May Marvels 2018

I got an early BFP as well- currently due 12th may!
Only myself and husband know for now. This is our second and with my lg we told family really early and decided we wanted to wait before telling family this time. If we can keep it a secret we will probably wait until 8 weeks as want family to know before we tell anyone else at 12 weeks.

So far I've been hit with extreme exhaustion. I don't remember this from last time. No sickness yet but I remember that hitting at 5 weeks last time so could hit anytime now.
Is anyone thinking about booking an early scan? I had one with my lg and think I will book another one this time.

I've just called and booked in with the midwife for the 5th October when I should be 9 weeks along. I feel like I'm being premature booking in with midwife but Im excited and wanted to get is sorted so I can sort my work diary out.
Please count me in- my EDD is May 13th (mothers day!).

I was a bit hesitant to join the group as I'm terrified that this bean won't stick. I started spotting/bleeding at 10dpo (which is normal for me with AF) and assumed I was out. I had a random temp spike at 12dpo so decided to test just to see if the spike meant anything and I got an instant BFP! I've been so scared the last few days as I've been bleeding and cramping since then but I've had a good strong line each day. I started using progesterone cream on Saturday hoping it would help as I'm pretty sure I have low progesterone (10 day LP each cycle). Today the spotting and cramping has stopped so I hope that is a good sign.

With it being the weekend and Labor day today, I haven't been able to see my Dr to get blood work done but I will be doing that tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me that my levels look good and are still rising.
Hi girls, I'm due #3 around 2nd of May. Had a MMC this time last year so feeling a bit all over the place, but cautiously optimistic.
That's a good sign your cramping and spotting has stopped JWC13! Little one was probably just burrowing their way in =)
So far had every symptom under the Sun, coming and going, but i' m trying not to panic. I was CRAZY moody last week but that has settled a bit (my OH is definitely happy about that one haha!).
Hope you ladies are all well!
Welcome everyone! I've added everyones EDD to the first post, please let me know if I've missed anyone.

Flourish- I think I'll book an early scan for 7 weeks. I had one with both my girls and found it so reassuring and kind of feel like I should!

I'm scared of miscarriage too :( I think everyone worries don't they. I've been fortunate enough to never have had a miscarriage and I've had two successful pregnancies and two healthy girls. I really have no reason to worry, but I can't help it. It sounds silly but I almost feel like because I've been lucky so far, I'm more likely to have one... do you know what I mean?

I hate this part of pregnancy, the knicker checking and worrying about every pain and cramp, arghh! Not feeling much yet except the odd bit of nausea, feeling tired and my boobs are killing!! Still getting the mild cramps as well, which I remember from the last two times.

I've booked a docs appointment for Thursday eve so I can get referred to the midwife. I also need to ask what I need to do as I'm on antidepressants (which I take for severe PMS) so I suspect that I'll need to wean off them. Anyone else booked any appointment yet?
I've emailed my midwives but need to call the office to update my info tomorrow morning, hopefully I can remember!

We have told both sets of parents, my SIL and a close friend. Still have a bit of family left to tell. I told them it was early but wanted to celebrate the baby whatever happens. We have had a mc before, and we didn't tell anyone we were pregnant so they only found out we had a mc, and it was all sadness when we told. I wanted them to be excited with us, even if we do end up having a mc again. I feel very positive about this pregnancy though. We waited a long time for me to get my period back after breastfeeding to get pregnant again so I feel like this baby is going to be healthy.
I haven't told anyone yet, not even DH, but he suspect something. I'm probably going to wait til AF is due.

Flourish< I don't think you're being premature booking for 9 weeks. Not sure where you're located, but here in the US they like to see you around 6-8 weeks, to confirm babies heartbeat. I'll be scheduling my appointment around that time.

Has anyone NOT told DH yet? And if so, how are you planning on doing so?
Welcome! I'll add everyone's EDDs on the first post, so let me know yours if you haven't already.

How are you all feeling? I'm getting waves of nausea and have sore boobs and AF type cramps, very similar to my other pregnancies this early on. Have you told anyone yet?

Oops. Left out my due date. According to my calculations (based on LMP), it's the 13th of May.

I have all the symptoms you describe, along with the occasional sharp pain low down in the abdomen, which i assume is something stretching. They've set in earlier for me this time than with my first.

Haven't told anybody yet, except for DH. I would prefer to get to the end of first tri, but will probably have to tell people at work sooner than that, due to the nature of the work I do. I'm going to put it off for as long as I can.

ETA: How is everyone dealing with the exhaustion? I was practically falling asleep on my laptop at work this afternoon.

I'm aware that it's really early days yet, so am trying not to worry. I don't know what it is about pregnancy that makes us worry so much, even those of us who are not normally anxious people. I might have mentioned on another thread that any time I find myself wondering about "what ifs", I take a step back and imagine holding the baby instead. At least it makes me smile.
Has anyone NOT told DH yet? And if so, how are you planning on doing so?

I have told DH but i was really trying to think of a nice way to tell him. In the end I baught a box of his favourite millies cookies and left them on the kitchen side with a note saying 'If I am going to get fat then so are you ...'

