May Marvels 2018

Hi everyone, Sorry it's been such a long time since I updated.

We had M's tongue tie revision surgery on 9/5 and she did great. She didn't like being swaddled and screamed through the whole thing, but they were able to get everything done that needed to be done. She had a check up last Wednesday and everything is healing just fine. Yay! OT is going well - she is starting to do more of the things she needs to for her age, as she was a little behind. She starts PT next week for additional support. All these exercises are so much to keep track of!

DW and M are both home sick today. M isn't really showing major symptoms other than sounding stuffier than usual, but she has been super fussy when awake and then sleeps like a log at weird times. DW is so miserable after a full day of that yesterday and then M woke up at like 1 am and was awake until just after 4 this morning. Thankfully, they were both sleeping when I left for work, so I hope DW can get some rest and feel better soon. I'm crossing my fingers that I don't catch it!!!

I almost forgot - M finally latched on and BFed without the nipple shield for the first time last week. I had kind of given up hope, due to her age, but we are still making progress! Milk supply is still an issue, but I love being able to BF the little bit that I can.
Billie is a very happy baby she’s always smiling and chattering away lol I had her weighed today and she is 15lb 13 oz. and still on the 75th percentile so that’s all great!! She still doesn’t roll over either but I’m not worried they all do these things in their own time.

Aww, sounds so cute! She is growing so fast - as are all our babies. M is rolling over, but she doesn't do other things, like grab/reach for toys. I'm hoping the PT and OT will help with that, as the pediatrician was concerned we are missing too many of the developmental milestones. I personally am not so worried because the milestones are for term babies and they aren't adjusting the dates by 6 weeks for my preemie girl. I noticed that the things she wasn't doing at 4 months she is beginning to do now, for the most part, at 5 months. Like you, I'm sure the babies are fine, just working on their own little schedules (as usual!).
Wicket they should totally adjust milestones for your preemie. I’m sure she’s right on track with her adjusted dates!

Summer rolls from back to tummy non stop but I think any time she’s rolled tummy to back it’s been an accident. She sleeps on her tummy now. Rolls onto it and then sucks her thumb to fall asleep. She has just started being interested in standing up, when you hold her on your lap. And she is getting very good at grabbing and holding toys although a lot of time still drops them after 30 seconds or so. She’s likes the exersaucer and is happy in the jumper but mostly just spins around as she hasn’t caught onto jumping yet!

Thank goodness she moved her bedtime up, now she’s sleeping between 7-8 so I have some time in the evening.

However we are all full of cold here and between 3 children I haven’t slept well in days! So I’m not sure how I’ll kick this cold without some decent rest :/
Siler is still sleeping 7:30/8 to 6-7 in his crib. He did a near 360 last night! I have been in the nursery bed but need to move to mine, because he's waking me all night with his kicking and feet slamming.

I've also made the decision to not return to work in January but in August (next school year). I was waffling and trying to convince hubs (we have it in savings without severely depleting it). I just feel too strongly about it, and read a story of daycare abuse, cried, and finalized it in my heart. I do have a lady from church who has a home one we will look at, but still...

Christmas? Haven't though that far, rofl. Probably not much, since every penny is crucial now.

Love the squeals and talking they are doing. Siler likes tummy time but doesn't roll and I'm okay with it. He'd rather be standing anyway.

I have never wanted colder weather in all my life...until this year. FL summer needs to go so we can hit the park!

Chel, M does the same thing with kicking and turning around in the co-sleeper! It is really funny. If I put her in a 2-piece pajama set, she usually kicks off the pants. Does Siler do that, too?

I am so happy for you that you can take off a whole year (and tbh, a little envious :haha:). And glad you convinced DH to go along with this excellent plan!

Like you, I'm really ready for cooler weather so I can take M out for walks and to the park. I think she needs the fresh air and exposure, but don't want her getting overheated or sunburnt. Do you have parks near you? I have to find somewhere I can take her. Otherwise it's just walking in my neighborhood, which doesn't have sidewalks, so it makes me nervous!
Wicket they should totally adjust milestones for your preemie. I’m sure she’s right on track with her adjusted dates!

