May Buds and June Bug 2012 Mummy's Club

Aw rose, what a roller coaster you have been on! Sorry I haven't been on for a few days but have been thinking of you and Isobelle. I am so glad she is getting better and fab news you might be getting home!! You will be needing your rest too. Aw what a wee cutie lying watching tv, totally oblivious to the worry she had caused. Wee monkey still hasn't stopped worrying you now she is here. I hope you get home and settled today hun. Still thinking of you xxx
We're home :happydance: Got all her iv infusions for when the hospital at home nurses come tomorrow. Such a relief. Can't believe they get so ill so fast and better so fast too. Thank you again everyone, i'm going to be pretty paranoid for a while but thank god shes come through all this XxX
As Rose that is fab news you are home. So glad that Isobelle is better :happydance: I don't blame you for being paranoid, you have been through so much worry. Hope you have a nice relaxing night tonight :hugs: xxx
That's great news Rose, so pleased to hear she's on the mend. Did they work out what it was? You must have been terrified when they mentioned meningitis. Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight, let Mark take over for a bit now that you're home, you must be exhausted. Hope she continues getting stronger x
The fact they mentioned meningitis after she was getting better wasn't as bad as them mentioning it when she first went in. The fact they just didn't have a clue what they were dealing witn was pretty bad though. Shes quite unsettled at the mo which isn't helping my paranoia hopefully its just a bit of wind as i fed her in the carseat on the way home as we were stuck in traffic.
Yeah I can imagine that would be pretty scary. It's good that she's responded to the treatment though. Maybe she's just unsettled at the change of location too? She'll probably be used to the hospital after being in there for a few days so home will be all new to her again. If you get too worried though I wouldn't hesitate to ring them, they say a mother's instinct is always right. Hope she settles soon for you x
Yes i think shes ok she hasn't got a temp so it might be due to change of environment or the fact they've put her on a different antibiotic today so that might be causing some minor side effects. Shes a bit more settled now but just wants to be cuddled 24/7 which is understandable. wondered if her cannula might be sore too as she was pulling at it earlier. I think shes just scared shes going to have needles stuck in her again, she's been through so much poor little baby, its been heartbreaking to see XxX
Morning ladies, hows everyone? Isobelle is still doing well, 8lb 14 now after losing a bit of weight in hospital. Last day of iv antibiotics today. When they came to do Wednesday dose they found cannula was no good so it had to come out and we had to take her back to hospital for another one which is in her right foot. I think shes relieved to have her hands back :) Had a nightmare at the hospital though, firstly it took forever to get new cannula in (isobelle was so distressed, screaming constantly) then they took bloods again and wanted us to wait for the results which took hours. Told us she could be admitted for more investigations if they weren't improved. Spent hours worrying and then thankfully results were improved, still abnormal but moving in the right direction. Such a relief but also a reminder shes not 100% better just yet. Repeating bloods today and depending on results maybe over weekend too but won't know exactly whats happening until the results are back later today. Fingers crossed today have improved too. Hope everyone else is getting on ok? :) XxX
Hi everyone :) IV antibiotics finished Friday and they removed cannula. Repeated bloods and told us if no improvement hospital would ring that evening and she'd have to go back in but we didn't get a call so all good. Got to take her back on 10th for another blood test and we'll be seen in outpatients at some point soon but all is good here :) Can't believe shes 5 weeks today ! To those of you bottle feeding, just out of interest how much are your babies taking at each feed. Izzy's went a bit haywire whilst in hospital but shes having between 90 and 150ml. Feeds are kind of all over the place so nurse at hospital suggested (now shes better) to attempt a stricter regime every 3 hours XxX
Rose that is great news about Isobelle. You must be so relieved! Hopefully that's Isobelle over whatever it was. I think that's enough worrying she has given you to last a lifetime!

I get a bit annoyed when told babies should be drinking x amount at x times! All babies are different. I was told at a day old Connor wasn't drinking enough for a big boy, but he physically couldn't drink anymore than I was giving him, he was just being sick. As long as Isobelle is content and putting on weight then I wouldn't worry about amounts or times. Sounds like she is taking plenty, Connor takes about 3-4oz at a time usually but no set times between. He goes longer overnight and in the morning, up to 5 hours but on the late afternoon and evening he cluster feeds and can take 3 bottles between 6pm and bedtime at 8.
Rose! I have been so caught up in taking care of Zach and Zoey that I totally didnt even get a chance to post when I read about Izzy! I am so glad she is feeling better!

And I totally agree with you mini, I feed Zoey what she wants, when she wants. The funny thing is, is it sounds like we are raising the same baby! Lol! This is our routine as well!
Thanks ladies :) I felt I was failing in some way but pleased to hear yours cluster feed, izzy does that too. Dont remember my other two doing it but they might of, it was ages ago lol. As for my cheeky monkey, she seems completely fine now apart from being extra clingy but its such a relief. XxX
I think it's really common for babies to cluster feed especially in the evening. I quite like that he does it as it means he sleeps for 5 or 6 hours before waking for a feed. He doesn't always drink much when he wakes eithe so hopefully it won't be too long until he drops the half 2 feed. I think feeding on demand is definitely the easiest way to do it rather than on a schedule. Now that Isobelle is home again, once she has settled back in she will fall into her own routine anyway and you will see a pattern.

