May Marvels 2018

I’m the only one with a baby who doesn’t like food!! Not fair.

LO is 9 months 2 weeks and is taking steps now. I won’t be surprised if she’s wslking before 10 months.

Now if I could only get her to eat and gain weight. I ordered some goats rue to help with my supply , we’ll see!
Reiko...are you still bf quite a bit? To be honest isn't the saying food before 1 is just for fun. So baby will be getting everything she needs from you.
Can't believe she is taking steps already!

My older two are just being terrorised by a crawling baby. I'm trying to find everything that has been dropped or left on the floor because she is too quick at putting it all in her mouth!
Hey all!

We are at 9 months next week. How fast has it gone??

Lyra has 5 teeth now. She eats baby porridge at breakfast then lunch and tea are either pouches or a version of what we are having which sounds similar to most.

I breastfeed when I'm home but don't leave any at nursery or my parents' because she is such a great eater.

Work is a pain. I'm trying to fit a full time role (that had been vacant for three months) into part time hours.

Still, it is a nice team and the work is interesting...
So S is so lazy, rofl. We claim he's a Jedi ("Do or do not. There is no try." --Yoda)
He still won't crawl! He finally worked out his regression and is back to one feed a night, usually between 2-3am. But now he wants to wake at 6-630, ugh. Too early...

He's hanging with church friends (birthday parties) and still loves swimming.
Still won't put anything in his mouth that's food. Puffs still melt in his hand or get thrown on the floor. He's figuring out the 360 cup better each day.

Today he started waving at me! Intentional and each time, not the sporadic barely move he has been doing. And we felt a 3rd tooth that popped and we didn't know!

I don't exercise--ugh--but I am on a low carb, very low sugar, high protein, low calorie diet and have lost 10 more pounds! I'm now 10 from my pre-pregnancy weight, which was a great weight for my height! I buttoned up size 6 shorts yesterday!! Now, if only my boobs would go down more so my dresses and tops fit again...
Yazzy I have low supply for some reason so bf isn’t quite cutting it. I’m taking all the things to up my supply. She dropped from 85 to 6 percentile for weight and the ped wanted me to wean and do formula. But she won’t take a bottle so I am still just BF and trying to make up the caloric difference with food... she’s stayed steady at the 10 % for a while now so at least she’s not losing anymore. I wish I had started taking herbals sooner but I’ve never had low milk supply in my life so had no clue she wasn’t getting enough.
Oh Reiko that's strange with your supply being low if it never has been before. Quite a drop from 85th centile though so I see where you are trying to get her to eat more to up her calories.

Thea has never taken a bottle either, she is only just starting to have water from a sippy cup and is getting better with finger foods.
She’s officially walking though for about 2 weeks now. She’s such a little dot it’s hikarious to see walking Around. And she’s a pro at climbing stairs although I don’t let her lol! Up to the 13 percentile now thank goodness it’s going up!
Walking! S still refuses to crawl, lol.
We did get a meltie in the mouth, dissolved and swallowed without vomiting, so...progress!
Reiko walking wow Billie just sits there and turns in a circle lol doesn’t want to crawl either Chel!!!
She’s a good eater I give her both baby food and our food she’s great with lumps and finger foods and has mastered her cup. She’s down to 3 bottles a day and has slept through the night since about 7 weeks. She can say Lola ( our dogs name) and the normal ones mum dad Nan.

Can’t believe there going to be 1 soon!!!
Billie is a keen talker!! No words here yet just lots of babble. And loud at that.

I’m going back to work next week for some training and then officially back 16 hours a week when she’s 1!

Anyone else going back to work or staying gone?
S is still on purees! He just won't put food in his mouth and eat it, but every other item on the planet goes right in without a dirty look, lol. We need to try more flavorful food than celery and carrots though!

He is slowly lowering his milk (was doing 38-40/day!) and taking hour+ naps finally (he was the 30 minute nap king). He still feeds once a night, but he's pushing it back from 1-2am to 4-5am, so he will sleep through soon....

Planning 1st birthday! Eeek.

I go back to work in August. I wasn't ready until this month. I need to be a professional adult again.
Anyone getting baby fever yet? It always hits me starting at 10 months!! I’m so sad this is my last!
Anyone getting baby fever yet? It always hits me starting at 10 months!! I’m so sad this is my last!
Haha, no! Hubs is, but because of my HG and rough pregnancy, I won't be having another (plus I'm old and tired). We take this one energetic blessing and call it a day.