Summer rolls from back to tummy non stop but I think any time she’s rolled tummy to back it’s been an accident. She sleeps on her tummy now. Rolls onto it and then sucks her thumb to fall asleep. She has just started being interested in standing up, when you hold her on your lap. And she is getting very good at grabbing and holding toys although a lot of time still drops them after 30 seconds or so. She’s likes the exersaucer and is happy in the jumper but mostly just spins around as she hasn’t caught onto jumping yet!

Thank goodness she moved her bedtime up, now she’s sleeping between 7-8 so I have some time in the evening.

However we are all full of cold here and between 3 children I haven’t slept well in days! So I’m not sure how I’ll kick this cold without some decent rest :/

Reiko, I agree about adjusting the milestones!

I had to laugh because M rolls from tummy to back regularly, but any time she rolls from back to tummy, I think it's been an accident LOL. I guess we have little opposites. Funny how each child is on her own trajectory. This is why I don't get too upset about milestones - they are averages, not set dates!

So sorry about your cold. I hope you can get some rest and feel better soon!
Ry has learnt to squeal now. It’s so cute. I love it. I love listen to him chat to himself as well. He still hasn’t got the hang of rolling over. He hates tummy time. But I’ve ordered some foam floor mats to put down. Hoping that will help him hate it less. And minimise head bumps ahah.

How are all you lovely ladies? Has anyone started thinking about Christmas? What are you planning to get your little ones?

Squeals are sooooo cute! M does a lot of sing-songy "talking" but no squeals yet. I can't wait! We just got fairly consistent gigles in the last week or so :cloud9:

Christmas seems so far off to me LOL I guess I really should start thinking about it, though, because with the baby, everyone wants to see us at the holidays. I really want to have Christmas morning at our house with just our little family of 3, but the extended family is so weird about it. I knew this would happen and had tried to set a new precedent by insisting on Christmas day with just DW for the last three years and they STILL complain. Seriously? Anyway, your comment about Christmas helped jog me into starting to lay the foundation (AGAIN) this year for Christmas morning with just the three of us at our house. Gift-wise, we probably won't do a lot, maybe a few toys or some music (nursery rhymes, maybe?).
Ah the 4 month sleep regression! I'm not looking forward to that. It never made any difference with my other 2 as they would be feeding every 2 hours at night anyway but Thea sleeps pretty well so it's going to be hard!
Was up literally all night last night, my husband has had a sore throat and cold, my little boy got it a couple days ago and Thea has been unsettled and snuffly all night argh!

Colds suck. For everyone. I hope you and the family are feeling better by now! What do you do for a baby that has a cold? I'm assuming you can give Tylenol if there's a fever but are there any other infant medicines allowed for stuffiness? I'm just gearing up for M to be more snuffly and miserable tonight than she was last night - poor thing!
Wicky there isn't a lot you can give them. We have an aspirator thing which you can get the snot out of their nose but that's all really. We are all better now though!

I wouldn't worry too much about milestones as every baby is so different. My oldest daughter never rolled but my son was rolling everywhere at 3 months lol.

Thea has made squealy noises for a while now and is super chatty, and so loud, I love it! She grabs and holds toys and loves to be stood up. She only rolls on her side and tries hard to get on her front but can't yet. She will be 4 months on Friday!
Summer sounds very quiet compared to your babies!! She’s not a squeaker at all, and only talks right before bedtime. She’s not very talkative!! But she’s got 2 older sisters who talk enough for her XD
Chel, M does the same thing with kicking and turning around in the co-sleeper! It is really funny. If I put her in a 2-piece pajama set, she usually kicks off the pants. Does Siler do that, too?

I am so happy for you that you can take off a whole year (and tbh, a little envious :haha:). And glad you convinced DH to go along with this excellent plan!

Like you, I'm really ready for cooler weather so I can take M out for walks and to the park. I think she needs the fresh air and exposure, but don't want her getting overheated or sunburnt. Do you have parks near you? I have to find somewhere I can take her. Otherwise it's just walking in my neighborhood, which doesn't have sidewalks, so it makes me nervous!

His pants stay on because we have him in the Love to Dream swaddle. He needs to swaddle. Leap or not, his night sleep went to crap the last few nights, up all.night.long. I was a crying zombie yesterday after being spoiled with 10 straight hours for almost a month!

So last night it was back in the velcro SwaddleMe Original with hands in and tight and he slept 8:20 - 4:45 before waking. I fed him and he's back sleeping while I pump at 6am, lol. I can deal with this a bit but I want my better sleeper back! Thank goodness he's not rolling. He can't handle his hands out yet.

