May Marvels 2018

Good luck. I have had so many clogged ducts I've lost track. None have turned and I had one for 2 weeks.

Ugh I’m getting a bad clogged duct that is likely going to turn into mastitis! I’m going to try the natural things to get rid of it before it turns into mastitis and hopefully
I can avoid antibiotics
Yeah it went away the next day. But since that’s my 3rd one in 6 months (and I literally never had them bf for 3 years previously) I’m going to grab some sunflower lecithin and take it if I feel it coming on again. My friend said a lot of pumping moms take it, I’m not sure if it’s because pumping will make clogs easier or if it maybe makes the milk come out easier, lol not sure but maybe you should look into it chel if you’re exclusively pumping still! How’s your supply? Keeping up?
Chel hope your Tumors turn out to be nothing to worry about!!

We’re all good here! Billie sleeps really well she goes down at 7/7:30 and sleeps til 7/7:30 and naps a good 2-3 hours in the day. We moved her into joanies room last week and she’s settled in there really well it’s so cute, we’ve been doing a bit of blw and purée and she’s doing well with that but we’re not on 3 meals a day just yet.
Billie has no interest in crawling at the moment she’s still quite happy to just lie there but none of mine were early crawlers. She has an appointment next month to check if she has cataracts like some of her brother and sisters so fx she doesn’t!!

How’s everyone doing for Christmas? My shopping is probably 3/4 done my aim is to be finished by 1st dec!!
Oh it was nothing--clogged ducts, not even a tumor! It tanked that boob supply and I'm mad. And the dr wanted me in to talk about it, after telling me it was negative. I refused. I can't afford a co-pay to talk about a normal result. She wants a mammogram and MRI just in case, per the radiologist. Ugh. Pass. I'm not getting IV contrast when BF and my place won't do mamms when you're nursing. It's overkill....I know I pumped blood because of a bad pump...I got a new one and all is well.
Whaa! I got my first cold in over a year! Sore supply has tanked!! I've pumped 10oz all day! BooHoo.....not ready to give up yet.
Hey, how is everyone doing? Are your babies doing new things now?

It's been ages since I've been on here but with 3 kids, the dogs and a new business my life has been a bit crazy!

Thea has just turned 6 months old...where has my tiny baby gone! She was weighed yesterday and is 18lb 4oz eeek
Still completely bf, tried some food this week but she is having none of it. She is not impressed at all. I feel it is going to be a long journey introducing food to Thea!

She can roll front to back, tries to get her knees up to crawl but only moves a little bit at the moment.

She also spends most of the time in her carrier attached to me. She is very clingy but I'm just going with it and loving all the cuddles!
Hi guys,
Where is time going? I can't believe it's 7 months since my due date yesterday!!

Lyra is doing beautifully. She had snuck up to 14lb 4oz at the six month mark. She will roll on to her front but leaves one arm under to roll back still so she's fairly contained despite being activr.

She sits well with little support and is loving food. I'm kind of winging the weaning; she has a combination of home puree, baby food pouch and bits off us like toast crusts etc.

She is pretty good with that but we are still yet to crack a good, solid sleep.

Good nights involve 4-5 hours in one block and they are rare. Luckily I can handle tired pretty well. And she settles well even when she has been up, so that is half the battle.

I go back to work in 5 weeks and don't know what to do about milk. She has decreased nursing as food has increased, but I don't know how to work out the amount of EBM she would need for a day in nursery/with my folks...

I literally can't remember how I phased it out with my older kids but seem to recall just switching it out for cow's milk. I dunno.

Hope you are all well xxx
I wouldn’t do cows milk till a year. If I was leaving baby for a full day I’d leave maybe 9 oz? 3 x 3 oz bottles.

Summer is crawling now and trying to pull herself up to standing. She’s so much fun. Sleep we are getting a 4 hr stretch since we came Back from vacation, she was doing 8 previously so vacation messed us up :((((

She’s self feeding but not great at it so doesn’t get much food in lol. And still won’t take a bottle. She has major separation anxiety and me and daddy are basically the only ones she’s happy with!!
S is a chill procrastinator on his own speed. He rolls belly->back but refuses to stay/crawl on his tummy for long, lol. He sits very well (most of the day playing) and loves his activity center and now his walker.

He's in a weird regression. We got him trained to put himself to sleep without out help, but since Monday he's been a right gremlin only at night (naps are beautiful). Tonight was a gremlin last nap (he still needs 3), but a beautiful silent bedtime, so I hope the worst is over. Hubs and I still swap nights so the tired isn't too bad. He can get 7-8 hours before waking for food.

We're supplementing goat's milk in bottles since goat is much closer to BM than cow's. He will do full cow's later anyway. Less stomach issues than cow's. He's drinking 5-6oz about 6 times a day. He's slowly eating more. Just really got the hang on swallowing (except his drool--ugh, we've replaced spitup with drool).

My biopsies, followed by a horrible cold, tanked my supply. I mean, I'm lucky to pump 10oz the whole day. I'm going though my freezer stash. I was sad, still am, but have gone through the grieving process and am in acceptance now.
Chel you have done fantastic so pat yourself on the back!!

