May Marvels 2018

Can’t believe how quickly time has flown! I so sorry that I haven’t been able to keep up with this group here on babyandbump as you all seem so fantastatic. This is the home stretch! I had my weekly midwife appointment Wednesday and baby is head down, station -1, cervix dilated 1.5-2 cm, and 60-70% effaced. I should be getting my beautiful maternity robe and infant swaddle today, so things are getting real! Having intermittent nausea, tons of a Braxton-Hicks, and some cramping. I know we have a few more weeks to go, but I can’t wait to see birth updates!
Kitten - You've done really well to have only one stretchmark so far! I managed to get away with very few with my first pregnancy, but this time around it looks like a road map despite regular oil. Probably because I'm absolutely massive.
Would you mind sharing the list of "cervical ripening" things that your midwife gave you? I was planning to give pineapple a try, but the amount you'd have to eat to be effective is ridiculous. I'll still eat it, because i love it, but doubt it will make a difference.

RnW - I got my 5 year old to pump up the ball for me. It needs a top-up, but he was quite pleased with himself :)

Chib - I've managed to scrape my bump several times because I don't realise just how much room it needs when I go through doors :haha:

Yazzy - You're just a week behind me. Not that much longer to go :)
Ricschick - Happy 36 weeks!

Reiko - That's really sweet that you had a baby shower.

Hope2B - Sounds like you're close. Good luck!

On this end, I've been having either Braxton hicks or mild contractions semi-regularly. Last night, they came every 10 minutes for 3 hours before they stopped. It could go either way. With DS1, I was in latent labour for more than 10 days, but they felt like BHs to me. Hard to say what is going on. Wouldn't it be cool if we could look into ourselves and see how far we've come along?
I want her to stay in till Tuesday, when I hit 37 weeks. After that, I'm free to go to the midwife-led unit (and hopefully a birthing pool). Before that and it will be the delivery unit.

ETA: Still no word from Wicky yet. I hope all is okay and she's busy with baby.
I've got no stretch marks this time. But that's because my stomach skin was DESTROYED with DS. It's more stretch marks than undamaged skin. I doubt there was any room for new marks tbh. My bikini wearing days are well over :haha:

Hope2b that sounds like you're ready to go into labour pretty soon! Nearly there!

I haven't had any braxton hicks this entire pregnancy. Or I just haven't noticed them. I don't think I had any with my son either, except when I over exerted myself while moving house at about 32 weeks.

I tell you what though, this kid gets the hiccups so often. Like 3+ times a day! I wonder if that means he's going to be a fast feeder when he gets here and try to guzzle down milk.
In the final stretch! One way or another, my little girl will be here in 4 days!
Yay Viera!! So excited for you! Hope she comes on her own but I’m sure everything will go swimmingly anyway!!

My last pregnancy Tomorrow (38+0) was the day my DD was born. So I’m hopeful to go into labour tonight. Went for a few walks today, took some extra homeopathics and going to Dtd tonight too. Lots of BH but nothing painful at all. Lots of pressure so hopefully it’s doing something to my cervix at least so when I go on Tuesday for a sweep I’m somewhat effaced and dilated!
How exciting viera!!!!
Happy 38 weeks reiko!! Hopefully won’t be too much longer now!!

I was lead into a force sense of security with my 1st baby as she came at 37+6 and our 2nd baby came at 41+1 lol.

Had a rotten nights sleep so uncomfortable and my arm was killing me all night with this bloody carpal tunnel!! Still hurting now!!
Ladies I'm a wally. Walking downstairs this morning, slipped on a bag of stuff I left on the stairs. Legs went out and I fell and slid about 3/4 steps on my bum.

I didn't land on or near the bump at all, I literally sat down hard on my bum. Ended up with one leg under me, so I have a very bruised foot.

Baby still moving. I just feel sick with the shock.

I don't know whether to ring the hopsital and see if they say come in, or just sit tight and see how I feel.
Broken...I fell over last weekend but like you landed on my bum and didn't bump my bump at all. If you are at all worried always get checked out, I'm sure everything is fine though. I hurt my knee which was just healing up until I slipped again yesterday argh...didn't fall that time though.
Funny when you said about blood pressure with mine normally 100/60'ish...the junior doctor looked at me concerned asking if I felt ok, it's pretty normal in my family to have low blood pressure though, so I know no different!

Viera wow so exciting you don't have long to wait!

I've suddenly gone into cleaning/tidying everything least the house gets a good clean lol!

I hope Wicky is ok, be good to hear from her soon.

Agcam...yep not far behind you!

I have another midwife appointment this week, going to say that I would like a waterbirth if it is available...we only have one pool in our hospital so it is first come, first served.
Then another growth scan next week when I'm full term.

Hope you all have a nice day 😁
Broken - You poor thing! I'm glad you didn't hurt your belly. I had a similar fall a while back, and understand the shock (and I wasn't even pregnant at the time). It's worth giving the hospital a ring, I think, just for the reassurance.

Viera - How exciting!! You'll have your LO soon.

Happy 38 weeks, Reiko. Still sending labour vibes your way.

Ricschick - I hear you on the discomfort at night. On top of the pain, I now have nightsweats.
I rang the hospital and they told me to take some paracetamol and keep and eye on the pain in my lower belly and if it got worse or I started bleeding or losing fluid to ring back.

