Kitten - You've done really well to have only one stretchmark so far! I managed to get away with very few with my first pregnancy, but this time around it looks like a road map despite regular oil. Probably because I'm absolutely massive.
Would you mind sharing the list of "cervical ripening" things that your midwife gave you? I was planning to give pineapple a try, but the amount you'd have to eat to be effective is ridiculous. I'll still eat it, because i love it, but doubt it will make a difference.
RnW - I got my 5 year old to pump up the ball for me. It needs a top-up, but he was quite pleased with himself
Chib - I've managed to scrape my bump several times because I don't realise just how much room it needs when I go through doors
Yazzy - You're just a week behind me. Not that much longer to go
Ricschick - Happy 36 weeks!
Reiko - That's really sweet that you had a baby shower.
Hope2B - Sounds like you're close. Good luck!
On this end, I've been having either Braxton hicks or mild contractions semi-regularly. Last night, they came every 10 minutes for 3 hours before they stopped. It could go either way. With DS1, I was in latent labour for more than 10 days, but they felt like BHs to me. Hard to say what is going on. Wouldn't it be cool if we could look into ourselves and see how far we've come along?
I want her to stay in till Tuesday, when I hit 37 weeks. After that, I'm free to go to the midwife-led unit (and hopefully a birthing pool). Before that and it will be the delivery unit.
ETA: Still no word from Wicky yet. I hope all is okay and she's busy with baby.