Huggles thanks for posting that link! Hopefully iI didn't find the prenatal class very helpful with my first. It was all about husbands massaging their wives during labour. Well my labours are precipitous and I wouldn't have time for a massage even if I wanted my husband to touch me. I don't even want him to talk to me in labour tbh haha!
I'm peeing a lot more at night too... three times probably. Also didn't happen until third tri for me previously. I am taking pills in the middle of the night twice but that's like a tablespoon of water to swallow, can't imagine that's contributing too much to it!
So I've mentioned before that I have had gestational diabetes twice before. I've been taking my blood sugars and haven't been high yet! I know it probably won't show up until 16-20 weeks but at almost 14 weeks to be not high at all I'm really hopeful it won't show up until much later

Or maybe I won't get it at all this time -- that would be a huge blessing. But I won't get my hopes up. I'm glad I got to enjoy a few treats on halloween and if it holds out till after 20 weeks I'll get to enjoy christmas treats too
Also since I haven't had any scans yet I'm wondering about twins. Since I got a really early bfp and have been extra sick compared to my normal ms, and had really high HCG at 7 weeks. I'm not really taking it seriously because we have absolutely no risk factors for twins. No fertility meds, I'm young, and we have no twins in our family. But not having the scan confirm "1 baby" makes me unsure ha!! My daughter has said since I conceived that there would be one boy baby and one girl baby in my tummy which is weird, since she didn't even know I was pregnant... but I'm not really superstitious like that. Anyways, do we have any sets of twins yet? In my first moms group we had 4 or 5! A couple of those lost one baby or both due to complications though

I of course haven't said this to anyone, because it sounds ridiculous to speculate twins, there's no reason to at all!!
Heading back to work tonight after my 7 week medical leave... hope it all goes smoothly! I'm sure it will. I will also probably go off work at 20-22 weeks, end of the year, because I'm starting to feel my pubic symphysis pain a bit and I'm sure it will progress to the point I can't work by 20 weeks. I can get 15 weeks of medical leave and then go straight to maternity leave at 35 weeks, which is another 50 weeks so I'd be done my leave when this babe is about 11 months. I've always stayed off until my LO was 13 months because they were still nursing a lot, but I can go a month or two without a paycheque. I can also go back a few hours a week to start, so I'm not away from babe too much. I'm going to try hard with bottles with this one though, my first 2 couldn't use a bottle for the life of them lol!
Sorry that was an essay. TGIF girls and enjoy your weekend xx