May/Early June Mommas

Yes to getting that heavy feeling, especially after work. I'm starting to get that feeling that I'm resting in top of him when I'm sat down too.

Consultant appointment for me tomorrow but I think its going to be pretty routine.
Hi I'm 27 weeks today so just eligible to comment!!!

I'm due on 28th May with my second, and that just happens to be my little boys 3rd birthday!!!!!

I'm having a GIRL!!!!! Yey!!!

All been ok really, can't complain. Still working full time, riding my horse (albeit I had to get a support belt as my muscles are not what they were first time round when I rode to 33 weeks!) and generally rushing about after boy, husband, a million animals and a business!!!

Only 4 weeks and 2 days till I finish for 7 weeks annual leave then mat leave for 12 months!!!! :D

I have minor SPD, heartburn, generally getting a bit more uncomfortable but I do love my bump!!!

:D x

I'm due on my little girl's 3rd birthday. Nothing quite like timing!! :) :)
I've been out shopping all day and I was worried because I haven't sat still to feel baby move. Well, he just had the hiccups for the past 15 minutes and now it feels like he's stretching in my tummy. :) All is well.
So, I'm fairly certain baby is transverse right now. :( I can feel hiccups on my left side and distinctive kicks on my right. A little by concerned but there's still time...
Mines in the same position ( except opposite side ) it's driving me nuts! Had a MW appointment yesterday and she wasnt concerned at all.
Oh lord... this is DEF a FTM question... how do you know what position they are in!?!? Still not sure that I have felt hiccups either.
I guess guess from where I'm feeling movement. And you can kind of feel like baby a bit with your hands lol!
Hiccups are annoying and my little one gets them roughly 10 plus times a day. It's like as if bub is poke, poke, poke, poke in the same spot. This can last from a few mins up to like 15 minutes with this little one.
Hey everyone,

In the nicest way possible, it's nice to see the reason others had csec was due to failure to progress, that was my reason for one too, so the chnaces for VBAC for me are quite promising. My Consultant has already told me I can try for one, that my chances of a natural birth are 80% only because, they don't know why I failed (hate that word) to progress last time, so there is a chance it could happen again.

I had an options appointment with the midwife too, who went through a birth plan with me, she said that, they can start doing sweeps from 37 weeks, and as long as baby is happy, and i'm ok, I can go up to 1 week over due.

They'll then give me a pessary and break my waters to try and start labour (if nothings happened) and then as a last resort start the oxytocin. I said I want to avoid induction as much as possible, so she went through lots of techniques to get baby in right position before and during labour.

My DD was breech and I had her turned but because of scar tissue I can't have another one, they are likely to scan me at 37 weeks to check this one isn't breech too.

If anyone is interested, she said the likely reason I didn't progress last time was because I was having a was back to back labor and so the head wasn't stimulating the cervix properly and most failure to progress c-section labors are for this reason x x
What was your situation? Like what did you get to and how long did it take. ( or did you not dilate at all ) I hate this failure to progress crap. It took me 37 hours to get to 4cm with 1st bub so if I had of been in hospital the would have classed me as failure to progress too but it just takes me a little while longer in the early stages. I arrived at the hospital at 4cm, 4cm to 10cm only took 4 hours both times. So my 1st labour was 41 hours, 2nd labour 22 hours.
There are people that genuinely fail to progress but if you're not running on 'their' time I think that it's often just something they say to get it all done with, Drs get paid more to perform a csection then to deliver a vaginal birth.
I hope you get your VBAC but if not just remember you have not 'failed' at all. Big :hugs:
I had 6 days of contractions at home and was at 6cm when I went into hospital. My labour was spurious and never settled into timeable contractions. Every contraction lasted about 4 minutes instead of the typical 45-60 seconds (though I realise there is no normal when it comes to labour!) which the midwives seemed surprised by.

18 hours later I was still at 6cm. Had waters broken for me, then a few hours later put on the drip - still no progress past 6cm 24 hours after being admitted to hospital, baby's head never engaged so I think the placenta was just in the way (as I mentioned before it was very low and I was just about given the ok to try for vaginal).

That was my experience of 'failure to progress'. I agree that the term is bs and too negative/broad - but I feel positive that my circumstances are different this time and that I'll have a better chance of getting to full dilation - I know more this time and will stay at home longer I think.
Your case sounds like a real case of not progressing you poor thing! That must have been so frustrating for you. I've also heard that back to back babies sometimes do delay dilation so for you the csection was definitely best by the sounds of it. I really hope you get your VBAC :)
Thank you!
It was frustrating but at the same time I was ok with it as I knew it was coming - I remember telling my OH at some point "they're gonna recommend a section".

