With my oldest I would do what I called "rock him to sleepy". I would sit with him in a rocking chair and snuggle until he got dozy but was still awake and then put him down. That was enough for him to settle. With my daughter (just 7 months old now) I had to do a sort of "pick up and put down" method.
But as for actually getting them to sleep through--I think that may be something babies have to figure out on their own. My DS started sleeping through at 6 weeks and my DD at 10 weeks. But nothing made my DS nap during the day until he figured it out around 6 months and DD figured that one out pretty quickly.
I will say that I only go to them at night if they are actually upset. A little whimper or coo here and I let them be. I never want to teach/reward them for being awake at night. Obviously, if they are full-on crying I will go to them. Even my 7 month old only wakes now if something disturbs her in the night (bad dream, sick, scared, etc)