May Marvels 2018

Wicky, I haven't felt any movement with this pregnancy yet, but with my other two it felt very similar to gas bubbles at first.

Thanks for letting me join, ladies! A little background on me, this is my third pregnancy. I am a type one diabetic (have been since I was 18 months old) and my sugars this pregnancy have so far been pretty good. At 12 weeks 5 days I had some bleeding and was diagnosed with a small subchorionic hemorrhage, which has been super scary for me because my other two pregnancies were smooth sailing. I have two sons, so we are hoping for a girl this time, but as long as the baby is healthy we will of course be happy ♥
I felt more normal today than I have in 6 weeks! I actually sang on the drive to work and made it through work just fine and was in a good mood.

Of course, here at dinner time I get some nausea and ugh, but I'm hoping it's just the need for food in me. I'm trying to get some potatoes in me.

I pray every day gets better and better and I get an appetite again. Get rid of the icky sour taste in my mouth, too!
Ugh I wrote a long reply to the last few posts and my phone died on me!! Be back when I have more time ladies xx
Hi, VieraSky! Good luck keeping up with the racecar that is this group, but hey, it's a fun ride and good company :D

I have to say, it was so strange watching baby move on the scan without being able to feel anything. Really bizarre.


Some people describe it as butterfly wings tickling your insides...I’ve never felt butterfly wings so this makes no sense to me lol.

:haha: I keep being too literal and thinking "amniotic fluid could NOT be good for a butterfly..."

I felt more normal today than I have in 6 weeks! I actually sang on the drive to work and made it through work just fine and was in a good mood.

Of course, here at dinner time I get some nausea and ugh, but I'm hoping it's just the need for food in me. I'm trying to get some potatoes in me.

I pray every day gets better and better and I get an appetite again. Get rid of the icky sour taste in my mouth, too!

Yaaaay! Potatoes love you and want you to be happy. I am so glad to hear about you being on the up and up! And I have a little sympathetic weird-mouth-taste over here, so you're not alone :laugh2:
Huggles I’m sorry you are starting to stress about that but I completely understand how you are feeling. What risks are attached to having it done? I know nothing about it.

The biggest risk is that it could end my pregnancy. The doctor could accidentally rupture my membranes, or the irritation caused to that area during the procedure could cause labour to start. So ya, it is nerve wracking. But without it my pregnancy is guaranteed to fail and I don't want to go through that again so the benefits outweigh the risks, but the risks are still scary.
Hiya May Mommas 2B...

Long time no talk, its just been extremely busy on my end, with fall break and Halloween costumes to sew etc. on the other hand I've had no news to share. I finally caught up reading 60+ pages hehehe

Welcome to all who joined while I was absent, and prayers for those who experienced losses, my heart goes out to all of you. <3

Eppgirl<<<< lovely news, so very happy for you. Congratulations!!!

Claire<<<< Happy belated Birthday :flow:

ReadynWaiting<<<< Congrats on team :pink:

I was able to detect babies heartbeat on the Doppler starting at 9+6 been hearing it everyday since. Such a wonderful reassurance. For those of you who were debating on getting one, DO IT! Even if it's your last baby. I got mine with DD3 and I highly recommend it. Not just for the first trimester, but 2nd &3rd when you don't feel baby move a day it gives a great peace of mind.

I am having my NT scan in the am and will also be having the NIPT done. Can't wait to see baby again.
RnW how long did you have to wait for the results?

Chel I'm so glad you're starting to feel like you again! I agree with Kitten, potatoes love you and want you to be happy.

Huggles that sounds really nerve wracking and I can see why you're stressed about it. When do you have it done? I have everything crossed for you.

ForeignChick I really hope you get your team blue this time!

Afm, pretty much all my 1st tri symptoms have gone except sore boobs. Heck are they sore! But now I'm starting to wake up in the night to pee. When are these mystical 2nd tri 'glowing' things meant to happen? Still feel like I've been hit by a bus :haha:
Huggles that sounds really nerve wracking and I can see why you're stressed about it. When do you have it done? I have everything crossed for you.

It's currently scheduled for Monday 13 Nov, the day I turn 14 weeks.
It has to be done between 13-14 weeks, but my gyne wants the fetal assessment centre to carefully measure my cervix when they do the NT scan on 7 Nov and then based on the measurement hell decide whether to do the McDonald suture again or rather the Shirodkar. He is currently on sick leave for a shoulder op and only returns to work on the 13th so that also kind of freaks me out!