Billie loves food and she will eat most things. We do both blw and lumpy purée, sometimes purée is just quicker and less messy lol but she does well with both. We are still on just breakfast and dinner but will introduce lunch in the next few days. She has a horrible cough at the moment you can really hear her chest rattling so will probably take her doctors tomorrow just in case she needs any meds for it.
So Christmas is done for another year phew, I hate January tho. My great aunt died just before Christmas so we have her funeral on the 15th January so not the best start to 2019. X
Happy New Year everyone! Time has gone by so fast. Magnus is eight months old now, sits, crawls and pulls himself up to standing. He will also clap his hands which is just the cutest thing. He is having purees and finger foods, which he bites of with his two (sharp!) front teeth. He loves to eat! Otherwise, he has started baby making music classes this week which he seems to enjoy. :) What's happening with your little ones??

Magnus is:
70cm tall and weighs 8kg
This poor site is so dead. I stay on the WTE one. lol
My guy is almost 30 inches (99%tile!) and weighs over 21 pounds (89%tile). Plus his big head, lol. He's a procrastinator like daddy. Just cuttinghis first tooth, just started rolling to belly, only digs purees, won't pull himself up....rofl...he takes his sweet time. But he's a cutie.
Hi ladies!

I hope you are all doing well. Time goes by so fast! M turned 9 months on Saturday (which happened to be my birthday, too). She is so much fun at this age - lots of interaction, expressions, babbling, and movement. Although she has yet to actually crawl or say a real word. She also doesn't have any teeth yet. She has been teething FOREVER but nothing has cut through yet. I wonder if that means she'll have a whole bunch pop through in a short period of time.

Anyway, we are feeding her some purees and trying some BLW, but she hasn't figured out how to pick up small pieces and put them into her mouth (or anywhere else, for that matter), so it's mostly us putting little bits of "regular" food in her mouth to taste. So far the big winners are bacon (just the flavor) and whipped cream. With the purees, she loves most of the fruits and veggies we've given her and even tolerates the meats. The only things she hasn't liked were avocado and egg.

We're still nursing, but just at bedtime, as my supply was so low it was getting really annoying to pump at work and she doesn't seem to want to go to the breast any time but bedtime. So I guess we're going with what she wants. I'm kind of sad about it, as I'm thinking this might not last very long and then BF will be over, but I'm also a little relieved since it has been such a struggle for me.

Sleep has been pretty good at night. She sleeps about 8-9 hours at a time, more if I can sleep late with her. But NO naps during the day or sometimes a couple of 20 minute snoozes. On the rare occasion whens she naps during the day, she sleeps for 2-3 hours. So I know she's got to be sleep deprived, but I am not sure what to do about it if she refuses to nap. Ugh.

We graduated from physical therapy so M's torticollis is gone and she is at least meeting the milestones for her adjusted age and a bunch for her actual age. We're still in occupational therapy because she seems to have lots of sensory sensitivities that have made transitioning to solid foods more challenging. But at least we only have to go once a month and not every week anymore!

The holidays were good. M seemed to enjoy presents - or more specifically, wrapping paper - and got a kick out of the festivities. She did a lot of smiling and laughing. She also got to see her grandpa and grandma from Indiana as well as her grandma in Maryland, so that was nice for all of us. I can't believe that it's almost February! This time last year, I was miserable and pregnant, thinking there was no end in sight. What a change a year brings!!!
DW and I saw Miss Saigon last night (national touring company) and it was amazing. But I have to say, having a baby made the story SO MUCH MORE gut-wrenching. DW and I were both in puddles at the end. She didn't know the story, but I did. It was still heartbreaking. I love theater, but am glad the next show we see in two weeks is an upbeat one (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). DW and I can't take another heavy show again so soon! It's funny the things that have changed since getting pregnant. I can't watch Criminal Minds anymore, my favorite musicals cause me to sob uncontrollably way more often than ever before... All I wanted to do after the show last night was get home to my LO and hold her close.
Just cut first teeth over here. No crawling, but just now rolling to back during the night. Still eating twice a night, the second one sometimes closer to wake. Wake is too early....weird regression I want to end. I want my 1 feed a night back.

Only purees here, too. He can pick stuff up but it never makes it to his mouth. The carrots break apart and the meltie puffs stick to his wet palms, lol.
My girl hates all food. Finger food on her tray, purees, anything. Unfortunately she’s dropped to the 8th percentile for weight so I really need her to eat.

Struggling to keep my milk supply up and get her to gain weight.

Other than that, she’s happy and healthy. Crawling, cruising, pushing around her walker.
Hi ladies!

Heck it’s been a while. Almost 9 months old over here. Sitting up, no crawling yet, but he’s up on all fours and doing downward dog haha. He can go backwards though. No teeth either. Been teething for ages!! But no teeth yet.

Ry loves to stand up, he’s happy for you to hold his hands forever so he can stand and practice taking steps. We just got the “buh” sound a few days ago as well but no words yet. Just ummmmmmm for me haha.

Um what else, oh he eats like a champ. We do a mix of purées and blw and he loves pretty much all food. And he extra loves fruit.

Basically a super happy baby. ❤️
Scooting backwards here with weird gyrations, lol.
Two teeth coming in.
Won't eat puffs or melties, just everything else on the planet.
Really finding his voice and personality. Very happy kid.
Eating 2 times a night (added a second 4 weeks ago and not dropping it).
Lovely to hear how everyone is doing, love hearing news on the there a fb group I can join?

Thea has just turned 8 months, she is into everything, crawling around everywhere which is involving lots of bumps as she tries to pull herself up. She does really well with finger foods, very much like her older sister was. She can pick everything up and put it in her mouth edible or not eeek....i am forever hooking things out of her mouth!
She loves pureed food.
Thea can say hi, Dada and her sisters name and she loves to wave at everyone.
She also likes to feed in the night a lot! I guess the longest stretch of sleep is a few hours lol.

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