May Marvels 2018

I like winter. It’s my fav time of year. All snuggled up with blankets and the heating on and dark evenings and candles and stuff. Love it!!
Not so much Christmas. I enjoy the day with my DH and ODS. But I don’t like the festive season. All the “home for Christmas” stuff makes me sad.

We’re going to get Ryan a jumperoo type thingy for Christmas and then some little bits, blocks and that. Probably clothes. But deffo stuff ODS can “help” with.

We’ve got back to school and Halloween first obvs. I’m excited for those too. This year seems to be flying by.
Kids are already back to school here. Guess which teacher is NOT? Ha! Don't miss it; don't want to return.

Siler was tired but it was too close to bedtime so I wrapped him and laid him by me on the couch and he just chilled. Just sat, stared, babbled, grabbed rattle...nice and calm until time for bath. I love it.

Of course he was the only kid who cried and had a blowout (in my hand :nope:) at story time at the library today...

So I'm only washing bottles at night now. My hands are so dry and a little cut from the motion of the scrub brush. I dislike it so.
Chel what diapers are you using? Have you tried others? Summer has never pooped out of her diaper even once! Also you can totally go up a size if he’s blowing out.
We've only had 3 blowouts. I'm a fan of Luvs. I think they hold better but hubs opened a pack of Pampers we're using. Size 1 but I do think after this pack is done, we're going to try size 2.

In related news: anyone annoyed how wipes don't come out one at a time? Every single frikkin brand we've tried, in their holder or in a warmer...they always pull several! Hard to do with one hand, too. Annoys me. I think Babyganics is the best but still. Arg.
I'm just about squishing Thea in size 3 pampers lol! She is such a chunk, not 3 months until next week (12 weeks) and she is filling out 3-6 month clothes. I think I need to be eating more though, I got ill this week with a bad throat infection and my sister worked out that I'm not actually eating as much as I should considering I'm feeding and chasing 2 other kids now I am trying to get more food in!!

School is back in 2 weeks here, I'm looking forward to taking Thea to some groups so we get a bit of one on one time. She is such a sweet little girl.
I can’t believe it’s been so long since I checked in!! Life has definitely been crazy with a toddler and baby!! Willa is a super smiley baby and everyone loves her. Doesn’t have a solid nap schedule yet; but lately her bedtime seems to be 9pm. When is everyone else’s LO’s going to bed? I’m trying to cherish every moment but I do look forward to the time when she has an early bedtime(like 7). I need some time to myself in the evenings to recharge. Overall Willa has been easier than my son was, but she’s been giving me a hard time the past week with BF’ing. She’s all of a sudden decided she wants constant motion while nursing. So she either wants me to be in her rocking chair in the nursery or standing up and swaying back and forth!! Makes going out in public a challenge. One of the reasons I breastfeed is because it’s supposed to be easier in public, grrr. Anyone else ever experience this? She doesn’t always do it; seems like her evening feedings are better and when she wakes during the night she allows me to just sit still.
When is everyone else’s LO’s going to bed? I’m trying to cherish every moment but I do look forward to the time when she has an early bedtime(like 7). I need some time to myself in the evenings to recharge.
My husbands takes Siler up between 9 and 9:30 and he's usually out by 10 or a smidge after, depending on his tired level. He sleeps until after 7 most mornings with no night feedings. We'll slowly pull it up (it was 11) but we get an hour to ourselves so it's not bad.
Mrsstrezy...Thea goes up to bed when I go. Generally around 10pm, she then has a fresh nappy, I lay down and feed her and then she goes off to sleep. Usually she wakes around 2am and sometimes one other time in the night for a feed or just has the one feed a night. My other 2 were up hourly or every 2 hours for months and months so this is a dream!
Mrsstrezy my LO only likes to nurse at home in our shared bed!! I was doing the “shell nurse if she’s hungry enough” thing when we had some busy days but that did not work. She ended up with Uric acid crystals in her diaper! So now I need to make sure we’re not out for more than about 2.5 hours so she doesn’t get too hungry. I’ll be glad to get into fall here. For summer we are at the parks almost all day!

I’m going to try and start bedtime routine here to get a bit of an earlier bedtime for her. She’s noramlly 9:30-10 bedtime but that’s a bit late for me and DH!
Siler didn't' nap well yesterday and only got fussy at night. We took him up at 8 and he was asleep by 9. Slept 10 ours through!

He actually wakes me earlier (5am) with his wiggling, moving. He doesn't wake or cry but flicks his feet until he's scooched to the bottom of the bassinet and his feet hit it. I know he's starting to wake and probably wants to stretch.

He loves to stretch after awhile but we'll have to put mitts on his hands before bed because once they come out of his sleep suit he will scratch himself like a mofo.
"SCRATCH" that, rofl. After being woken to his kicks and flicks at 4:45, then 5:30, I unzipped his hands and put a mitt on the head scratcher hand. He ended up waking sooner and now has new cheek scratches.