With my first pg my membranes ruptured at 24+3 and my son was born the next day. It didn't end well. That's when we discovered I have an incompetent cervix (ic), so with my second pg we did a McDonald suture at 13 weeks and that held until 36+3 when I went into labour. The stitch was due to be removed at 37 weeks but since I went into labour before that he had to remove it during labour. Thankfully I was far enough along for baby to be fine.

That's also why I'm more likely to give birthday mid April this time even though I'm due mid May, we're basically just aiming to get me to 36 weeks again and every day after that is a bonus

I get put on bedrest for 2 weeks after the stitch is put in to minimise any irritation around the area and just let my cervix etc rest. So second half of nov I'll be in bed.
If everything's fine still by about 16 Nov I'll be happy though. Will feel much more confident after that's all done and dusted
Just spent my morning watching these prenatal classes on youtube. I highly recommend them! Just found them by chance. We're not planning on going to any prenatal classes this time as it's second baby and honestly the ones they offer here are so limited and really weren't all that helpful anyway. But these videos offer SO much info and a lot of stuff that often isn't spoken about and isn't explained, and just saying what is normal but might freak you out if you're not expecting it etc. There are 3 videos - they are longish (40-50 min each), but you can watch them at separate times.
Welcome vieraSky!!! Lovely to have you join us!!!

Foreign chick glad to see you back! Good luck with your scan!!

Huggles that does sound scary but I'm sure all will be fine!!!

Cheluzal glad you had a good day!! Hope this is a look of things to come!!!

Broken peeing at night is a nightmare isn't it I've had this for a few weeks now but that's because I've had 5 other babies lol but this is the first pregnancy to wake up this early in pregnancy lol.
My boobs are super sensitive and sore too ATM and I'm still quite tired!!
Does anyone else have a dog who has become super clingy!!! Like I'm cooking and she comes and lays at my feet and when I sit down she's straight on top of me and follows me around all day!! She's driving me mad!!!!
Not a dog Ricschick but I do have a very clingy cat. He's always been 'my' cat, I've always been his favourite human. But since I got preg he just in my business all the time. I love him dearly but I just want to be left alone sometimes, not head butted, yelled at and tenderised :haha:
Wicky definitely feels like gas bubbles... but then you don't pass any gas! So be on the lookout for that. With my first I didn't feel anything till 18 weeks and didn't KNOW that's what I was feeling until 21/22. With my 2nd I definitely knew I was feeling movement at 12 weeks.

This time around mw thinks ant placenta as haven't felt anything really so far!
Hi again ladies I really can't keep up lol

Congrulations to RnW on the little girl in hoping for the same news!

One of my male friends have insisted on escorting me to all my scans now since finding out me and my partner have broken up :haha: apparently I cant do it alone. I i hope he's also planning to pop around at 3am when baby is crying as I feel ill need more help then than at the scans but it's very sweet of him all the same.

How are we all doing? I'm very impatiently waiting for my scan which isn't untill the 13th November and it's slowly driving me abit crazy. Just can't wait to see bubba again. I feel so far behind you all I haven't even hit 12 weeks yet :cry:
Huggles thanks for posting that link! Hopefully iI didn't find the prenatal class very helpful with my first. It was all about husbands massaging their wives during labour. Well my labours are precipitous and I wouldn't have time for a massage even if I wanted my husband to touch me. I don't even want him to talk to me in labour tbh haha!

I'm peeing a lot more at night too... three times probably. Also didn't happen until third tri for me previously. I am taking pills in the middle of the night twice but that's like a tablespoon of water to swallow, can't imagine that's contributing too much to it!

So I've mentioned before that I have had gestational diabetes twice before. I've been taking my blood sugars and haven't been high yet! I know it probably won't show up until 16-20 weeks but at almost 14 weeks to be not high at all I'm really hopeful it won't show up until much later :) Or maybe I won't get it at all this time -- that would be a huge blessing. But I won't get my hopes up. I'm glad I got to enjoy a few treats on halloween and if it holds out till after 20 weeks I'll get to enjoy christmas treats too :)

Also since I haven't had any scans yet I'm wondering about twins. Since I got a really early bfp and have been extra sick compared to my normal ms, and had really high HCG at 7 weeks. I'm not really taking it seriously because we have absolutely no risk factors for twins. No fertility meds, I'm young, and we have no twins in our family. But not having the scan confirm "1 baby" makes me unsure ha!! My daughter has said since I conceived that there would be one boy baby and one girl baby in my tummy which is weird, since she didn't even know I was pregnant... but I'm not really superstitious like that. Anyways, do we have any sets of twins yet? In my first moms group we had 4 or 5! A couple of those lost one baby or both due to complications though :( I of course haven't said this to anyone, because it sounds ridiculous to speculate twins, there's no reason to at all!!

