Ahhhhh!!!! I am so envious of the long maternity leaves some of you ladies have! I have been back at work over 3 months now. While I'm okay with it (we have to eat LOL), I wish I had more time with my baby. That said, I'm sure it's difficult to go back to work no matter when it happens!
I know this was awhile ago now, but I really wanted to thank you for your supportive comments when my friend got all passive aggressive about flu shots. It really helped to know that there were some sane, reasonable people out there, even if we choose different things for our babies and ourselves.
I don't think I updated you all after her 6 month checkup on 10/19. She came in at 12 lbs 3 oz and 25 1/4 inches. She is finally on the weight chart at the 1st percentile! Pediatrician said everything looks good, but she is still behind developmentally compared with other 6 month olds. I think she's pretty on track with her adjusted age, though, as she had met all the 4 month milestones at least two weeks before her checkup. We're still in OT and PT. OT got continued through another month because she is still having trouble with eating. She just doesn't open her mouth wide enough to get a spoon in and she keeps making weird LOUD slurping noises at the breast like she's not getting good suction. She's making great progress with PT, though, and the flat spot on her head is barely noticeable. Honestly, I don't think other (untrained) people would notice it unless it was pointed out to them.
Anyone else do anything for Halloween with your little ones? We took M to a Trunk or Treat event that the local Police and Fire Departments put on, because it was during the day. Perfect photo op without all the effort. We took my 12 year old cousin so it didn't look like we were doing a candy grab for ourselves. My cousin got the candy. Anyway, M went as a bunny and she was so cute when she moved her arms around in the costume and you could see her paws. But the day of the event, she wasn't really feeling it and so the pictures weren't great. But I'll share one anyway

Have any of the other US ladies begun plans for Thanksgiving? We are trying to figure out what we're doing because we usually drive to Indiana to see my family, but with the baby, didn't want to try that this year. We don't want to go to my cousins' house because there is some serious drama going on there with another family member who is an alcoholic that we don't want to be a part of (or the baby, for that matter!). So maybe something small at my house for my mom and our little family... At least it will be more relaxing than a 10 hour drive each way over the long weekend!