I just realize I have a thrasher, especially in the earlier hours, but he's still asleep and his hands are now staying zipped. I wonder if I need to practice crib earlier than I thought because I can't keep being woken every hour in the morning...
Chel they grow out of bassinet really quickly I find. We did it with our first but never again. When they move they get woken up by the sides imo. Can you setup the crib in your room?

I am a crazy person when it comes to nail clipping. We don’t do scratch mitts or swaddle and she sucks her thumb so I make sure they’re nice and short and then she doesn’t actually hurt herself when rubbing her hands all over her face. She’s definitely had a few scratches when I’ve forgotten to clip! I bite them for the first few weeks but now her nails are big enough for the baby clippers :)
Gosh there is no room for a crib in the bedroom, lol. He's still got some time yet so I took my husband's advice and when I heard him move, didn't look or get up...just rolled over and went back to sleep. It worked! I woke when hubs got up at 715 and Siler was lying there, eyes open, just cooing away and waiting. Slept 9 hours through.

I try to clip nails but he's a strong one. It has to happen when he's asleep but we usually swaddle for naps so I try to file them as often as possible.

So yesterday I pumped and the bottle was pink. Gross. There was a clot on the bottom, nasty black clots in flanges, and I pulled a 3 inch bloody one out the nipple. *barf* I dumped that milk but Siler had brown spitup and darker poop this morning, probably from some earlier drops. I didn't even know I had an issue with that nipple. Pumping hurt worse than ever, but all white afterwards. Not sure I will make it 6 months...making it to month 4 is now my goal. Baby steps...
Cheluzal-regarding your comment on the wipes: are you familiar with Young Living essential oils? They now make baby products and they have some of the BEST wipes, although expensive. One of the first things I noticed was each wipe comes out individually, which is AWESOME. And they smell absolutely amazing, like a blend of lavender and other essential oils. Regarding your boob; I would definitely get that checked out! I had mastitis a couple months ago and what you're describing sounds like it could either be mastitis or an abscess.

Reiko-how frustrating that Summer will only nurse in your bed!! that would drive me batty; makes it difficult to go out and do things if you have other children. Willa seems to have improved the past couple days. I think she was going through one of those "wonder weeks" this past week and it was messing her all up. She wasn't napping well and really fussy with feeding. I was about ready to stop scheduling playdates for my son because she was being so difficult. These babies know how to keep us on our toes!

Sounds like all our babies have been going to bed at a similar time. I'm sure the time will gradually get earlier as she gets older. I'll just try to keep being consistent with her naps and it will all work out!
Eek Chel I would deffo get that checked!!

Today I switched out of my stretchy wrap to my linens ring sling for the first time and she was rubbing her face all over my boob... I have a strong sense that she’d like to nurse in that position. Something about sitting on my lap or cradle hold she just won’t do it. But I think upright might be more her style.

Anyone got a thumb sucker? She’s firmly rejected the paci now and only sucks her thumb... hoping she just grows out of that one before she’s one and I don’t have a 10 year old thumb sucker!!
I have a thumb sucker too it’s soooo cute!!! 2 of my other children were thumb suckers and they grew out if it by themselves.
Chel get that checked out! That sounds nasty!
Billie sleeps well she goes to bed at 9pm and sleeps a good 11 hours!! But I’m going to leave it as once the clocks go back she will be going up at 8pm instead!
The johnsons wipes come out one at a time they do a pack which is designed to do that.
How’s everyone’s weightloss going? I’m currently 6lb lighter than my pre pregnancy weight but I’ve at least another stone to go.
Anyone else get paranoid about being pregnant again??
I've pumped all white since then. I'll see how it goes before I call the doc. Think I definitely pulled that icky clog out! At least I wasn't BF and baby ate it!

I'll research the new wipes, thanks.

Ew, time change! I didn't even think about it. That will mess up things. I hate that and wish they'd nix it. Siler slept 10-730 and only because we woke him. If hubs doesn't feed him while I pump before he leaves for work I'm screwed, and I'm too engorged in the mornings. So 730 is his awake time, whether he likes it or not. I didn't get woken by his noises.

Pregnant? That requires sex. This weekend is when I conceived--and the last time we had intercourse. It ain't happening until he's firing blanks.

I've only lost 2 more pounds after the initial drop. Can't get too low....not stressing until after I wean. I'm feeling crampy, like my period is trying to start, which means I might have ovulated. I did feel ovary twinge a bit ago.
Willa isn't a thumb sucker, but is definitely a hand sucker! It's pretty precious actually.

ricschick-yes!! I am soooooo paranoid about getting pregnant again; like terrified. I already almost had a whoopsie with my husband. I had a glass of wine and totally forgot about protection!! Thankfully he was like "hey!!" and reminded me before things got too crazy;-)

I hope she nurses in the sling for you Reiko! That would help make things easier.
Oh gosh my SIL just announced she’s prwgnant and I want another one now. Yikes. We use condoms though so we shouldn’t have any accidents and I’ve never been able to get pregnant while breastfeeding. I’ve had to wean both times. Right before I weaned my first I did get pregnant but lost that pregnancy... anywho here I am planning for a fourth lord help me!

