May Mummy's 2012

Irish - Such a funny pic!! Aw!

After I stopped expressing we used Hipp organic formula and there was no change in Johnny's dirty nappies. One a day and they don't smell too bad. I would definitely recommend it to any one switching to formula xo
Thanks Tay & Chloe!
Very cute pic of Logan!! It's amazing how quickly they grow.. :)

How are all your LO's heads? Emily tends to sleep on one side and I feel it's going a wee bit flat. The doc wasn't bothered about it and says it will round out again when she gets more tummy time. xx
Irish love the pic!!! We have that cute. will loves his xx
Thanks Vicky, we didn't even bother buying it just quickly took the pic while no-one was looking!

Logan had a bit of flat head going on but since I've started alternating which side he's on then it's sorted itself out.

Hope we finally get some nice weather to take the LOs out!
I've been worried about flat head too ever since my nephew was diagnosed with 'severe' flat head and needs physio and he may need to wear a helmet too. I just alternate which side of his head he lays on and try to do as much tummy time as he'll tolerate!

Has any one elses LO got spots? Johnny's got on his face and chest, it's not too bad but I hate it.. any tips on getting rid? xo
Irish - God yes I am so laid back with Taylor its untrue! He is such a good boy though still sleeping for hours at night, last night 11 - 5.30 then straight back to sleep after feed and he is also breastfeeding so well.

Completely different experience than my first baby whois now 8 lol!

SEX - :haha: Its different for me this time because I had c section but with my other 2 it was fine after about 6 weeks when stitches have healed and bleeding stopped. A bit strange at first but put it this way it must be fine I went on to have another 2 lol!!!

I have been doing baby massage on taylor before I change him at night and after his bath or wash. I use johnsons baby lotion theone in the round tub for bedtime. He enjoys it and then has a big feed after before me putting him down for the night, seems to be doing the trick anyway!
I found a video on you tube. My collegues at work do baby massage course where I live, I have watched then teach it, its fantastic! I work at my local childrens centre.

Irish wat a gorgeous boy you have there!!!!

Never had any problem with the flat head thing with any of mine.

Taylor has loads of spots on his face and head they clear up and then keep coming back again. poor boy

Have a lovely day in this crappy weather! Another day stuck in the house for me!!!
Logan's got some spots on his face & some dry skin, they're starting to clear up now though.

The HV came a weighed Logan, he's now 11lbs 1oz and she said his feeding's fine, that's he's just playing catch up as he hardly put any weight on in the first 4 weeks. Makes me feel better when I know what's going on!

Vicky - hubby is the same counting down the days. He's reminded me again that tomorrow is the day! Guess I better shave my legs then.

Anyone else got pics of their LOs now they've hit the 6 weeks?! xx
Glad Logan is gaining good weight I will try and put another picture on soon i have a lovely one of him smiling. I struggle to put pictures on for some reason :)
Mare - I've heard baby massage is really good, we're starting a class in 2 weeks!

We had the HV today too and Johnny is 11lb 5oz!! He's in the 75th percentile for length so he's gonna be a tall boy like his dad.

and a smiley one!
Love to see all your LO's!
Chloe those pictures of Johnny are gorgeous! He's got such a sweet smile, bet it melts your heart!
Aw he is just lovely! Such a happy looking baby! Lexi has had spots too they keep going then coming back, it's a bit of a shame since she had such lovely skin when she was born. I've ended up ordering two custom made tutu's for Lexi :shy: so we can get some professional photos, one comes with wings so I'm excited to see this lol
He really is a happy boy, I'm so lucky!

rara - sounds adorable! You will have to show us.

Are any of you planning to stay at home with baby? It's coming to decision time for me weather I go back to work so I can let them know but I really can't imagine not being with Johnny all day!
How comes you have to let them know so soon, do you not get the year mat leave? I was thinking about this recently as my job includes long hours, 7am - 6pm and some work from home. But they won't let me keep my position with part time hours, it sucks. May have to take a demotion and apply for part time hours. I can't afford not to work but I can't imagine leaving Logan. I'll definitely take 9 months off though.
Hi ladies, I was trhe same but I actually quite liked the break in the end. I am very ashamed to admit that. I feel the same now with Ava..... have to go back. Have to pay for our new conservatory lol.

Have you tried breast milk on the spots, it's worked for us.

Ava seemed to feed all day yesterday, must be the 6 wk growth spurt. Was expecting a rubbish night but she did great we were up at 1 am and 4 am, not too bad at all.

Hope you all have a nice day. DS is at nursery so it's my run around like a lunatic dooing as many jobs as possible when Ava sleeps xx
Oh that is very long hours Irish! I'm lucky enough that dental nursing can be any amount of hours really, I'm going to have to try and switch to working for the NHS though - much better in terms of NHS nursery when LO is older, unpaid days off for LO being sick, better holidays etc. I would probably be better off not working since I'm a single parent but I honestly think I'd lose my sanity without a bit of normality like work and seeing other adults!

It's hectic here today with the new kitchen being delivered, going to be worse next week with it being installed! Going to have to go out and about which is fine..there's a new pretzel shop in town I want to try :haha:

Hope everyone's having a nice day :)
Johnny is so cute Chloe.. If I have time I'll stick a few more of Emily up 2moro.
I'm taking 9 months off and should be back at work in February but transferring the last 3 months to Chris.. Will see how I get on then might go part time for 6 months or so. Think it will be incredibly hard to leave her and don't really know what our plans for child care will be after the year is up :(

Rara - the tutus sound too cute! Can't wait to see pics!!

What fantastic weight gain Tay for Logan!! Emily was 10lbs 6oz on Thursday there.. It's amazing to think that some babies are born that size!!!! eek..!! So thankful!!

Going to a baby group 2moro morning - hope its not full of chavs!!!! xx
Lol Clare! Hope you have a lovely time,

I will try the breast milk on Taylor's spots tomorrow LC see if it helps

Our baby's are all so gorgeous, Johnny is gorgeous he looks like a lovely big boy :)

I agree about the work thing, I only work part time and i will prob have 9 months off but I think the time away does do you good. I miss my kids so much while I'm at work I have more quality time with them when I get home.
I am just starting my own small business too I'm making and selling nappy cakes and personalised baby gifts, I hope I do well really need the extra money. I have been making them when the kids are in bed.

Irish how did your night of passion go :blush:
Night of passion!!!! Haha!!!
That's fab you're starting your own small business mare.. Good luck with it... There's certainly enough babies being born out there for it to be successful, feel as if my whole news feed on Facebook is baby related and I've got 11 friends who are expecting before the end of this year.. Baby boom!!!! xx
I'm always jealous of people like you mare! I'm not creative in the slightest and I envy anyone who is! :haha: sounds like a good idea though since there really is so many babies! Luckily my Facebook is pretty much baby free (except for my page) lol


Here's a couple of pics.... I would like to stress that I didnt actually leave the house with Emily wearing that big flower on her head - merely for photographic cuteness!!!!

Off to my baby group soon then headed out to a soft play to meet friends who have some older kids.

Anyone got any plans for the weekend? xx

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