May Marvels 2018

Thank you ladies. I'm flipping staving this morning. Sigh.

As far as I understand, you can't have a water birth because they want to constantly monitor baby and they can't do that in the water. I think drips are an issue too.

I'm not 100% though, going to ask midwife tomorrow.

Hoping my 1 good vein is playing nice this morning. Doubt it because I'm all lovely and dehydrated now. Yay!
Broken - Hope all is well :hugs:

Reiko - I hear you on the insomnia. It's started just in the last 2-3 days. I'm waking up between 1 and 2 in the morning, and am unable to get back to sleep for 2-3 hours. Aggravating!

Strezy - Sorry about the tooth infection. What timing! If it makes you feel any better, I had to have antibiotics for a chest infection when I was pregnant with DS1. He's fine :)

RnW - I told DH that if men had to do this, we'd be extinct :haha:
LO is definitely stretching, and likes to push every time my belly goes hard. Uncomfortable!

Chib - Happy 37 weeks!

ETA: Any word from Wicky yet?
Broken is right. If you’re induced they will constantly monitor the baby and sonyou can’t be in the water with the monitor on. Hopefully they at least have a wireless monitor so you can walk around, our hospitals don’t and you literally have to be relatively still.

Broken we’re you borderline with your last GTT? Or have you gained a lot of weight? I was also checked for what you’re talking about. With GD their belly grows a lot faster than the rest of their body so it’s a symptom but I also know a lot of women still pass the test and baby still has a big belly! I hope your test goes well.

I’m giving up thinking Baby will come this week but I’m hoping for next week before 39 weeks!
Reiko I have no idea. Nobody told me anything. I didn't get a call to say I'd failed it, and when I saw my consultant afterwards he didn't even know I'd had it done. Midwife never said anything either

All the consultant said yesterday was that it came back clear last time.

I haven't gained a lot of weight very quickly. I've gained 27lbs the entire pregnancy, which I didn't think was a lot tbh.

I have no idea what's going on. And having no solid plans if it comes back negative is so stressful. My DH has leave booked in that he can't change, I would have no one to take DS to school if baby was early and I wasn't up and moving enough to walk 4 bloody miles a day.
DH would likely only get a few days unpaid while I was in labour and have to go straight back to work, where he would then be subject to absence meetings and warnings etc.

It's not as easy at the doctor thinks it is when he says "oh you'll have a few days warning if we need to induce and about a week when we choose to book you in if we can wait"
I guess that’s true of all labour though whether induced or not! You can’t really predict when your baby will be born! My Dh can only take 2 days off work when the baby is born so I’m really hoping she’s born on a Wednesday night so I get thurs-sun or a Friday night so I get sat-tues. If she’s born on a Sunday night I only get him home for mon/tues and then I’m on my own for day three, which apparently can be the most emotional day/milk day although I’ve never experienced that.

I went to 41 with my first and my 2nd was born at 38 and we were not ready at all. We didn’t even have a bed set up for her. My husband thought the whole birth experience was totally surreal because he just honestly wasn’t thinking I was going to have the baby 2 weeks early.

Anyways I hope it works out for all of us to have our babies when it works best for our families. I really need my DH to be home when labour starts or he likely won’t make it for the birth and that would be disappointing, for him at least lol.
Broken, that's so much! And then to have the doctor all "hey no worries you'll have literally days of warning" and everyone else all "I haven't heard anything about what's going on" after OTHER people made a big deal about What Might Be Needed. Ugh. It sounds like you've done everything you can from your end, though. I'm sending boring-as-possible thoughts in your direction.
The communication between care providers can be seriously lacking. I’ve found this working with a diabetes nurse/dietician/diabetic educator/OB/and my midwives. No one is on the same page and I’m filling in the blanks.

It is frustrating to not know what “the plan” is. But at least we all know in a few weeks we’ll all have babies.

Feeling a bit worried for Wicky... I hope it’s just new baby keeping her busy and not any bad news keeping her away.
I totally agree with you Reiko. The lack of communication is awful. In England, the computer systems the midwifes use at your local doctors and the systems the hospitals use don't "talk" to each other at all. So neither has any clue what the other is doing besides sending letters and stuff to each other.