I’m still up 8 lbs from pre pregnancy weight but as I’m typing this I’m eating out of a tub of cashew milk “ice cream” and I haven’t exercised more than one time... so I think I could drop those pounds if I put some effort in. I think September will be a sugar cleanse for me and starting to exercise again. It’s my belly that’s frustrating me. I’ve never had a mummy tummy before but apparently number 3 did t to me!
Hi ladies,

I'm happy to see we have a little more activity here, these days. I guess everyone's over the initial sleep-deprivation and adjusting to having baby home and we're ready to socialize again.

Chel, that breastmilk situation sounds freaky, but I'm glad you seem okay now. Did you have soreness or redness before then? I am always worried about developing mastitis, but so far, any time I've had a sore spot, it worked itself out with the next pumping or nursing session, so no infection/blood for me. I hope you weren't in too much pain! Also, I don't know if you have Food Lion stores in FL, but one of the generic brands they sell, Home 360, has great wipes that are nice and thick and soft, but dispense one at a time as long as you don't overfill their dispenser (I did that once and they came out in tiny shreds then about 4 at a time before I got the right amount :blush:). I think that brand is sold other places, as it's not Food Lion's brand, so maybe they have it where you are. The packages are super cheap, which I like. Also, I HATE washing bottles. I finally gave up and put them in the dishwasher on the gentler cycle so they still get cleaned and sanitized but don't end up getting shot all over the inside of the washer (and turned upside down with filthy water left over).

yazzy, I had to laugh at your description of your daughter's clothing size and diapers. Over here, we're 4 months and M is still in newborn clothes and diapers. It feels like we're gonna be there forever, which is especially funny since I thought I'd have a big "diabetes baby" and might not even need newborn clothes or diapers at all! :haha: It's just so funny how all our babies are different and I love it!

Re: bedtime... we don't really have one for M yet. She still naps in the evening and then we feed her when DW comes home and we all go up to bed around 12:30. But M sleeps through to at least 6 am most nights, after that, so it's a nice chunk of uninterrupted sleep for me. I often nap with her in the evening, so I guess that counts as part of the night, it's just that we're still downstairs. I guess we should start trying to have some kind of routine to move her toward something more "normal" but for now, this works for our little family.

Re: diapers... we are in weird limbo between sizes. M can't really wear the Pampers newborns anymore, but the size 1s leak like crazy, so must be too big (plus they cover practically to her armpits). Right now, we have Huggies newborns because they stretch differently around the legs and still fit her. But at 9lbs 9oz, she doesn't have much room left in the newborn diapers and the size 1s really aren't going to fit her in just a few ounces (she's 23.5 inches long, so super skinny still). Has anyone dealt with this before? Any suggestions?

Re: weightloss... Way to go, ladies! It is hard to lose weight any time, but after baby can be so stressful. I was so sick during pregnancy that I didn't gain except 4 lbs, which ended up being my baby's weight. So I lost 25 lbs when I gave birth from my pre-pregnancy weight. However, once the PPD abated, I've started gaining weight again. Since I had a bunch to lose before I even got pregnant, I'm trying to stop the weight gain. It's hard because with BF, I'm hungry all.the.time and my PPD meds make me crave carbohydrates, which are terrible for causing weight gain. I need to get my behind up and exercising. It's cooler today so I might take M for a walk this evening, if it doesn't rain.

AFM - we had M's 4 month checkup on Monday. She's doing well and even meeting her developmental milestones despite her adjusted age being 6 weeks less. Shots were brutal... or I should say the after effects were brutal. Two days of a fussy, unsettled baby, even with regular tylenol dosing. She's finally back to her happy self (see photo), but it was hard on the mommies. Our cats also got upset and seemed to glare at us, wondering what we had done to make her cry. They tried to comfort her, but she was just too upset and uncomfortable to appreciate it. :nope:

Breastfeeding is going better - no more meltdowns prior to latching (yay!), but still needing a nipple shield and lots of patience. We found out she has to have her tongue-tie released surgically (it is tied anterior and posterior) so we have that set for Sept 5. She also has all kinds of muscle tightness in her lips, cheeks, and neck, so she has to go to physical and occupational therapy twice a month to address that. I'm hoping that with all of this, she will be more comfortable and have a better chance at continuing to breastfeed going forward. The good news is, she is gaining weight steadily and has jumped up to the 7th percentile (from 3rd), so despite her difficulties, she is eating well from the bottle.:shrug: We have to do massage "exercises" on her lips and cheeks at least 3 times per day, which she hates. It's not very motivating to us, so we are struggling to get these done. DW has taken the strategy of doing them when M is already crying, but we're not sure if that makes it worse on the baby or not.

Other than that, we're doing well. DW and I are still sharing one car and working opposite schedules so that we don't have to pay for childcare. My mom comes in a couple of days a week so DW can get things done and/or catch up on sleep. It seems to be working for us, so I'm glad. I was worried it would get old very fast, but both DW and I love spending time with M, so it makes it all worth it. :cloud9:

Holy cow! This post got really long. I need to try to post more often. I lurk almost every day, but don't always have time to post. Then when I do, it's an epistle!


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