The positive thing is I started well on my own and coped with the pain just fine up to 6cm, so I'm hoping my body will know what to do this time! :)
Hello everyone!
Great thread! I read a bit of it and am taking now a brake to introduce myself.
I am 27 weeks today, due 28th of May and it's a girl :)
So far I have had an easy pregnancy, except for 2 nasty colds.
Since week 26 I do have heartburn, my hips hurt (some times the right one, some times the left one, so I don't get bored) and my back started to hurt two days ago as well.
I am doing prenatal yoga and use an exercise ball as well, to stay strong for the birth.
I am hoping for a natural birth at the hospital (I would love a home birth, but it's my first child and I live abroad, so I didn't want to take too many chances).
The following weeks I will find out if the baby has the same blood group as me (AB-) or if I will need an anti D. I am also in the process of changing midwives, as we moved cities. Another thing I look forward to is the confident birth courses we booked with my husband.

Now back to stalking the rest of you :D

Welcome over coco! :)

You can find out the baby's blood type before birth? Over here they only give the injection if needed during pregnancy (like if there's a trauma or bleeding) and after birth if baby is Rh +. I didn't even realise you could find out the blood group in utero!

Oh you moved cities! House moves are always stressful and more so during pregnancy; hope you're doing ok :flower:

That's the way the midwife explained it to me: After 27 weeks, there are some of the baby's blood cells circulating in the mother's blood and they can track them by getting blood from the mother. I might have gotten it all wrong though. What I know is that they will take blood from me (my arm, not my placenta or anything invasive like that) and from that they can somehow identify if she has the same or a different blood type. If she has a different blood type (which she will, because I have the most rear one out there :/) I will get an anti D injection at 30 weeks and one right after birth.

As for moving cities, we moved in October, but I chose to stick to the old midwife. Now that the appointments are getting closer to each other and I had to choose hospital, I decided to switch. I have read quite great reviews for our local hospital, so I am happy to do it :flower:
Doctor says i am growing just perfectly however i dont find that comforting as i was told that before and my boys were measuring behind. I dont want to post twice but i started a thread and there is an explaination of what is going on and the end of it there is a question so could you please check it out and give me your opinions? Offically third trimester today! Woo hoo!
Hey everyone,

In the nicest way possible, it's nice to see the reason others had csec was due to failure to progress, that was my reason for one too, so the chnaces for VBAC for me are quite promising. My Consultant has already told me I can try for one, that my chances of a natural birth are 80% only because, they don't know why I failed (hate that word) to progress last time, so there is a chance it could happen again.

I had an options appointment with the midwife too, who went through a birth plan with me, she said that, they can start doing sweeps from 37 weeks, and as long as baby is happy, and i'm ok, I can go up to 1 week over due.

They'll then give me a pessary and break my waters to try and start labour (if nothings happened) and then as a last resort start the oxytocin. I said I want to avoid induction as much as possible, so she went through lots of techniques to get baby in right position before and during labour.

My DD was breech and I had her turned but because of scar tissue I can't have another one, they are likely to scan me at 37 weeks to check this one isn't breech too.

If anyone is interested, she said the likely reason I didn't progress last time was because I was having a was back to back labor and so the head wasn't stimulating the cervix properly and most failure to progress c-section labors are for this reason x x
What was your situation? Like what did you get to and how long did it take. ( or did you not dilate at all ) I hate this failure to progress crap. It took me 37 hours to get to 4cm with 1st bub so if I had of been in hospital the would have classed me as failure to progress too but it just takes me a little while longer in the early stages. I arrived at the hospital at 4cm, 4cm to 10cm only took 4 hours both times. So my 1st labour was 41 hours, 2nd labour 22 hours.
There are people that genuinely fail to progress but if you're not running on 'their' time I think that it's often just something they say to get it all done with, Drs get paid more to perform a csection then to deliver a vaginal birth.
I hope you get your VBAC but if not just remember you have not 'failed' at all. Big :hugs:

Thanks really appreciated, I was 10 days overdue, and was meant to have a sweep that day, I got up in the morning (Monday) and had a little gush of waters, so phoned the pregnancy unit as it wasn't very much and I wasn't sure if I needed or could have the sweep still.

First after insulting me and asking if i'd wet myself!! They told me to come in for a check, they examined me and couldn't find anything told me to wear a pad, and if it was waters I was likely to go into labour over the course of the day, but of not to return for another examination the next day, so I wore a pad and monitored definite wetness, each tiem I stood up.

Went in the next day at 11 days over, again nothing could be confirmed from examination but monitor was reading contractions, the consultant came to see me and asked if I was booked for induction I said yes Friday, he said it's Tuesday we might as well do it today.

