Hello ladies! This is my first post in the pregnancy forums and it feels weird to posting in anything but the TTC group! This is my first pregnancy ever, and we really thought we were going to wind up with IVF, so I'm so lucky and in disbelief that it happened for us right after our RE appointment, lol. Got my first positive on 8DPO, today is 12 DPO and they are getting steadily stronger... no more squinting here! Had blood work yesterday and will call to get results today. So deeply happy by being pregnant it feels almost spiritual... other than the mega intense urge to vomit, painful breasts, uterine cramps, and weird little joint cramp ups I've been having for the past three days... I wouldn't classify any of those as spiritual. LOL.
So happy to (tentatively) join you ladies. Hoping for sticky beans for myself and everyone. OH! And my expected due date based on Fertility Friend is May 19th.