S has started sleeping though though! We don't train and he's pushed his one feed back from 1am to 4-5am. Now he's been waking at 5am but putting himself back to sleep!
Hi ladies!

It's been ages since I've checked in, but I guess we're all busy and I haven't missed too much. We're in the midst of planning the 1st birthday. We're going with a Pusheen the cat theme because it's curte and she loves cats. Miriam is eating pretty much anything we offer her... in fact she begs worse than any pet I've ever had! But no words yet, no crawling, and definitely no walking or stairs yet. She does have two teeth partway in and a respectable amount of hair. Miriam is pointing at things and she waves at us at appropriate times, which is cute. She also turns the pages in books on command, although sometimes she holds the pages together with one hand while trying to turn them with the other, and gets frustrated. We've still got her in our room but are planning to move her to her own room soon (it will be a process). Anyone have any advice? I'm not sure how this is going to go... We're also working on weaning from bottle to 360 sippy cup. So far she drinks water and juice from the sippy cup but not formula. She stopped BF at the end of January pretty much on her own, and since I just couldn't take pumping at work anymore, I just let my milk dry up. After deciding to "free the boobs" from the pump, I have been much happier, but I really miss BF. As far as baby fever, I totally have it, but I was too sick and had complications that were too dangerous to risk again. So if we have any more, it will be adoption, fostering, or surrogate. But for now, I like the idea of nurturing and loving on one baby for awhile. I love the idea of a newborn, but not necessarily a second child right now!
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Hey everyone,
Just checking in as these babies are getting close to turning 1 soon...well Thea is still only 10 months so we have a little wait yet!

Sounds like they are all doing great!
Thea has been crawling for a couple months now and cruises around on furniture etc, no walking on her own yet though. She isn't the biggest eater but does well with baby led weaning and I am still bf her a lot. She has 2 teeth and the 3rd is just breaking through, so not much sleep for me!
We have just got back from a lovely holiday in Lanzarote, the kids loved it and so did I!
S started crawling and feeding himself in one day. Now he crawls everywhere, diaper changes are a frustrated mess of chasing after a poopy butt crawling away from me, and I'm checking out every baby recipe book at the library for ideas.

I need him drinking milk from the 360 before daycare, but he still barely drinks water from it. He's getting better though. He's a little menace and definitely all boy.
It's hard to believe all our babies are one now! M is actually about to turn 14 months - I can't believe how much she's changed in such little time. She is crawling "commando" style (tummy on the ground) and just started pulling herself up to stand, but no steps yet. She says cat, hi, hey pretty consistently, and occasionally says Mama and water. She's a great eater and likes pretty much everything we give her to try. She's not so great at getting things into her mouth with any kind of utensil, though. But finger foods are fine!

We start Mommy and Me swim class on Saturday. I'm looking forward to seeing how she does in cold water. She loves playing in her bath water, so I'm hopeful.

I hope everyone is doing well. Here are some recent pictures.

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Hey girls not been on here in a while but lovely to read all babies are doing great!!
Billie has just turned 14months and she is a bum shuffler hates being on her front but boy can she move!!! She’s starting to pull herself up on stuff now and is such a good sleeper and eater!
How’s everyone else getting on? Xx
Hi, ladies!

Miriam turned 15 months on Friday and is doing well. We took her to her first live baseball game about a week ago and she loved it, until we started winning and the crowd got very loud and enthusiastic. She is close to walking in terms of motivation and effort, but still doesn't have the balance part down. She can stand briefly on her own, but if she tries to take steps when holding on, she leans way too far forward or backward to keep her balance yet. It's very cute to watch, though, because she takes huge steps, lifting her feet up like she's marching! Baby swim lessons end this week and I'll be glad to get our Saturdays back. But it's so fun to see how much she loves the water. I will try to sign her up for another round in the fall, but at our local Y and not the one by my mom (who lives 30 minutes away). Oh, and she figured out how to crawl up the stairs last week. It's the cutest thing to see her little butt wiggle up the stairs! How is everyone else doing? I can't believe how fast our little ones are growing and learning new things!!!

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Hi everyone,

It's been a while, but I thought I'd check in and say hi. How is everyone doing? Can you believe our little ones are already 18 months or so? We had a wonderful Thanksgiving (US) last week and are starting to prepare for Christmas and New Year's holidays. Does anyone have special plans this year? It's so fun that Miriam is more alert and active this year, so she gets excited and can participate in the gift-giving and general festivities. I hope you and your little ones are all doing well!

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