May Mummy's 2012

Glad to hear it's cleared up now LC! Get off the antibiotics and have a well deserved drink! :haha:

Lexi is still being awkward with sleep but it's not that she isn't going to sleep it's that she wakes up with the colic :(

finally got some proper photos done though!

Hope everyone is doing fine :)


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Clare - when Emily had formula, did you notice anything different? Logan had a bottle and he was so much more content and happy!
Clare - when Emily had formula, did you notice anything different? Logan had a bottle and he was so much more content and happy!

Not particularly Tay :( if I'd noticed a difference I may have been tempted to switch!!!! ;)
How did he take the bottle?

Can't believe it's July already.. This time last year we would have been frantic and excited with wedding plans!!! What a difference a year makes!!! xx
Absolutely gorgeous Rara.. Lexi's a wee sweetie!!
Where did you get her hair band?

Just read your post on baby club bout your mothers friend.. Ignore her!!!
How was your 1st night out? Hope you had fun!!

I had a glass of white wine and a Smirnoff ice tonight.. Needless to say Chris had to take over dinner and finish cooking.. It went straight to my head!!

Vicky - glad you're feeling better xx
Yeah he was completely different! So much more content! He finally got a good sleep, spent some time in his chair without crying & woke up really happy. I feel awful that he's not like that when I'm feeding him. He's either feeding, sleeping or crying - theres no content time. It's making the decision to bf really tough!

I can't believe we've nearly been married for a year either! What are you guys doing to celebrate? It's amazing how different our lives are now!

Smirnoff Ice?? I can just imagine you hammered after that, can't wait for my turn!

Rara - don't worry about your Mums friend. when i fell pregnant my mums friend asked who the father is. when my mum reminded her i'd just got married her exact words were "I know she's married but you know what girls are like now-a-days"
Clare I got it from on ebay, they have lots of lovely cute things! First night out was good despite being handed so many jager bombs and shots I woke up the next day still drunk :haha: good thing I didn't have Lexi till the afternoon!

Irish that's terrible! I really don't understand people who are like that, I'm never sure if they're just really stupid or really horrible. I always thought bf babies were more content than ff babies? I'm confused now haha.

I've found the secret to success with Lexi is putting her on her side! I've spent so much money on anti-colic bottles and 'medicines' and all it has taken is to put her on her side :dohh:

I actually got slept last night! :happydance:
Thanks Rara, I'll have a look on that site. Glad you had fun on your night out!!

Tay - we're just planning on going for a meal I think at the hotel where we had our reception. Our wedding co-ordinator will be shocked to see us with a baby already I'm sure!!! Xx
Hi ladies,

Lexi looks gorgeous on those photos x

Glad u had a good night out Sara that is the disadvantage of breastfeeding - pumping, I haven't even attempted it for Taylor yet but in the past it's been a pain to pump for while I was out and then gradually filling up with milk all night and then pumping again to get rid of the boozy milk!

Happy 1 year wedding anniversary Clare and Tay! I was married 6 years last month!

Taylor is now sleeping 11.30 - 5.00 most nights how lucky an I!
Chloe any news on your friends baby? :(
Irish - I felt the same when I gave Johnny formula but I found BF'ing so hard that switching became an easier decision but I couldn't believe the difference in him!

Rara - Lovely pictures! Lexi is a little princess!

Happy Anniversary girls! Bill and I have been together 6 years this Saturday, can't believe how quickly it's gone :O

Mare - Yes! The baby is doing great and breathing on his own so every things looking great for them. Pre eclampsia is so scary xo
Mare I really do salute you for bf'ing and everyone else who has/does.

Oh my pre eclampsia can be really scary, makes me realise just how lucky I was during my pregnancy! Glad baby is better too!!
Chloe - glad your friend and her baby are doing well. It really does just show how lucky we all were.

Breast feeding for me is still going well but it is draining and I hate leaking all the time.. I've constantly got to change my tops and pyjamas coz I'm soaked through! It's horrible!!
I am tempted to try make the switch to bottles full time but how do you do it without your boobs becoming massive, sore and spraying milk everywhere?!

Whats everyone up to today?
Clare - I've started combi feeding & it's working amazingly for us! It was a really hard decision for me but my husband works away so he's not here to help and I had 4 nights running where Logan fed every half hour, it was exhausting! neither of us had any sleep and were both miserable. I expressed for a few bottles first to get him used to it then dropped a couple of feeds during the day to switch to formula. If you get too full then express enough to relieve them but don't empty them, your body with gradually reduce how much milk it makes.

We are now so much happier and go out a lot more! Off to a baby group this afternoon so I'll let you know how it goes!

How is everyone else doing? It's such a shame the weathers crap, can't go out walking anywhere!
Oh I had to go walking in this because Lexi was refusing to settle and it's a lot less stressful if I just go walking with her and plug my ipod in haha wasn't too bad minus my afro hair.

