Welcome, VieraSky! This group is awesome, but moves quickly! Glad to have another member
Broken, I am so glad for your happy news (and so relieved for you)! Emzy, it's great to hear about your good scan, too. I can't believe some of us are already in the 2nd tri... I'm kind of envious, but also just happy to be progressing. I'll be 11 weeks on Saturday, but with the diabetes complications, it feels like time has been dragging since week 4. I'm sure all the HG and MS ladies feel somewhat the same!
Speaking of HG/MS, Chel, I am so happy that your symptoms have been more manageable. I agree with others that you don't need to try weaning off meds yet. Just enjoy the (momentary?) calm
Rosie, I am watching your Rh factor posts with great interest. It all sounds like such a mystery! I am Rh neg, but my donor is Rh pos, so I've already had to get a rhogam shot. Definitely no fun, as shots go, but at least it's better than the alternative scenario. I hope yours turns out to be no big deal! Oh, and I have terrible veins ever since I got pregnant. I have deep veins that are hard to find, but now they won't give up any blood! I hope you don't have too much trouble with the blood draws going forward. Ugh.