May Marvels 2018

I was firmly against co-sleeping...then got a baby who refused anything but for the first 1.5 months of his life! From that first night in the hospital, he had to be on me. I really had to open my eyes to another view, and I researched like a mofo about it.

I was just like you. I thought it was totally awful parenting behavior and would lead to babies dying. And then a Social Worker told me about the research and I looked into it. Turns out the guy doing a lot of the research is at my Alma Mater, so I was more willing to believe it was "real science" and not some fly-by-night thing. When I read everything he discovered and his analysis of other studies that led to current guidelines/practices in the US, I was stunned. It is so true that many of the cases can be linked to something other than co-sleeping in the "big bed" with mom or dad, like alcohol or drug use in parents, 2nd hand smoke, pillows/mattress suffocating the baby, etc. That definitely softened my feelings about it.

My main hesitation now is that he stated that his perspective was based on babies with normal risk of SIDS, so my preemie doesn't really fall into that group. I'm not sure how much of a statistical difference there is in her risk, though. Anyway, I certainly have had a nap (or five) with M sleeping beside me in our bed (firm mattress) or on my chest and I don't feel guilty about it because she clearly thrives in her sleeping when we do that and I've never noticed any problems with her breathing!
I was against co sleeping before I had any babies too. But we realized pretty quickly we’d all sleep better together. So my first baby was in our bed with a side rail from 6 weeks and the others we’ve sidecarred the crib from day one. So much easier. I’ve never been worried about SIDS really, I’m super in tune with her. At 6 months they go to their own room though. Apparently at that point developmentally your presence actually disturbs them more and they wake more with you then on their own. That’s definitely been the case with my babies. I am really enjoying sleeping with summer though, probably the most out of all my babies because she’s such a good sleeper I don’t feel frustrated when she wakes like I did with the others.
Hey ladies!
Glad to see your back wicky abc thanks for updating us! Sounds like you’ve had a hard time but hopefully now all has smoothed out and things are better!! She’s a little doll too!!!
My Billie is a chunky monkey! Over 11 pounds at her 6 weeks check up need to get her weighed again! She had her 1st vaccinations on Tuesday and has been a bit off since. She’s slept a lot and has been off her milk a little too, hopefully this won’t last long.
Kids break up tomorrow which I’m glad about although I no there going to drive me mad lol!!!
I’ve been trying to lose weight by walking more I bought a Fitbit and just cutting out crap! I was back to pre pregnancy weight 3weeks ago and have lots a further 4lbs so I’m hoping I can keep at it while kids are off!!
6 months seems like a good time for crib/own room for us, too.
We always put Siler in a onesie then his SwaddleMe sleep pod but the last two nights we've done footed PJs. It's FL so psycho hot, but in our room he's right under a fan...and he slept until 5 and 5:45 this morning (6-7 hours). I think he likes the breeze but snugged under it.

Well, he didn't cry dung swimming this week but he had a little poop skid mark and we got booted from the pool, lol. Policy. Dang! How do you get a 10 week old to NOT poop??
My girl never poops! Once a week max! I can’t imagine she’d be constipated, she’s EBF and I’m off dairy too. But she definitely seems happiest the day after she poops. Apparently breast milk creates very little solid waste... but my other 2 were EBF and pooped a few times a week. My 2nd was a poop with every pee kid lol. She can poop on command now that we’ve potty trained her too haha.

Ricschick is Billie your little mini me? She looks very much like you imo!! What a good weight for 6 week checkup too!!
Ah whose baby is pulling mamas hair? It’s started over here... time for the messy bun to reappear!
Ah whose baby is pulling mamas hair? It’s started over here... time for the messy bun to reappear!

Oh yes, M has been pulling my hair for a couple of weeks, now. It's more like my hair gets near her hand and then gets tangled in her fingers. Then she closes her fist and has a death-grip on my hair. Ahhh!!! LOL
6 months seems like a good time for crib/own room for us, too.
We always put Siler in a onesie then his SwaddleMe sleep pod but the last two nights we've done footed PJs. It's FL so psycho hot, but in our room he's right under a fan...and he slept until 5 and 5:45 this morning (6-7 hours). I think he likes the breeze but snugged under it.

I love how cute babies look in the footed PJs! M sleeps better in them than in a onesie with the sleep sack/swaddle. We live in NC and it's pretty hot here, too, but we keep our room pretty cool at night, so she needs the extra coverage to stay warm. If she's not warm enough, no one sleeps :haha: But I think you're onto something with them liking the breeze or freedom of the PJs!

The attached photo is from a couple of mornings ago when M was super sleepy. We had to put her in the car seat so she and DW could drop me at work. She just looked so cute, I had to snap a pic!


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They are super cute in the footed PJs!

My hair has been in a top bun since before birth! It's very long and I get hot and annoyed and now it falls all in my way if I bend down, so it's usually only down for Sunday morning church.

My kids poops every day! I'm still pumping (and expressing much more lately as he grows, yay) but he craps good 1-2 every morning and 1-2 each evening. ARG, lol.