There's a zillion parks but it's over 90 degrees, then add FL humidity. Yuck. Plus I had skin cancer 1.5 years ago and my grandad died of it (dad's side) and great-grandad died of it (mom's side). Combined with Siler's righteously pale skin, he has no I take none with him.

Yeah, hubs and I are cheap SOB's and psycho savers so our savings is pretty healthy. We have our bills payable on one income (no cable, phones paid for, my 15 y/o car) so it's just the benefits from my job we'd pay for, which are just under $800/month.
Thea has had her last set of baby injections today. I also got her weighed and at 18 weeks she is 16lb 9oz!
That’s big!! Just 14lb 1oz here. 67cm long though, Dr said that was very tall for 4 months!
M hasn't been weighed in a couple of weeks, but on Sept 5, at 1 day shy of 20 weeks, she was 10 lb 2 oz and 24.5 in. Still not on the weight chart for her age, but finally on it for height. If you use the preemie chart, she's 7th percentile for weight (up from 3rd) and 80th percentile for height (up from 50th). My little peanut is still in newborn clothes with some 0-3 month clothes at 5 months. I cannot get over how much she has grown and yet how tiny she still is! She is definitely filling out and looking like a "normal" baby instead of a twig. She is very happy much of the time and loves to "read" with grandma and "talk" up a storm. We are just smitten with her!!


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I think Thea is just a chunk lol! I'm not sure on length as they don't measure that very often here, she is however nearly into 6-9 month clothes. My little boy was 17lb 3oz at the same age, my oldest was a bit smaller but she was tiny born. I think I just have chunky kids that turn into bean poles as they get older ha ha!
We're meeting a new pediatrician today. I mentioned earlier that ours died unexpectedly, and he was private practice. It's hard finding good ones who will listen to parents and not just regurgitate med school without seeing the whole child as an individual human...crossing fingers we like her.

Any 4 month sleep regression? Siler had 2 nasty nights but he's back to 9ish straight hours. He usually wakes me several times a night with kicking, but he didn't last night!
Because I'm nursing, the diagnostic place didn't do the mammogram (yay!) and the ultrasound showed what my doctor thought: papillomas, benign tumors that need removing.

I've had a fibroidadenoma removed from this same boob years ago so I will go to the same doctor. They made me go talk to her (waiting for appointment) but I refuse to do surgery and jeopardize my supply right now. Yes, they need out and biopsied just to make sure, but I feel comfortable waiting at least 4 more months to get as much milk as possible.

I'm barely keeping up now (supplement 1 bottle a day), and doing the surgery and recovery would kill the milk in that one.
Chel, I'm so glad they were able to see what they needed without doing a mammo. I'm relieved to hear that it's benign - as I'm sure you are! I know what you mean about not wanting to do anything to interfere with the milk supply. Sending good vibes your way! :hugs:
We're meeting a new pediatrician today. I mentioned earlier that ours died unexpectedly, and he was private practice. It's hard finding good ones who will listen to parents and not just regurgitate med school without seeing the whole child as an individual human...crossing fingers we like her.

Any 4 month sleep regression? Siler had 2 nasty nights but he's back to 9ish straight hours. He usually wakes me several times a night with kicking, but he didn't last night!

I hope the new pediatrician is great and you like her well enough to not have to keep looking for a pediatrician. We got lucky with ours - it's a group practice but you can pick one person you see each time and the first time we went, we got someone we love and continue to see.

Sleep regression is definitely happening at our house. We had a couple of weeks of no daytime naps to speak of (!!!!) and serious crying/fussing throughout the night off and on over about 2 weeks. We just ended up pulling her into the bed with us and she slept so much better. Now we're working on getting her back into her co-sleeper. Last night was the first night in a couple of weeks that she went in the co-sleeper without fussing AND slept all the way through the night. So I think we're getting back to the good sleeper we had in July-August! Mommy needs a nap... :sleep:
Chew glad all was fine with ya boobies!!
Wicky what a pretty baby !! Beautiful
Billie has been a little fussy the last few days but nothing too bad! She’s rapidly growing out of her 3-6m clothes and will be in 6-9m in no time! The time is going so quickly!!!

How does everyone like the new lay out?? I’m not sure if I like it?? ‍♀️

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