May Marvels 2018

Oh it’s weirding me out!! I think it’s probably better and more modern and technology forwards but I like the old one better, it was easier haha.
The new layout stinks! It's very ugly and clinical IMO.

So I see the boob doc on Thursday. The new pediatrician was great and we like her and we have our first "real" appointment Friday morning!

I'm not sure how much longer I can pump though. My nips are sooo sore. I need new flanges but my pump has NO replacement parts or other sizes! Can you believe it? Stupid insurance. I am livid. Going to see if OB can get insurance to cover I'm not drinking enough water...

So Siler busted out of the velcro swaddle 3 times Saturday night, so we went back to the Love to Dream sleep sack. He slept 8 hours but rubs the fabric across his cheek and his beautiful soft cheek we just cleared up is back red and we put the silk sleeve/mitt on with velcro swaddle tonight...we shall see. I'm not looking forward to him rolling and needing hands out.

Anyone else not living in the moment? I'm a FTM but I find I'm always waiting (and a bit antsy in my soul) for some current issue (sleep, milk, cheek, etc.) to settle down before I can actually enjoy everything fully....bah!
Oh I am fully in the moment... from experience there's always *something* so just enjoy what you can because once they get one thing sorted it will be something new driving you mental. There is a sweet spot where they sleep amazing and are adorable and listen so well... but I can't pin down when it was and it's long gone for my older two haha. But honestly I love it. Having my oldest in school 3 days a week is wonderful, she's loving it and I love having a bit of special time with my middle while baby naps. It's a busy time but it's sweet and enjoyable!
I know there will always be something...that's why I'm frustrated with myself, but it's how my analytical brain has always operated. I've never had a kid to use it on before (not counting nieces you give back).

I wish he'd nap better. I pump during naps and when they're 20-30 minutes I barely have any time to myself. I just need a smidgen...or a nap myself. But he's sleeping almost 11 hours straight through the night so I guess that's the trade-off.
Wow that's loads of sleep through the night Chel!

Thea has a few feeds in the night and loves being snuggled next to me, along with my 3 year old who comes in and needs to be wrapped around me most of the night I am always sleep deprived lol. Wouldn't have it any other way though!

When Thea naps in the day she is generally in her carrier. I'm feeling more guilty that my little boy isn't getting enough attention. Running a business and splitting my time is proving quite tough but again it is much better being able to be around for all 3 when they need me.

Swimming with my 3 year old this morning then I plan to make cakes with the oldest and middle and give them loads of quality time today.

Thea is thriving on cuddles and attention
Yeah, I can't complain. I dislike waking at 5am (since his bedtime is so early) but it could be a lot worse...and we seemed to really be spared the 4 month regression. He's still swaddled though since he's not rolling yet...almost there.

We also love our new pediatrician. She's not doomsday (stop milk! he needs a helmet! put him on zantac!) but more reasonable about being a baby (dermatitis not eczema, he's a happy spitter so no meds, head looks just fine and will round out).

Siler is average weight (56%tile) but 96%tile in height! I love it. I'm 5'8" and hubs is 6'1" so we're hoping he's a tall dude. Big
Hi, ladies! It has been quiet on here for a bit so I thought I'd say hi. We're doing well. Miriam will be 6 months old on Friday and has her check up that day. I can't wait to see how much she weighs and how tall she is. We introduced solid foods for the first time this week and she seemed to enjoy the experience, though made quite the mess! I was expecting her to have a meltdown or otherwise express her displeasure at the new texture, but she was fine. I think OT has helped a lot with her sensitivity to transitions and new things. We have basically graduated from OT and just have one appointment to check on how she does with the transition to include solid foods. PT is ongoing, as she still doesn't want to turn her head to the left. However, she has made improvements and is now at or ahead of the milestones for her adjusted age and just behind in her actual age (which was to be expected). We're probably going to sign up for swim lessons beginning in November, so that will be fun. I love the water and M seems to enjoy splashing in her baths now, so I think it's a good time to start exposing her to swimming. Other than that, not much going on. Just the same routine of work, baby watching, and sleep! Hope you all are doing well.
Miriam started trying to crawl today! She wasn't really successful, so we called it a "pre-crawl" but it was the first time she looked motivated to move and acted interested in moving, too. She was able to pull herself with her hands/arms a few inches, but it was very slow going. No leg involvement yet. Anyone else seeing signs of crawling yet?