Heading back to work tonight after my 7 week medical leave... hope it all goes smoothly! I'm sure it will. I will also probably go off work at 20-22 weeks, end of the year, because I'm starting to feel my pubic symphysis pain a bit and I'm sure it will progress to the point I can't work by 20 weeks. I can get 15 weeks of medical leave and then go straight to maternity leave at 35 weeks, which is another 50 weeks so I'd be done my leave when this babe is about 11 months. I've always stayed off until my LO was 13 months because they were still nursing a lot, but I can go a month or two without a paycheque. I can also go back a few hours a week to start, so I'm not away from babe too much. I'm going to try hard with bottles with this one though, my first 2 couldn't use a bottle for the life of them lol!

Sorry that was an essay. TGIF girls and enjoy your weekend xx
Foreign- it took 9 days from the 2nd draw(I had to go back in for a redraw or because they didn't get enough) to receive my results. My dr and MW called me within the hour of receiving it to give me the results.

Huggles that does sound scary. I'm saying a prayer and crossing everything for you that it all goes smoothly.
I have been watching a bunch of hypnobirthing videos and think I'm going to add it to my home water birth. My friend is a doula and has a pool she's going to let me borrow which I'm excited about. Only 28 (probably less) weeks to go lol.

Reiko I thought with ds2 and this pg that twins might be possible due to early tests and high hcg. I do have twins in my family and am old AF (if you ask a dr) so thought there was a chance. Thankfully only 1 baby is in there. Dh was sweating it worried there might be 2. How would you feel if it is twins?
On a side note feeling better yet again today. As long as I keep food in my stomach no gagging occurs and nausea is virtually non existent. Also tata pain is pretty much gone.
Reiko I thought with ds2 and this pg that twins might be possible due to early tests and high hcg. I do have twins in my family and am old AF (if you ask a dr) so thought there was a chance. Thankfully only 1 baby is in there. Dh was sweating it worried there might be 2. How would you feel if it is twins?

Happy to get 2 babies out of one pregnancy (we wanted 4 but after this terrible pregnancy we will be done with 3)! But honestly after having my kids I don't think I would cope very well with twins. My capacity for sleeplessness is very high but BF twins sounds difficult and just having to have double the stuff in our small place, needing to get a double stroller, etc. Sounds daunting. But I would still be happy if it were twins. Double the baby love. I really doubt it's twins though :winkwink:
Afm, pretty much all my 1st tri symptoms have gone except sore boobs. Heck are they sore! But now I'm starting to wake up in the night to pee. When are these mystical 2nd tri 'glowing' things meant to happen? Still feel like I've been hit by a bus :haha:

I will take ALL that over what I've experienced.

My boobs barely got sore, I can go all night without peeing, no heartburn, no back pain, etc....JUST freaking nausea that kills me.
It's currently scheduled for Monday 13 Nov, the day I turn 14 weeks.
It has to be done between 13-14 weeks, but my gyne wants the fetal assessment centre to carefully measure my cervix when they do the NT scan on 7 Nov and then based on the measurement hell decide whether to do the McDonald suture again or rather the Shirodkar. He is currently on sick leave for a shoulder op and only returns to work on the 13th so that also kind of freaks me out!

With my first pg my membranes ruptured at 24+3 and my son was born the next day. It didn't end well. That's when we discovered I have an incompetent cervix (ic), so with my second pg we did a McDonald suture at 13 weeks and that held until 36+3 when I went into labour. The stitch was due to be removed at 37 weeks but since I went into labour before that he had to remove it during labour. Thankfully I was far enough along for baby to be fine.

That's also why I'm more likely to give birthday mid April this time even though I'm due mid May, we're basically just aiming to get me to 36 weeks again and every day after that is a bonus

I get put on bedrest for 2 weeks after the stitch is put in to minimise any irritation around the area and just let my cervix etc rest. So second half of nov I'll be in bed.
If everything's fine still by about 16 Nov I'll be happy though. Will feel much more confident after that's all done and dusted

Good luck! Our niece had this done and all was well, so hoping this is your story, too. :flower:

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