May Mummies :)

Can't believe us ladies are into single figures or nearly single figures in terms of weeks left.

Had to have an glucose test today :( Syrup is awful and triggered heartburn. However only allowed water until my second lot of bloods :(.

I feel like I've suddenly expanded overnight too lol

I had mine a couple of weeks ago. It went a lot better than I thought cos I was dreading it. Hope it comes back negative xo
Hi ladies, i'm due 31st its gonna be a hit or miss whether i'll actually be a may mummy or not lol. So excited, cant wait to meet our lil princess.x

Hi Stacey welcome to the thread :wave:

We have the same due date :yipee: :wohoo: and I am also expecting :pink: :cloud9:

Is this your first?? xx

Aww thanx hun. Thats exciting that we have the same due date. I have my 28 week appointment this afternoon, have you had yours yet?
Yeah, this is our first, we are very nervous but excited. How about you, is this ur first?x
ive not had the GTT test yet? when do they normally do it???

ooohhh i dont have a blackberry!!! i have an iphone :-( boohoo dont have BBM!!!!!

i have a growth scan on monday - TOO excited!!! i hope they have grown lots!!! heheh!!

Chloe11 - You only need a GTT if you're at higher risk of getting it like having a larger baby previously, diabetes in the family, high bmi or if the baby is measuring bigger! If you haven't had one yet then you probably don't need one which is great news!

I have my growth scan in 2 weeks, so exciting! How have your twins been measuring? xoxo
Aww thanx hun. Thats exciting that we have the same due date. I have my 28 week appointment this afternoon, have you had yours yet?
Yeah, this is our first, we are very nervous but excited. How about you, is this ur first?x

Mine is next Wednesday :happydance: and yes this is our first also

I go through periods of being really nervous about it all - pregnancy, child birth, raising a child- and then other times have a real sense of calm about everything like I just feel it will be okay - no logic at all :shrug: :haha:
Chloe11 - You only need a GTT if you're at higher risk of getting it like having a larger baby previously, diabetes in the family, high bmi or if the baby is measuring bigger! If you haven't had one yet then you probably don't need one which is great news!

I have my growth scan in 2 weeks, so exciting! How have your twins been measuring? xoxo

ahhh ok!! fair enough! everytime i have an app i always wonder if they gonna tell me about the test but they dont! i guess they wont be asking me then!! ah well! i dont think i would be able to go without for like however many hours!!!

two weeks will go fast!!! my last 2 weeks ... not sure where they have gone!??! heheh!! twins seem fine, last scan i had last month, they were on the avarage scale, maybe a tad, smaller on some measurements. sono person said that they were only a few days behind what my due date. so i got really worried about their size for ages!!! but then i worked out that technically they moved my due date 5 days ahead as they were bigger at my dating scan.
but cos i had IVF i know the exact date!! so technically i think they are just bang on the dates they should, if that makes sense?!?!

but lets see how they are on monday!!! i am abit worried still, but more excited!! heheh!!

babys doing fine, measuring right on as she should and no reason for extra scans at all, no gd nothing? hmmm must just be lucky then!

theres always ladies at derby hospital who look over 30 weeks and dont appear to be there for any other reason than routine scans either

Very lucky! Must be the part of the country you are in then, must be their policy :) I'm currently in Northern Ireland so things can be very different over here! lol Can't wait to get back to england! x

mystery solved lol shes measuring big now, they told me she was spot on last time but they told me today she had a big belly last time thats why the extra scan!

shes just under the top line for 32 weeks on all measurements but didnt tell me were she is actually at weight wise. im also 4/5 engaged :)

Haha awww that explains it then :) well enjoy the scan! and 4/5 engaged?? wow! fantastic! I was wondering if my baby was engaged at all because I have been getting loads of pressure and movement against my cervix, but I had an appointment yesterday and it just turns out that baby was breech and literally stomping all over that area! lol! little monkey! :p x
ahhh ok!! fair enough! everytime i have an app i always wonder if they gonna tell me about the test but they dont! i guess they wont be asking me then!! ah well! i dont think i would be able to go without for like however many hours!!!

two weeks will go fast!!! my last 2 weeks ... not sure where they have gone!??! heheh!! twins seem fine, last scan i had last month, they were on the avarage scale, maybe a tad, smaller on some measurements. sono person said that they were only a few days behind what my due date. so i got really worried about their size for ages!!! but then i worked out that technically they moved my due date 5 days ahead as they were bigger at my dating scan.
but cos i had IVF i know the exact date!! so technically i think they are just bang on the dates they should, if that makes sense?!?!

but lets see how they are on monday!!! i am abit worried still, but more excited!! heheh!!