Bubba is still moving about nice and strong. And the pain is easing (not so much in foot though. That really hurts)

Im gunna lie down and try and rest though. I scared the hell out of DH though, he was still upstairs and only heard me scream. Now he's in uber protective mode haha. It's very sweet.
Broken I’m glad you are somewhat ok, that is scary! I’m so paranoid about falling that I’ve been shuffling around like a 90 year old for weeks.

Reiko-I hope things are moving along for you and labour starts ASAP! Will they do a sweep even when not dialated? I had a sweep with dd but was dialated 3cm and it was soooo uncomfortable. I would think if you aren’t dialated it would be worse, am I wrong?
Broken totally go with how you feel. I wouldn’t mind the extra reassurance at this point so I would probably go in if it was me.

Ricschick what a naughty baby coming overdue after your first was so early!! My friends did that as well. I’m hoping for this week but I’m settled in for the long haul. When I was earlier in third tri I was so desperate but now it’s like, 1 week, 2 weeks, I can live through that! But not overdue lol.

Yazzy I hope you get the tub!! My bp is always 100/60 as well during pregnancy... when not pregnant sometimes 90/60. The midwives are always so happy when they see my bp lol.
Broken I’m glad you are somewhat ok, that is scary! I’m so paranoid about falling that I’ve been shuffling around like a 90 year old for weeks.

Reiko-I hope things are moving along for you and labour starts ASAP! Will they do a sweep even when not dialated? I had a sweep with dd but was dialated 3cm and it was soooo uncomfortable. I would think if you aren’t dialated it would be worse, am I wrong?

Oh well all of my efforts yesterday only resulted in a sore pubic bone lol. She’s firmly planted in there for now. That can change quickly at least. You do have to be at least a bit dilated for a sweep so they can get their finger in between your membrane and cervix. With my first my sweep was sooo painful, and I think I was a 2-3 at 41 weeks when they did it (that was with OBs) With my 2nd, I had my sweep at 37+5 with midwives, I was only a 1-2 and not very effaced. Barely hurt at all. I had my toddler by my head and was chatting with her through it lol. The Midwife said, this isn’t going to do much, but it will help things go smoothly when the time comes and I could have another one next week. She did say that I would have a good labour based on how the baby was positioned. And then 12 hrs later she was born (we did have sex after the sweep too)!

So, we are Dtd for 3 nights straight to hopefully get a bit of dilation going and then hopefully the sweep will work. But I’m wondering if it’ll be longer based on her size. Both my other girls were 7lb12-13, and this one is estimated at 7lb8 come this Next Thursday (based on growth scan and curve) and I’m wondering if she needs to get closer to her sister’s weight before my body gets the message she needs to come out... like I think that’s just what size babies my body makes!! But if the mws are hopeful about the sweep working I might ask to come in later in the week for another if the Tuesday one doesn’t work. I do want her out just so I can be done with the gestational diabetes and eat what I like. I do have pretty unbearable nausea for the last few weeks too so it will be a relief to get rid of that!

I’m pretty sure that, after you’ve had a vaginal birth your cervix is never really truly “closed” again, it changes shape and is always a teeny bit dilated...
Well last night I got some major cramping/contractions! Stomach was cement for about 4 hours straight, and even with Procardia, water, and shifting positions, the contractions would not stop. Never made it closer than 6 minutes apart, but after several hours, slowly waned. painful and uncomfortable. I'm irritated by fake labor.

Hubs started feeling sickly so I made him take Nyquil and Oil of Oregano and he slept in today until 9! Now it's 1:30 and he's napping, lol. We both missed church.

Speaking of belly size, I can't fit in the pantry door anymore! It's oddly narrow and I tried and got stuck. We we both laughing with tears coming down.
Reiko I may ask for a sweep this week then. I thought it would be more painful if cervix wasn’t doing much but maybe it’s vice versa as cervix ripens it becomes more sensitive. I hear you on just wanting the pregnancy stuff done. Between my pubic bone and SI joint I’ve had my fill! I hurt in all positions and can’t get any sleep. The reflux is making me batty and for the past week or two I’ve had restless leg in my right leg.
Baby does seem to be slowing down in movement whether she’s resting up or just out of room I’m not sure.
GOSh mine is still kicking up a storm! She’s not giving me any rest. Elbows and feet and bum pushing out all day.

Is it normal to want to strangle your husband soon before labour? I hope that’s a sign.
Keep an eye on that RnW. Baby isn't supposed to slow down before labour, they're meant to keep the same level of movements.

I made it 37 weeks. Full term. Holy heck! I'm going to ring the hospital today and harass them about getting me an app next week so I can get booked in to get this boy outttttt.

I am 100000000% done with being pregnant now. Absolutely finished. Get. Out.

After yesterday's little trip down the stairs I'm now sporting a lovely black big toe, a scraped up elbow and my back is killing me. But all seems well on the belly front. So I'll take my injurys haha
Ready...if movements are different always get checked out. Baby should stay nice and active and not slow down. I went in a couple times for reduced movements at the end of my pregnancy with my son and they scanned and did traces to check he was ok.

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