I'll go see my midwife today and she won't have a clue what happened at the hospital Tuesday. All she'll have is what I tell her, and the minimal notes in my maternity notes. It's so so so frustrating.

I'm also worried about Wicky. I really hope she's just all tied up with her new baby. I hope she can come back and update us soon though.

ETA: AND my arm is so sore as well. They stabbed me 3 times in the same vein to get the bloods and it hurts so much.
Broken oh how annoying things have to change at the last minute!! Hopefully your gtt will come back clear and it will give you a few more days Atleast!! Can’t dh explain to work the situation? He’s intitled to time off for these sorts of things!!

Mrs hope your infection clears up soon I’m sure bubba will be fine with the antibiotics x

I’m so excited for you guys who are now 37 and over!! Anyone doing anything yet to help things along?

Since the suns come out and I no longer have to wear a coat I’ve had a few people congratulate me on the pregnancy and some wow in to silence that this is our 6th baby lol but I’ve had no negitivity so that’s nice.

Wicky I hope everything is ok!!! Xxx
Been to see my midwife at lunch time. She said that me not hearing from the hospital about my GTT meant I had passed, because they would have rung by now. I'm not going to fully relax until tomorrow night, but I feel better.

She also told me, due to baby being off the 95th percentile I can request an induction at 38 weeks. Which is what I'm going to do I think. I'm getting more and more anxious and stressed that something is wrong or going to go wrong and I want him out now so I know he's safe.
So now I just have to wait for my appointment to come through to see the consultant and tell him that's the plan and get booked in.

So it looks like I'll have an early May baby instead of mid may haha. I don't mind though, I'm at the limits of my mental health and I don't want a breakdown.

Ricschick his work are garbage. He's had to take time off for emergency scans and such, so now they've got him on absence warnings. Even though he is legally allowed to go to appointments with me. He's not fighting them over it because he's be so stressed about the pregnancy and such he hasn't got the energy to battle work too.
Broken so sorry all this stress is coming your way. Hopefully baby is here in a couple weeks and dh has his time off as needed.

Ricschick I’m in awe that you are on #6. Have you had all decent pregnancies?

I’m really hurting today. My right side I can hardly put pressure on. I’ve been to the chiro already and she did some work on it and now it’s feeling quite tender. On a good note she did start the acupuncture for cervix ripening. I go to see the ND Monday and she will start her regime alongside my chiro. I have appts out the wazoo next week and hopefully all will hurry the process along.
Anyone feeling hypersensitive? I don’t know if it’s nerves or whatever but I’m feeling on edge about what people are saying to me, looks I’m getting out in public, concerned dh isn’t coping.
Broken try a sweep before you do the full on induction. It seems like they are much more successful for 2nd time moms vs first time moms and if they’re going to induce you anyway they should at least give it a go!!

Has anyone here had a home birth before? I got my homebirth prep list (we are planning to go to the hospital but we need to be prepared just in case) and I’m not sure what a lot of the stuff is used for. I feel like for a super quick emergency birth (which is why we’d have a hb) I won’t need most of the stuff? Like I think I need a water proof sheet for birthing on and some towels and receiving blankets to catch baby... but there’s loads of stuff on there like perineal hot compresses and a crockpot and 4-6 pillows etc I can’t see myself using in a 45 min labour??
RnW I feel you, so hormonal ATM. I could cry over anything, I'm snappy with everyone.
I so paranoid about the fact I'm having to wear none underwired bras now, and tank tops with current heatwave in the uk, and I'm so paranoid my boobs look really saggy and I just look fat and gross. And I know it's irrational but I'm super upset about it.
Reiko what on early would you need a crockpot for!?

That stuff sounds like a very "Mother Earth" based birth. Yknow like a bit hippy. Nothing wrong with that ofc, it sounds that way.