Good luck for your scan on monday! Don't be worried, isn't it quite common for twins to be a little smaller than if you were carrying one anyway? They sound healthy and all these measurements etc can scare you a bit, as like you say they could be measuring big for one appointment then small for the next, and the babies will even out in the end :) xxx
ahhh ok!! fair enough! everytime i have an app i always wonder if they gonna tell me about the test but they dont! i guess they wont be asking me then!! ah well! i dont think i would be able to go without for like however many hours!!!

two weeks will go fast!!! my last 2 weeks ... not sure where they have gone!??! heheh!! twins seem fine, last scan i had last month, they were on the avarage scale, maybe a tad, smaller on some measurements. sono person said that they were only a few days behind what my due date. so i got really worried about their size for ages!!! but then i worked out that technically they moved my due date 5 days ahead as they were bigger at my dating scan.
but cos i had IVF i know the exact date!! so technically i think they are just bang on the dates they should, if that makes sense?!?!

but lets see how they are on monday!!! i am abit worried still, but more excited!! heheh!!


Good luck for your scan on monday! Don't be worried, isn't it quite common for twins to be a little smaller than if you were carrying one anyway? They sound healthy and all these measurements etc can scare you a bit, as like you say they could be measuring big for one appointment then small for the next, and the babies will even out in the end :) xxx

thanks hunni!!!!

i guess so, they do say twins generally are that little bit smaller!!! i always panic when doctors dont tell me that they are bang on or ahead!! but they werent concern with them being a few days behind... they said this scan on monday they will be more interested in, as they can compare how much they have grown!!! ahhhh!! 2-3 more days to go!!! woop woop! hehe!!!

Chloe11 - You only need a GTT if you're at higher risk of getting it like having a larger baby previously, diabetes in the family, high bmi or if the baby is measuring bigger! If you haven't had one yet then you probably don't need one which is great news!

I have my growth scan in 2 weeks, so exciting! How have your twins been measuring? xoxo

ahhh ok!! fair enough! everytime i have an app i always wonder if they gonna tell me about the test but they dont! i guess they wont be asking me then!! ah well! i dont think i would be able to go without for like however many hours!!!

two weeks will go fast!!! my last 2 weeks ... not sure where they have gone!??! heheh!! twins seem fine, last scan i had last month, they were on the avarage scale, maybe a tad, smaller on some measurements. sono person said that they were only a few days behind what my due date. so i got really worried about their size for ages!!! but then i worked out that technically they moved my due date 5 days ahead as they were bigger at my dating scan.
but cos i had IVF i know the exact date!! so technically i think they are just bang on the dates they should, if that makes sense?!?!

but lets see how they are on monday!!! i am abit worried still, but more excited!! heheh!!


Don't worry, your scan will go great! Your measurements sound fantastic considering twins are usually smaller anyway. Do you know if they're identical (I have no idea if you can tell if they're identical in utero but worth asking)
Twins run in my family, my mum is one in fact but I can't imagine carrying two around cos I'm so tired with just the one, well done to you haha xoxo
Chloe11 - You only need a GTT if you're at higher risk of getting it like having a larger baby previously, diabetes in the family, high bmi or if the baby is measuring bigger! If you haven't had one yet then you probably don't need one which is great news!

I have my growth scan in 2 weeks, so exciting! How have your twins been measuring? xoxo

ahhh ok!! fair enough! everytime i have an app i always wonder if they gonna tell me about the test but they dont! i guess they wont be asking me then!! ah well! i dont think i would be able to go without for like however many hours!!!

two weeks will go fast!!! my last 2 weeks ... not sure where they have gone!??! heheh!! twins seem fine, last scan i had last month, they were on the avarage scale, maybe a tad, smaller on some measurements. sono person said that they were only a few days behind what my due date. so i got really worried about their size for ages!!! but then i worked out that technically they moved my due date 5 days ahead as they were bigger at my dating scan.
but cos i had IVF i know the exact date!! so technically i think they are just bang on the dates they should, if that makes sense?!?!

but lets see how they are on monday!!! i am abit worried still, but more excited!! heheh!!


Don't worry, your scan will go great! Your measurements sound fantastic considering twins are usually smaller anyway. Do you know if they're identical (I have no idea if you can tell if they're identical in utero but worth asking)
Twins run in my family, my mum is one in fact but I can't imagine carrying two around cos I'm so tired with just the one, well done to you haha xoxo

yeah twins tend to be smaller! lets see what they say on on monday!!!! :) i def shall be updating!!
they are fraternal! are in separate sacs and each have their own placenta!! however, someone said to be that theres a small % of identicals that dont share placenta nor sacs!!! but its not very common!! i am sure mine are fraternals, cos i had ivf and i had two embryos put back :) but hey you never know... esp as they are two boys!! lol! i would be SOOOO shocked if they are identical! happy either way of course!! hehe!

would you believe i have had no issues in my pregnancy!!!! and i am not even uncomfy at all!!! i can still do everything i could before, and sleep on my belly. its my first preg so not if that has anything to do with it! but i cant complain as apart from a slow grwoing bump i have had nothing! but i am sure the last weeks everything is going to change and ill have everything going!! hahaha!! ah well!!