However lexi only got up once last night so im super chuffed about that!

Hope your baby group goes well! I've still not looked into it but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with lo, studying for exams in november and starting driving lessons :wacko:

Not up to much today except some tv for me and a slice of cake :haha:
Clare - If you decide to switch then try to express for a little while. That's what I did after I stopped BF'ing and my boobs never became engorged or painful.

Irish - Have fun at baby group! I still need to find one to go to. Johnny's awake more now so it'll be worth going.

Rara - Sounds like you're very busy, enjoy relaxing today!

We had our 6 week check today and everything is great but she didn't weigh Johnny but HV is coming next week though. How many times have you girls seen the HV?
I've seen mine about 3 times, was seeing her every week but she cancelled last fridays appointment and never called yesterday like she was supposed to so no idea when I'll next see her, not that she's much use if I'm honest. Been no word about my 6 week check either...bit clueless about that!
I've been to no baby groups the only baby group by me is where I work which is a bit hard as we're not allowed to have service users as our 'friends' and that's the whole point of going to make new friends and socialise. I might give it ago when my toddler starts nursery sep.

I'm so fed up with this weather my toddler is being naughty because we're stuck in the house! Haven't even got the car in the day to go anywhere.

I've only seen the health visitor twice and rara I have to book my own 6 week check so I would give ur docs a bell.

So glad your friends baby is well lollipop ob. I can't even imagine what they must have gone through.

Are you using breast pads Clare? Sounds like you could bottle the extra milk lol!

I never know which names to use so I'm sticking to our screen names now lol :) x

Have a good evening :)
Emily has been having a bottle every night before bed time so I know she likes formula ok.. Might start expressing though, just a bit freaked out by it!! But you're right mare, I could fill a whole bottle just from what I leak.. It's a nightmare!! Breast pads are soaking really quickly and I leak through them!! Hoping I dry up a bit soon, it's not an attractive look!!

Bathed Emily earlier tonight to see if it would help her go to sleep earlier but she's wide awake with no sleepy signs at all.

Tay - hope the baby group went well.. I really need to find out about ones in my local area.

I've seen my HV twice.. 3rd time 2moro. Wonder what Emily will be weighing in at now?!?!

Hope you all manage to get a half decent sleep xx
Clare I made the mistake of going cold turkey with mine, I just stopped feeding him and gave formula to start with. My boobs became massive, strangely lumpy and painful! I had a bath and they started feeling better and I looked down to realise they were better because they were literally draining in front of me! I also realised that I really missed feeding him so now we do 3 bfs a day which seems to suit both of us and relieves a lot of the pressure - I am struggling with the guilt of not EBF but I'm hoping that will go away.

To all that asked about the baby group, I feel like the biggest snob in the world but please don't hate me!! I got Logan weighed there and he's now 10lb 5oz! There was one lady who was nice but she's about to go back to work :-( The rest of the ladies there weren't exactly the kind of people that I would usually spend time with & it's hard to explain why without sounding like a bitch but they were really chavvy. If you were there then you would understand but if I say it was like the line up for Jeremy Kyle it might explain it better! Got a couple more to try!

Mare I really feel for you! We discussed money saving but the last thing on our list is my car as I think my sanity would struggle without it and I only have one baby. I really hope we get some sunshine soon and hopefully your toddler will enjoy it!

Chloe I've seen the HV twice now and got another next week. She weighs Logan everytime.

It took me over an hour to get Logan to sleep this evening and he's out for the count in his Moses basket which is great except it's downstairs and I'm desperate for bed but daren't try moving him! One day we'll get this routine thing sorted!
Well currently my lo is refusing sleep point blank and im bloody knackered! Oh dear chavy is never good, being the 'emo kid' from my youth I never seem to get on well with chavs haha least you have a few more to try im sure they won't all be chavtastic :) hope you get slept soon!
I've only had the HV once! She's coming next week for his 6 week check too.

Irish - You don't sound snobby! Hopefully you'll find a group with some people you can relate to?

Talking of chavvy :haha: I was on the bus yesterday and this girl with a baby started a conversation up with me but she was sitting 2 seats across and was literally yelling to me! It was so embarrassing plus she was asking me every question under the sun like "How old is he, how much does he weigh, what size clothes is he in.." She even asked me whether I breast fed!! It's strange how people feel they can ask you such personal questions, I didn't know what to do!

Rara - Hope Lexi settled down so you could get some sleep!

Poor Johnny has got a cold :( I feel so bad, I've tried so hard to keep him away from sick people. He sounds all congested. He's still as happy as ever though. We had a bath together this morning and it was really lovely, especially for bonding as we don't BF anymore. It was lovely having skin to skin. xo

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