Also, I just had to vent because I think I lost a friend over a facebook post where I said that I wasn't allowing anyone who hadn't gotten their flu shot to handle M because she is in the highest risk category (baby and preemie) to have complications from the flu. Someone I considered a dear friend said something snarky about never being able to meet her and that was that. I was sad because I felt like if he had an issue, he could have told me directly instead of online, or he could have just kept it to himself -- he lives on the west coast and I live on the east coast, so it's not like we would bump into each other anytime soon. Plus, it could have been done without the snark if he absolutely felt it was necessary to post in a public forum. I can certainly respect those who decide vaccines are not for them, but I would hope others, especially my friends, would respect my decisions and my daughter's health. It was just so upsetting!
It's too quiet here--it's dead, lol. This was my primary board but I had to go back to my other for more posts. :)

CRAWL: Nothing here. Siler won't even roll yet but we still swaddle to get good long night sleep so I'm okay. He did bust out 3 times so I think the time is near done with the swaddle, and he rubs his face too much and wakes himself. Not looking forward to that change. At least the crazy bloody scratching stopped.
He is trying to sit up from a laying position, so he looks like he's doing ab crunches, lol.

FOOD: We tried but he is not ready to use his tongue properly. I don't think it's texture or taste, but he pushes the spoon out so we wait.

Wicky, that is rude for someone who won't even be around the baby. We don't get flu shots here, even for baby, but that's your rules. Hopefully it's more effective than last year's measly 10%. So even though they aren't touching baby, they can carry it. I really wish our church would STOP asking us to turn and shake hands during flu season. I just refuse, no matter how mad or awkward it makes people....
I really wish our church would STOP asking us to turn and shake hands during flu season. I just refuse, no matter how mad or awkward it makes people....

Yeah, I've heard it called "passing the germs" instead of "passing the peace." During flu season, that seems more accurate. I'm with you on no handshaking (especially in big groups) during that time!

Siler sounds like he's being super cute with those ab crunches! Miriam doesn't try to sit up from lying down yet, but she does arch her back a lot by digging in her feet and putting her butt in the air. It's kind of funny, but then she gets mad that she isn't in the position she wants to be, so usually results in a little fit of fussiness.

We stopped regularly swaddling awhile ago, but I sometimes go back to it to see if that helps her sleep and calm herself better. She does rub her face a lot and wake herself up, but it's usually morning time by then, so not so bad. I hope that it turns out that way for Siler when you have to stop swaddling.

I'm not 100% convinced Miriam is really ready for food, as she is more likely to stick her tongue out onto the spoon than let us put the spoon into her mouth, but the OT and our pediatrician say she's ready to be exposed now. So we try, but I have to say, she doesn't get more than a few molecules at a sitting!
Siler sounds like he's being super cute with those ab crunches! Miriam doesn't try to sit up from lying down yet, but she does arch her back a lot by digging in her feet and putting her butt in the air. It's kind of funny, but then she gets mad that she isn't in the position she wants to be, so usually results in a little fit of fussiness.

We stopped regularly swaddling awhile ago, but I sometimes go back to it to see if that helps her sleep and calm herself better. She does rub her face a lot and wake herself up, but it's usually morning time by then, so not so bad. I hope that it turns out that way for Siler when you have to stop swaddling.

I'm not 100% convinced Miriam is really ready for food, as she is more likely to stick her tongue out onto the spoon than let us put the spoon into her mouth, but the OT and our pediatrician say she's ready to be exposed now. So we try, but I have to say, she doesn't get more than a few molecules at a sitting!

It's very cute! He did the arching thing awhile, now he does abs or just pushes himself upwards with his feet. Frustrating when trying to change him and his head hits the wall. I'm okay with him not rolling, since we can swaddle and it works (he slept 11 hours straight last night!) but he did break out of the swaddle by morning. I don't know when or how long he was rubbing his face so I hope it's more just when he wakes and not all night...we shall see...I'm scared, lol.