Pessary given at 11am on the Tuesday, after 10hrs I was checked and was at 2.5cm, so was moved to labour suite to have waters broken, waters broken at 9pm, and was checked again through the night to still be at 2.5cm, Oxytocin I think was started around 11pm, turned up to the point of discomfort, turned back down to a manageable rate, stayed on the drip all night, to be examined again at 8am on the Wednesday and be told i'm still 2.5cm.

Therefore I was told that it's unlikely i'm going to get anywhere fast and I can wait a bit longer if I like or go to plan B the C sec.

In all honesty by this point i'd had enough, in the sense that I was overdue, spaced out from drugs, and had monitors and drips and whatever else coming out of me, and opted for plan B. However had I known labour can be stop start to begin with, and that if i'd left it I probably would've progressed naturally I would've waited it out at home, as although I was contracting I wasn't in pain with them until they started me on the Oxytocin.

This time I know what to expect and i'm not rushing into anything, I think because i'd said my waters are leaking they also had the whole 24hrs time limit for infection to get baby out and as I was over that time limit and not "progressing" they opted for C sec x x
I'm supposed to but each time they're out. I had been offered it at the hospital when Tori was born but declined because I was so tired of needles only to get pertussis which turned into pneumonia 2.5 years which hospitalized and almost killed me so when they asked if I wanted DTaP I practically shouted yes. :lol:
Hi ladies have any of you had the whooping couch vaccine yet? X

Yep, had it on Tuesday. I was amused as they gave me a 'pre-school booster', containing whooping cough, tetanus, polio and I think diptheria vaccinations. I like the idea of being 'pre-school'!!
Saying that, I had it in my left arm, as I am right handed, and so couldn't go to sleep on my left side on Tuesday night as I usually do. My arm is still aching a bit, but it's getting better. Hopefully I'm done with injections for a while now (had my Anti-D last week as well).
I had mine yesterday an I was ok last night but now my arm is really sore :( won't be able to lie on that side tonight was just wondering how long it aches for really x
Hello everyone!
Great thread! I read a bit of it and am taking now a brake to introduce myself.
I am 27 weeks today, due 28th of May and it's a girl :)
So far I have had an easy pregnancy, except for 2 nasty colds.
Since week 26 I do have heartburn, my hips hurt (some times the right one, some times the left one, so I don't get bored) and my back started to hurt two days ago as well.
I am doing prenatal yoga and use an exercise ball as well, to stay strong for the birth.
I am hoping for a natural birth at the hospital (I would love a home birth, but it's my first child and I live abroad, so I didn't want to take too many chances).
The following weeks I will find out if the baby has the same blood group as me (AB-) or if I will need an anti D. I am also in the process of changing midwives, as we moved cities. Another thing I look forward to is the confident birth courses we booked with my husband.

Now back to stalking the rest of you :D

Welcome over coco! :)

You can find out the baby's blood type before birth? Over here they only give the injection if needed during pregnancy (like if there's a trauma or bleeding) and after birth if baby is Rh +. I didn't even realise you could find out the blood group in utero!

Oh you moved cities! House moves are always stressful and more so during pregnancy; hope you're doing ok :flower:

That's the way the midwife explained it to me: After 27 weeks, there are some of the baby's blood cells circulating in the mother's blood and they can track them by getting blood from the mother. I might have gotten it all wrong though. What I know is that they will take blood from me (my arm, not my placenta or anything invasive like that) and from that they can somehow identify if she has the same or a different blood type. If she has a different blood type (which she will, because I have the most rear one out there :/) I will get an anti D injection at 30 weeks and one right after birth.

As for moving cities, we moved in October, but I chose to stick to the old midwife. Now that the appointments are getting closer to each other and I had to choose hospital, I decided to switch. I have read quite great reviews for our local hospital, so I am happy to do it :flower:

I actually just had my shot on Tuesday. They were great about explaining: they took my blood and ran it through the blood bank again to confirm the type and make sure my body didnt start to create any antibodies. She will be tested at birth and if she has a certain type then I need to get another shot incase any of her blood got into mine. If it did, my body will automatically want to create the antibodies which can increase miscarriage rates in another pregnancy. It was actually quite intense. I was there a awhile!
I havent even been offered the vaccine for it will ask at my next appointment. I did just get a flu and pneumonia shot though the pneumonia shot has my arm so sore i cant use it hardly at all. :-( i think a muscle was hit in the process. Its so annoying its hard to even get my shirt and bra on. There are times the pain almost brings me to tears! I am never getting another one thats for sure!

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