I doubt you need to buy a crockpot or a million pillows. If you birth at home it'll be because everything is going super fast. You wouldn't have time to use it any of it anyway.
Reiko I had a homebirth and had the plastic cover on my bed, towels and receiving blankets but nothing else. A lot of those are suggestions not necessities. Has your MW dropped off her stuff because mine had the necessities in their home kit.
I forgot to add the bowl for the placenta, but other than that Mw provided everything.
I agree with you about the disconnect b/w GP and midwives. My midwives didn't pick up that I was anaemic for more than a month, despite using the same electronic records, and they missed the prescription that had been sitting there.

Broken - I'm sorry that your other half's work is being difficult. They shouldn't be subjecting him to absence warnings for this!!
It's really hard without any family around. If I go into labour in the middle of the night, I'll probably have to head to the hospital by myself, so DH can stay with DS1.
I hope it helps a bit time-wise that you know when you'll be induced.

Reiko - I'm really hoping LO comes early. I went 10 days over with our first.
I looked up the crockpot - it's apparently used to heat up water for perineal compresses.
A part of me wishes I could have a home birth, but I had a PPH last time, so have to go to the hospital. I'm hoping for a water birth.

RnW - Yes, re hypersensitive. I'm normally quite a calm person, but it's a struggle these days not to snap at people. I also find myself on the verge of tears for no reason. I just keep telling myself that it's okay, we're almost there.

Tomorrow is my last day of work, and then it's mat leave. I can't wait!
It was so hot today that my hands and feet are really swollen. Haven't had cankles this bad before. So attractive :growlmad:

I don't know what to do about the insomnia. Anybody have any suggestions for falling asleep again?
36 weeks (Friday). I have had contractions all day long. Had to take 2 pills.
Yesterday I was seeing sparkly stars coming at me and my BP was up, not high per se, but high for me...will tell doc on Monday.

Really hoping my little dude digs his way out a bit early. Induced in 3 weeks (Mother's Day weekend) but him coming 37 or 38 won't make me sad (as long as his lungs are good-I really want to avoid ICU).

Feet so swollen I can't even flex toes and they are going numb. Fell asleep before 9:30 last night on the couch while hubs was rubbing them. Headed down now for stand in the hot shower forever with it on my back now.
Chel, honestly it sounds like that baby needs to come out ASAP!! Deffo tell the Dr about your BP, high for you is still significant even if it's in normal range.

I talked to my MIL about home births, she's a doula, and she said most of the stuff on that list was pretty optional. She said shower curtain to labour on and towels to catch the baby XD. Ready, they sent me home from my last app with a bag full of all their mw supplies so I have that ready to go. I think I've given up on finishing my list of freezer meals and just want this baby to come whether I'm done or not. My house could use a tidy though before she comes so we're not birthing or coming home to chaos if we go to hospital. So tomorrow I'd like to put all my girls laundry away because it's lining the hallway upstairs, tidy their rooms with them, and clean my master bathroom and tidy the master closet. If I can keep it like that for a few days she's welcome to come any time haha. If I had any early labour at all I'd do it all then to keep me busy! But I won't have time to do anything except make a few phone calls before I'm in full on labour mode most likely. I'm just so antsy to get on with it, not knowing is just so unsettling isn't it!?!

I've been taking my homeopathics and EPO (on and off) for 10 days which is how long I took them last time before babe came. So maybe it's the magic number and I'll have baby tonight? Probably not though, I'm pretty sure I need the sweep on Tues to get things going.

Sorry for those feeling the hormones! Close to the end it's totally normal to feel sensitive... even want to hide in a hole for a few weeks lol!! Annoying but those hormones are doing something... not sure what or why we have to deal with that on top of the physical stuff!!

Agcam - can you really drive yourself to the hospital while in labour? Are you going to go in super early? It wouldn't even be an option for me, but I'd worry about you having a strong contraction and getting into a crash!!
Broken glad the mw thinks the results will be neg!! Fx for that!! Any idea when they would like to induce you?

Cheluzal definitely mention the stars and bp! Maybe give them a call?!

Agcam yay for maternity leave!! No help really on the insomnia as I get it too and my brain starts ticking then I can’t sleep!! Hopefully now your finished work you can relax more and that may help!

Broken I’m with you on feeling frumpy but I decided I’m not going to care!! I barely have any summer ready clothes either for this hw we are having! God knows what I’m going to wear today!! 💡🤷🏼*♀️

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