See, our pediatrician said if they can't manage the tongue, they aren't ready. We try just the spoon daily so until he can handle that without making a face or pushing it back, we're not opening the food to waste.
Hi all! Haven’t updated in forever!! Can’t believe we all have 5 Month olds!! Anyone’s LO’s having sleep issues? The 4 month sleep regression seemed to only affect Willa’s naps. But now for the past week, her night sleep has been horrible and it’s basically been like having a newborn again. She’s been waking 3x per night. Also for some reason has been having poop blowouts EVERY morning around 4-5am. Trying to figure out if this is teething, a growth spurt, a mental leap?? It’s always so hard to figure these babies out.
Hi all! Haven’t updated in forever!! Can’t believe we all have 5 Month olds!! Anyone’s LO’s having sleep issues? The 4 month sleep regression seemed to only affect Willa’s naps. But now for the past week, her night sleep has been horrible and it’s basically been like having a newborn again. She’s been waking 3x per night. Also for some reason has been having poop blowouts EVERY morning around 4-5am. Trying to figure out if this is teething, a growth spurt, a mental leap?? It’s always so hard to figure these babies out.

We seemed to get through leap 4 regression unscathed. He was crapnapping before then and still does with the occasional hour or so in the morning (longer if we lay by him but I have to pump). He's been sleeping 9-11 straight hours for a month, but he always rouses me at 330 with kicking and loud wiggling so I started dreamfeeding him and he can get by without kicking and waking me until morning. I'm not looking forward to time change. We tried pushing his bedtime back to adjust and he sleeps less; I don't want him in bed at 630! 7-730 works best.
My little go getter figured out rocking on all 4’s a few days ago and did her first army crawl tonight. Motivated by wanting to eat an electrical cord of course. Baby gates soon!

I started ferberizing because honestly I could not figure out how to get her to fall asleep. She hated everything I did to try and help and wouldn’t even nurse to sleep. She just fights sleep so badly. So she hasn’t cried too much. Tonight I nursed her and sang and then rocked her for a bit and put her down. She cried for 4-5 mins and fell asleep. She still wakes up to nurse probably 3 times a night but we co sleep so it’s not big deal for me.

We’re 2 weeks away from 6 months and starting solids is the last thing I want to do!! I don’t have time to feed another mouth lol!! We do self feeding so it won’t be too bad but it’s a new stage and routine and I just feel like it’s all going SO FAST!!!
Also she’s a bad napper most days. Sometimes I’ll get a 2 hr nap out of her but most days it’s 2 30 min naps in her bed and then one or two on the go in the carrier or car seat.
Hi all!

I am THE WORST for reading and running. Sorry. I'm much better on FB if anyone wants to use group there.

We hit 5 months on Friday. Lyra is a total dainty lovely.

She weighed 12lb 12oz at her last weigh in the week before and is around the 9th centile. They don't seem to do length so I must remember to do it myself.

She's sitting up for a few minutes at a time unaided (although I am right there for safety). She rolls into her side but isn't so fussed with tummy time so no crawling yet. She does the crunches too! If she's lying down and you let her hold your fingers she will pull up to standing and climb right up you!!!

The first tooth has broken too! Incredibly early to me as my eldest three didn't cut a tooth until 11 months but she has been fine with it, temperament wise.

I was intending to wait until 6 months for food because she's small (16 weeks with all the others because that is what was recommended back in the day) but she chews her lip and shows real interest so she's had a couple or tea spoons of puree each day and tastes of other stuff on my finger.

Lyra is super chatty too, even when on the boob! We are all besotted with her.

Sleep wise she is a brief napper so on the rare occasion she is having more than 20 mins I don't realise until it is too late to do anything else.

I still take her up when I go to bed around 11:30pm. Mostly she will have napped downstairs for an hour or two by then. She sleeps nicely in her shnug and usually wakes around 4 and 7 for feeds but it varies. And sometimes there is a curve ball 1am feed too. Good job she settles down immediately after!

Due to all the feeds (2 hourly in the day) I've still not got my period but that's fine by me.

I'm due back at work mid January. I have requested a three day week and secured a nursery place for one day and have my mum for two days.

I don't know how long I will breast feed for. I can't remember how I transitioned with DD3.

I'm also doing a pantomime this year so it'll be a busy Christmas.

I have not thought about gifts really...

Sorry for the massive update!!
Rosie she sounds so Amazing. A tooth already eek!! I hope she doesn’t chomp you at all. So keen of her to be sitting so well already!! Summer just flops over lol!! No period here either yet, normal and nice for sure.

