Hello everyone!
Great thread! I read a bit of it and am taking now a brake to introduce myself.
I am 27 weeks today, due 28th of May and it's a girl
So far I have had an easy pregnancy, except for 2 nasty colds.
Since week 26 I do have heartburn, my hips hurt (some times the right one, some times the left one, so I don't get bored) and my back started to hurt two days ago as well.
I am doing prenatal yoga and use an exercise ball as well, to stay strong for the birth.
I am hoping for a natural birth at the hospital (I would love a home birth, but it's my first child and I live abroad, so I didn't want to take too many chances).
The following weeks I will find out if the baby has the same blood group as me (AB-) or if I will need an anti D. I am also in the process of changing midwives, as we moved cities. Another thing I look forward to is the confident birth courses we booked with my husband.
Now back to stalking the rest of you