Hi ladies!
I hope you are all doing well. Time goes by so fast! M turned 9 months on Saturday (which happened to be my birthday, too). She is so much fun at this age - lots of interaction, expressions, babbling, and movement. Although she has yet to actually crawl or say a real word. She also doesn't have any teeth yet. She has been teething FOREVER but nothing has cut through yet. I wonder if that means she'll have a whole bunch pop through in a short period of time.
Anyway, we are feeding her some purees and trying some BLW, but she hasn't figured out how to pick up small pieces and put them into her mouth (or anywhere else, for that matter), so it's mostly us putting little bits of "regular" food in her mouth to taste. So far the big winners are bacon (just the flavor) and whipped cream. With the purees, she loves most of the fruits and veggies we've given her and even tolerates the meats. The only things she hasn't liked were avocado and egg.
We're still nursing, but just at bedtime, as my supply was so low it was getting really annoying to pump at work and she doesn't seem to want to go to the breast any time but bedtime. So I guess we're going with what she wants. I'm kind of sad about it, as I'm thinking this might not last very long and then BF will be over, but I'm also a little relieved since it has been such a struggle for me.
Sleep has been pretty good at night. She sleeps about 8-9 hours at a time, more if I can sleep late with her. But NO naps during the day or sometimes a couple of 20 minute snoozes. On the rare occasion whens she naps during the day, she sleeps for 2-3 hours. So I know she's got to be sleep deprived, but I am not sure what to do about it if she refuses to nap. Ugh.
We graduated from physical therapy so M's torticollis is gone and she is at least meeting the milestones for her adjusted age and a bunch for her actual age. We're still in occupational therapy because she seems to have lots of sensory sensitivities that have made transitioning to solid foods more challenging. But at least we only have to go once a month and not every week anymore!
The holidays were good. M seemed to enjoy presents - or more specifically, wrapping paper - and got a kick out of the festivities. She did a lot of smiling and laughing. She also got to see her grandpa and grandma from Indiana as well as her grandma in Maryland, so that was nice for all of us. I can't believe that it's almost February! This time last year, I was miserable and pregnant, thinking there was no end in sight. What a change a year brings!!!