I only go back to work at end of April and only Saturdays. But I looove my maternity leave so much I don’t want to go!!!
Ahhhhh!!!! I am so envious of the long maternity leaves some of you ladies have! I have been back at work over 3 months now. While I'm okay with it (we have to eat LOL), I wish I had more time with my baby. That said, I'm sure it's difficult to go back to work no matter when it happens!

I know this was awhile ago now, but I really wanted to thank you for your supportive comments when my friend got all passive aggressive about flu shots. It really helped to know that there were some sane, reasonable people out there, even if we choose different things for our babies and ourselves.

I don't think I updated you all after her 6 month checkup on 10/19. She came in at 12 lbs 3 oz and 25 1/4 inches. She is finally on the weight chart at the 1st percentile! Pediatrician said everything looks good, but she is still behind developmentally compared with other 6 month olds. I think she's pretty on track with her adjusted age, though, as she had met all the 4 month milestones at least two weeks before her checkup. We're still in OT and PT. OT got continued through another month because she is still having trouble with eating. She just doesn't open her mouth wide enough to get a spoon in and she keeps making weird LOUD slurping noises at the breast like she's not getting good suction. She's making great progress with PT, though, and the flat spot on her head is barely noticeable. Honestly, I don't think other (untrained) people would notice it unless it was pointed out to them.

Anyone else do anything for Halloween with your little ones? We took M to a Trunk or Treat event that the local Police and Fire Departments put on, because it was during the day. Perfect photo op without all the effort. We took my 12 year old cousin so it didn't look like we were doing a candy grab for ourselves. My cousin got the candy. Anyway, M went as a bunny and she was so cute when she moved her arms around in the costume and you could see her paws. But the day of the event, she wasn't really feeling it and so the pictures weren't great. But I'll share one anyway :bunny::haha:

Have any of the other US ladies begun plans for Thanksgiving? We are trying to figure out what we're doing because we usually drive to Indiana to see my family, but with the baby, didn't want to try that this year. We don't want to go to my cousins' house because there is some serious drama going on there with another family member who is an alcoholic that we don't want to be a part of (or the baby, for that matter!). So maybe something small at my house for my mom and our little family... At least it will be more relaxing than a 10 hour drive each way over the long weekend!

Our updates:
*He started rolling and sitting up this week! He can sit up for a bit as long as we're by him. He can only roll from tummy to back but not the other way around; odd since he's spent more time on his back, lol. He still tries doing ab pilates on his back.

*He just tried some apple puree last night and kept 30% of it in. He's still not getting the hang of swallowing, lol, but we will keep trying daily. He has started doing raspberries too.

*We had to stop the swaddle. He was hating it, busting out, and now with rolling we went to Love to Dream 50/50 sleep sack with the arm wings off. He's doing well and without rubbing his cheek so much, his dermatitis is all but cleared up and his cheeks are soft again!

*I was afraid time change would really screw us but he's acclimating alright. We did get an extra nap and keep him up last night to get back to regular bedtime but he was overtired and didn't go down well. BUT he slept his best yet: 730-640 with just a 415 feeding (which is much later than normal). Hopefully this trend continues.

*Hubby has started taking some nights. I was getting up too much, too shattered, and it was killing me. So he does Sunday and Wednesday and a possible Friday if I need it. It has been so helpful and I've gotten 7 hours straight, the first time in almost a year!

*So I pumped blood, had an ultrasound, have tumors, and just had 2 biopsies to see if they are benign. I am so livid because the procedure has tanked my supply in that breast (my fear). Like cut it in half, when I was barely keeping up with him as it is. Now I'm not and I'm scared. My pump SUCKS (cheap one with NO replacements parts). My shield is the wrong size and pumping has been super painful for 6 months. I mentioned it on another site and a lady is mailing an extra one she has for me!! So excited to try something new with different sizes. I'm not ready to stop EP/BM yet.

*Off work until August and I don't want to return, lol. I have to work but I might look for a different job. Teaching (babysitting) middle schoolers isn't rewarding anymore...
Ugh I’m getting a bad clogged duct that is likely going to turn into mastitis! I’m going to try the natural things to get rid of it before it turns into mastitis and hopefully
I can avoid antibiotics

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