It took him a few minutes to get it but then a huge smile broke out on his face (although not sure if that was realising I'm pregnant or that he had a whole box of cookies haha)
Hi girls, I am being brave and joining you all! I haven't been back here since my youngest was born in 2013, but I am having a PMA moment and I'm jumping back in! This is our 9th pregnancy and from those, we have been blessed with 3 amazing kids.
If all goes well, this little one should be due May 8th.
Symptoms-wise, I am soooooooo tired! A little bit nauseous in the evenings and majorly bloated, but otherwise, I'm doing good!x
Please count me in- my EDD is May 13th (mothers day!).

I was a bit hesitant to join the group as I'm terrified that this bean won't stick. I started spotting/bleeding at 10dpo (which is normal for me with AF) and assumed I was out. I had a random temp spike at 12dpo so decided to test just to see if the spike meant anything and I got an instant BFP! I've been so scared the last few days as I've been bleeding and cramping since then but I've had a good strong line each day. I started using progesterone cream on Saturday hoping it would help as I'm pretty sure I have low progesterone (10 day LP each cycle). Today the spotting and cramping has stopped so I hope that is a good sign.

With it being the weekend and Labor day today, I haven't been able to see my Dr to get blood work done but I will be doing that tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me that my levels look good and are still rising.

Wow! Me too on all counts! They gave me progestone shots on Friday and I'm nervous about getting more asap! I'm due on the 12th of may. I hope this baby sticks!
Hi ladies!! My EDD is May 12th!
I've told my DH our mothers, my cousin, and two girls at work know bc I was always leaving work to have blood work done. I got my first faint BFP last week and watched it. Poas like everyday. I emailed my doc. (I had a MC in June) and let her know AF was due on Saturday and it's getting darker. She called me in for blood, I was at a level 8! So really early! Like three weeks!

I can't wait to see my results (probably on Wed) from blood work tomorrow. I have low progesterone so they've pumped me full. Two shots on Friday and Imagine more on Tuesday.

My first symptom was dizziness (Monday) and bitchiness (Sunday) lol. Now my body forces me to take rests and I can fall asleep with the lights on... I'm so excited for this journey with you all!
Wow! Me too on all counts! They gave me progestone shots on Friday and I'm nervous about getting more asap! I'm due on the 12th of may. I hope this baby sticks!

Really?!? Did your Dr. seem concerned or did they think that the issue was with progesterone? I've been so scared but it's so good to know that someone else is going through what I've been going through.
Wow! Me too on all counts! They gave me progestone shots on Friday and I'm nervous about getting more asap! I'm due on the 12th of may. I hope this baby sticks!

Really?!? Did your Dr. seem concerned or did they think that the issue was with progesterone? I've been so scared but it's so good to know that someone else is going through what I've been going through.

When I first found this doc (the last one pissed me off and did NOTHING to help me) she had me chart my cm for three months find my "peak day" ( already knew ) then they took my blood every other day for about two weeks. They saw at that time my progesterone was low, and they watch it every cycle now. This was my fourth cycle with femara.
Ladies we will all be having babies at the same time as Princess Kate! Lol!!

I've had my previous 2 very close to her as well, we are on the same timeline it seems XD
So feeling the nausea coming on today. So slight but it's the beginning. I feverishly cleaned my house from top to bottom (including a deep scrub all around the toilets because I will be hanging my head around there often). I know I won't be in any cleaning shape till 2nd tri so hopefully this clean and my husbands efforts will tide us over until then!! Need to do some organizing tomorrow with toddler clothes and stuff for the thrift store as well. Not looking forward to ms :(
Oh no I hope it's not too bad the sickness for you reiko! Were you sick in your previous pregnancies?

Where's everyone from? I'm in the uk, England.

Over here we normally have a booking in appointment with the midwife between 8-10 weeks then a scan of baby between 11-14 weeks. What's it normally like for everyone else?
My husband had such a huge smile on his face when he understood what the two lines on the test were meaning. "So, we're having a baby?!" Too adorable!

This time it took us six months to conceive so it felt like forever, honest speaking. With my son we covceived the second month trying, which I know was very lucky.

We haven't told anybody else yet as we agreed to wait until after the first appointment for a scan that I will be making for 8 weeks.
Hi all, I'm pregnant with my second (got a very very faint positive last night - only held urine for 2 hours, but am 2 days late for af and pretty certain I am pg). Due mid-May (14 May according to LMP), but given my pregnancy history I'm more likely to give birth mid-April. Want to join the May group rather than April group though because the pregnancy stages will match better.

Ds was born end Oct 2011 (due end Nov) and we started trying again about 18 months later. Nothing happened for about 2.5 years. Gave up for about 18 months (and sold all our baby stuff!!!) then had a surprise pg in May this year, which ended pretty much as soon as it started. Wasn't actually trying this month but surprise surprise, turns out nature had other plans! So excited! Going to get another test tomorrow to get a more definite result. Will be going for bloods (hcg) on Friday.

I'm from South Africa - will be booking a scan for around 10 weeks. Then the detailed scan at around 12 or 13 weeks. I need to have a stitch (cervical cerclage) placed at 14 weeks due to an incompetent cervix. With my son we had our first scan at 7 weeks (or maybe it was 6 weeks?). Half considering doing that again but I know the gyne likes to see us at 10 weeks so hoping to save the money of the earlier scan. But not sure I'll be able to wait! Eeeek! (I also don't like telling anyone until I've had a scan to confirm things... )
Ladies we will all be having babies at the same time as Princess Kate! Lol!!

I've had my previous 2 very close to her as well, we are on the same timeline it seems XD

Yes! I was so excited to hear this! They also aren't saying how far along she is, only that she's not yet 3 months!

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