!! Not exactly great for chilling him out!
Theon hasn't been weighed since 13th June (health visitor was meant to come on Friday between 3-4pm. I rushed like mad and got back at 2.50pm to find a note through my letter box saying that she 'called as arranged at 2.30pm'... grrrrrrr!!! Why give me a time if you just turn up when you want?! Now she is on annual leave until next week, totally ridiculous!) but I know he is at least 11lb now as I have stood on the scales with him. He is a right chunky monkey!! In terms of feeds, he now has 150ml bottles during the day and 180mls for his night bottles at 10pm ish and 3am ish. He doesn't always drink it all, but usually takes at least 120ml every time. Usually needs a bottle every 3-4 hours so having about 6 a day now (approx 3.30am, 7.30am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 10pm). Poor little man is still suffering really badly with colic. Stool sample still not back but I dont think he is lactose intolerant otherwise surely he wouldn't be putting on weight? Colief seemed to work for a few days but then lost its effect. I have kind of accepted now that there is not much we can do (we've tried infacol, dentinox, colief, gaviscon, gripe water, dr brown bottles) we just need to ride this out. They say colic peaks around 6-8 weeks so I just hope that he gets better soon. I went to visit a friend the other day and she said her son had colic and she knew how I felt - but then when she saw him and saw how bad he was with it, she said her son was no where near as bad with it, and never screamed like Theon does. Feel so bad for my little man
Hope everyone else is ok? x