Aw wee Isobelle will be loving all the cuddles and especially without the canula.
She had a bath at the weekend, the first time for over a week and she loved it. Kicking and splashing :happydance: If you undress her though she screams, i'm sure she knows thats what happened at the hospital before anything painful happened to her, its such a shame but i'm glad she likes baths, once shes in the water that is XxX
Hi ladies,

Sorry I havent been on here in an age, time just seems to be running away these days!

Rose, glad to hear Izzy is on the up and up. Theon loves the bath too but HATES getting out! I'm trying to do bath, bottle bed as a night time routine, but as much as the bath relaxes him, he is then completely crazy until I have dressed him and got the bottle in his mouth!! Not exactly great for chilling him out!

Theon hasn't been weighed since 13th June (health visitor was meant to come on Friday between 3-4pm. I rushed like mad and got back at 2.50pm to find a note through my letter box saying that she 'called as arranged at 2.30pm'... grrrrrrr!!! Why give me a time if you just turn up when you want?! Now she is on annual leave until next week, totally ridiculous!) but I know he is at least 11lb now as I have stood on the scales with him. He is a right chunky monkey!! In terms of feeds, he now has 150ml bottles during the day and 180mls for his night bottles at 10pm ish and 3am ish. He doesn't always drink it all, but usually takes at least 120ml every time. Usually needs a bottle every 3-4 hours so having about 6 a day now (approx 3.30am, 7.30am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 10pm). Poor little man is still suffering really badly with colic. Stool sample still not back but I dont think he is lactose intolerant otherwise surely he wouldn't be putting on weight? Colief seemed to work for a few days but then lost its effect. I have kind of accepted now that there is not much we can do (we've tried infacol, dentinox, colief, gaviscon, gripe water, dr brown bottles) we just need to ride this out. They say colic peaks around 6-8 weeks so I just hope that he gets better soon. I went to visit a friend the other day and she said her son had colic and she knew how I felt - but then when she saw him and saw how bad he was with it, she said her son was no where near as bad with it, and never screamed like Theon does. Feel so bad for my little man :(

Hope everyone else is ok? x
Woo hoo Ashleigh now weighs 8lb 15ounces. I can't believe she is 5 weeks old. Booooo to that one. I don't want her to grow up :(
Aww thats fab Megan. Isn't it funny how different babies are, Theon was 8lb 15oz when he was born! He's been weighed today and he is now 11lb 14oz!!! No wonder the car seat is so bloody heavy when he's in it!! x
oh wow! That s a difference! such a shame we would never all meet us. that would be awesome!
Izzy was 8lb 14 I think last Wednesday at the hospital so she must be over the 9lb mark now, shes feeling heavier! XxX
How on earth do you all get your babies to love the bath? Caitlin DESPISES it :) as soon as her bum touches the water she starts crying and she doesn't stop until she's out of the bath and wrapped in her towel. It's a shame really as I'm dying to take her swimming but I don't think I'd dare until she starts to like the bath water a bit more.

Rose I'm so glad to hear Izzy is better and putting on weight again. I was following your last few updates on here but just didn't have time to reply. Hope that's the last of the worry for you now! I agree with the others on the feeding front - I just feed on demand. Sometimes she'll take 4oz/120ml and other times she'll only take 1oz/30ml and then be starving again an hour later. I was a bit concerned as our mums were both telling us she should only be feeding every 4 hours and should be finishing the full 4oz each time but I asked the health visitor and she said that's not how things are done anymore and I should let Caitlin lead the feeding. She said as long as she's putting on weight and seems happy then we're doing our job right!

Suze how have you managed to achieve an 8pm bedtime with Connor? Has he always gone down at that time or have you built up to it? It's normally about 10pm by the time we get Caitlin settled and she still doesn't really have any regular pattern to her naps throughout the day. If I take her out in her pram or car seat she sleeps the whole time but if we're at home all day then she tends to be awake quite a bit with just a few short naps inbetween. I really need to start trying to get her into a routine but at the minut it's the same as with the feeding - she seems to be leading it. On the plus side though she only seems to be getting up once during the night, twice at the most.

Leanne sorry to hear Theon's colic isn't getting any better. I really thought the colief was your answer. It must be so hard seeing him so distressed. Are you still persevering with it? Did you ever try those colic massages? My SIL still swears by them. The Infacol seems to be doing the trick for us. That and cooled boiled water whenever she starts getting distressed.

Caitlin weighed 9lb 11.5oz last Monday so she must be over the 10lb mark now. I know what you mean about not wanting them to grow up Megan. She's starting to outgrow her newborn stuff now and I'm gutted :( I do love seeing her in some of her little 0-3 outfits but I'm still quite sentimental about the stuff she wore in the early days and can't believe I won't get to see her in it again.

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