In sad news, our pediatrician died! 54. Heart attack. Truly horrific, and we really liked him so we have to find another quickly...sad all around.
Wicky great to hear you are ok now, sounds like you had a rough ride for a couple months. And how dinky is your baby! Glad you are enjoying her.

Chel over here in our swim lessons the babies wear a double nappy system. So a swim nappy for example buggies and over the top they wear a neoprene nappy. Google happy nappies and these keep everything in.

Reiko...did you mention more babies?! Definitely all done here, I can see how easily I'd be tempted to have more but 3 is a great number for us, I feel complete now.

Thea is doing well, she is 9 weeks tomorrow and around 13/14lbs...quite a chunk lol!
Just got home from Thea's first holiday. Had a relaxed few days with my mum and now 6 weeks summer holidays, lovely 😁
Chel over here in our swim lessons the babies wear a double nappy system. So a swim nappy for example buggies and over the top they wear a neoprene nappy. Google happy nappies and these keep everything in.

Yes, we have that policy, too. He wears 2 layers of I-play swim bottoms, but any poop is grounds for leaving class. I guess that's why it's free! It was only a skid mark (I'm sure other parents would lie about it, it was so small) but I was honest. I get it, the rules...I just want to finish class all the way successfully without crying or pooping, lol.
Cheluzal that’s a little mean they throw you out!! Baby had a nappy on!!
I too love babies in pj’s!!! I can’t believe how fast Billie is going through cloth sizes! She’s going to be in 3-6m soon!!!

Reiko lol I wish I think she’s more like her dad but just with my colouring! She’s just so pretty and has the most longest eyelashes I’ve seen on a baby!!! And she loves pulling on my daughters hair as she has hers out mines always up!!

Wicky she is so cute like a little doll!! Xx
Yazzy I’m so glad the 6 week hols are here ( although ask me again in a couple of weeks lol) I was so sick of doing 3 school runs a day! Come September il just be doing 2 as Joanie goes into reception.
Anyone having serious weight gain? Siler is 12 pounds [5.44kg] at 11 weeks but that was a gain of 14 ounces [0.4kg] in a week! He was small to start and only now in the 37 %tile so maybe he's playing catch-up, lol.

Just praying my boobs keep up with him. I always have enough with a couple feedings to spare (100% pumping) and I never pump in the night feed and usually miss about 1 a day, so I guess that's phenomenal, considering...
Chel... Don't worry Thea is putting on around 13/14 oz per week. My other 2 did the same as well. They slowed down eventually but all have huge chunky legs lol!
So mean they chuck you out of class, as long as no leakage we would just get out, change baby and get back in.

Rics...ha ha yeah I know what you mean, at the end of the holidays my daughter is so ready to be back with some structure.

Had a worrying couple of days here, my little boy who is coming up 3 got really poorly and I took him to A&E early yesterday morning, ended up being admitted and having bloods and scans as he had enlarged lymph nodes all around his neck but it is due to a microbacterial infection. I have been so worried but luckily he is home safe!
Chel... Don't worry Thea is putting on around 13/14 oz per week. My other 2 did the same as well. They slowed down eventually but all have huge chunky legs lol!
So mean they chuck you out of class, as long as no leakage we would just get out, change baby and get back in.

Yup. Even if it's a skid, you're done with class. There is no other swim diaper to change into though and you have to have 2 layers. You rinse in the shower and they disinfect it right afterwards...I guess I get's free though (until 6 months) so I can't really complain!
I think I'm more bummed because I enjoy it. My only hobby now too.

ADDING: We had a successful class yesterday! No crying, no pooping, rofl.
Yay Chel for the successful class!

Where are the weeks going...Thea is 10 weeks tomorrow. Had her check up with the doctor today and she weighs 13lb 10oz! We are having a couple really fussy days but hopefully she will settle again soon as she is normally pretty chilled. She still just bf on demand and no real routine to that, although she does space it out at night time which is good.

I hope everyone is doing well!
Board has gone real quiet for awhile...

Siler gained 14 ounces last week and 10 the week before. He's 12 weeks tomorrow (Monday) so we will weigh today. Hope he eases up. He's getting heavy to hold.

He only pooped once by 3pm yesterday (for the first time) but saved the whole day's poop for evening, when he was in his car seat. Never told us, and it.was.everywhere! Gross. :nope:

Going to Orlando Monday to Thursday and man, kids require a lot to travel, rofl!! Big items, too...I have to type a list to remember it all. Too bad it's so flaming hot out and I don't feel comfy in the Florida sun midday, nor do I want him slathered in lotions yet. Hopefully some shade we can find early morning or something...
Hi all,
I'm rubbish at getting on here with my mobile, but barely open my laptop these days.

Lyra is a good feeder and not a bad sleeper but she's still dainty!

She only hit 2 months last Thursday/9 weeks yesterday. On Thursday she weighed just 9lb 12oz so just below 25th and still wearing her 0 to 1 month sleepsuits!

She is v smiley and we got some giggles yesterday.

I've noticed when I am being healthy she only has wet, not dirty nappies. I had lost the baby weight but had a wonky week last week and gained a couple of pounds.

I blames her jabs and the build up to the lunar eclipse haha

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