Hello Ladies, how did I miss this thread???

I'm due on 30th May but my boy was measuring a week ahead at the 4D scan we had last Saturday so back to our EDD from LMP & Clomid cycle to 24th May.

He is likely to be delivered early though as I have major placenta previa and had quite at scare at 25 weeks when bubs made an early bid for freedom and I haemmorhaged and lost a significant chunk of placenta, so am now on full bed rest due to risk of it happening again.

I was given steroids for his little lungs and was kept in for 4 days but luckily had no further bleed and we are now under full consultant care, we managed to hit the 28 week milestone this week, and as above bubs measurements show he gained 1lb in 2 weeks. Every day now is a bonus, we have another growth scan next week and then the 30 week milestone to hit.

I have also been suffering with SPD/PGP since December and have been pretty much housebound since January, its now so severe I'm only going out of the house now about once every 10 days, in a wheelchair. But most days I can only manage to get up for the loo and a snack due to the pain. Physio can do no more now till bubs is born and I start seeing them again after my 6 week check up.

Not been the best of pregnancies to date, but I never thought i would even get this far so I am trying to cherish every moment, but I am scared and paranoid about the "what if's" at the same time!

Im also the size of a house and being so immobile doesnt help with the weight but hey ho, I'm growing a little life and that is amazing!

Good luck all, not long now

Flutterby! Welcome Hun!! Sounds like uve had a very complicated journey!! Big hugs to you!!! Looks like the LO is behaving now!

I'm so proud of you for having such positive attitude towards it all!! But u are soo right u have a beautiful life growing in you!!

How do I find out what my BBM is??
Flutterby! Welcome Hun!! Sounds like uve had a very complicated journey!! Big hugs to you!!! Looks like the LO is behaving now!

I'm so proud of you for having such positive attitude towards it all!! But u are soo right u have a beautiful life growing in you!!


Ah thank you Chloe. I will admit that I did have a good few weeks of wallowing and feeling very sorry for myself because of the SPD cos I was going stir crazy stuck indoors and not been able to drive since Christmas, but following the bleed and the mad panic at the hospital when it looked like they were gonna deliver the baby at only 25+3 only 1lb 14oz, it was so scary that once we were allowed home and got over the shock I've had to pull myself together and be brave and positive, and as I said I now see everyday that I am in pain and maybe can't walk is another day that my boy stays in and grows and gets stronger.

I love him so much already!

Congrats on your twins xx

Awww well your doing a fab job and ur baby boy is looking like he is listening and staying in :)

Hello girls :) . Technician have been trying to get my babys face for the second time , but no luck :( , may be in another 4 weeks ,but thats our last chance :shrug: :blush:
But we can be sure he is a boy :haha: and he did show us his beautiful cute feet :happy dance:


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Hello girls :) . Technician have been trying to get my babys face for the second time , but no luck :( , may be in another 4 weeks ,but thats our last chance :shrug: :blush:
But we can be sure he is a boy :haha: and he did show us his beautiful cute feet :happy dance:

Too funny! That is so cute!
I have also been suffering with SPD/PGP since December and have been pretty much housebound since January, its now so severe I'm only going out of the house now about once every 10 days, in a wheelchair. But most days I can only manage to get up for the loo and a snack due to the pain. Physio can do no more now till bubs is born and I start seeing them again after my 6 week check up.


Did you find that physio helped the SPD a bit? I've been dealing with it since about 19 weeks and just this week it has started to get a LOT worse. I could barely walk in to work this morning :(
Hi ladies
I'm due with our second boy on may 22nd! There will be 15 months between Joshua and the baby so we are gunna have our hands full!

We are selling our house at the moment so haven't got a nursery to decorate at the mo but we are going to view a house in the morning that we like that has a third bedroom so fingers crossed! I'd love to be moved before baby arrives!

I've bought baby a few things outfits, vests etc... But as Joshua's stuff is only 12 months old I'll be using most of that stuff again as its hardly been worn 9x out of 10! Saved us a fortune!

I've got all my hospital bag stuff ready just need to pack it all up in my case. Is that a bit early? I just thought I'm best to get things ready soon in case of moving?!?

We are going to buy our pushchair on Sunday. We have decided to go for the city jogger mini double. It's lightweight and folds easily and it's not to expensive! I'm so excited!! What pushchairs are you all getting??

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