May Mummy's 2012

Mare that site is fantastic! where have you found time to do that?!

Rara how cute is that outfit?! Lexi's definitely going to be a girlie girl!

Still annoyed I can't post some pics but we got some professional ones done and I had to share a couple!!


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Irish they are beautiful! It's nice to see what you look like too :)

I took Taylor for his injections today.
Guess who bloody cried?
Me - I felt such a fool but I just automatically cried it came from nowhere I was shocked myself lol!
It's prob cus Taylor hardly ever cries and that was the first time I heard him cry in pain,
He cried less than me lol!

My little man is now 8 weeks old and 12lb 8oz

Hope everyone's enjoying this lividly sunshine :) x
Ohh Logan had his today as well and I cried before they even started!!

He really cried when they were done, stopped after a couple of minutes. Slept for an hour and has been completely normal since, smiling lots etc.I feel like such an idiot! I wouldn't even let them put plasters on him as I didn't want him to have the pain of them being taken off!

Hope you ladies have been enjoying the sun! xx
Mare, I cried too!!! It was so upsetting :(
Dreading the next lot of injections already! Your site is fab, very talented!!

Tay, the pics are absolutely gorgeous.. He's a wee sweetie!!

Rara, how cute is that wee outfit!! I love dressing Emily, too much fun!
Read your post in the baby club about your horrible HV.. What a witch!!!! Hope you phoned to change your app time so your mum can go with you next time xx
They couldn't change it so my mum has taken the day off work - bless her!

irish those pics are fab, nice to know what you look like! You're very pretty and logan is just a wee heart breaker in the making!
im glad its not just me then with the tears, Im dreading his next ones too!

Is anyone else alot more emotional? I cry at the slightest thing, it seems to have got worse after having each of my children lol!!

Have a good weekend all!
My beautiful children :cloud9: (this was a few weeks back, Taylor looks tiney, he outgrew this outfit ages ago)


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Thanks Rara! I'm always so self concious having photos taken but the photographer was absolutely amazing and made it seem like a fun game, I didn't even realise he was taking photos half the time so we got some great ones!

Mare, your kids are absolutely gorgeous! You must be so proud! How are the older 2 with Taylor?

We have the house move coming up on Thursday, I am so excited! I really can't wait to make a nursery for Logan (we're currently in rented so couldn't decorate). I've been desperate to put photos up and paint but there was no point until we bought a house.

Do you ladies keep the babies with you until you go to bed? I've been putting Logan down in his moses basket and taking him up with me but last night I put him straight to bed in the crib unstairs and kept the baby monitor with me. It's not too early to be doing that is it? Even though I could hear him snoring on the monitor I still checked him every 15 minutes, hoping I'll get out of that habit soon!!
Wonderful photo Mare, how you could of went through pregnancy and labour 3 times I have no idea! You deserve a medal :haha:

Irish I've been putting Lexi down in her own bed upstairs between 7:30/8pm every night for the last 2 and a half weeks, and it's been the last two and a half weeks I've had her only getting up once during the night, twice on a bad night! I'm just trying to establish routine, have no idea if it's too early but Lexi seems fine with it so I'll just keep going haha
Just realised this is the first proper picture of me and Lexi together! (I've not been feeling too photogenic lately) Haha

Please excuse the background state as the house is under construction :haha:


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Thank you I am very proud love them to bits :)
Irish my other 2 are fantastic with Taylor, my 3 year old carter adores him he is always kissing him and if he makes a little noise (I would say cry but he hardly ever cries lol) carter says " mommy baby Taylor needs his milk"
It's so sweet, he did almost try and feed him jam on toast though lol! Luckily I was watching :)
Best of luck with your house move bet your so excited. I'm hoping to move next year to a bigger house. We're running out of space fast.

Rara - I would go through it all over again to get my beautiful children.
You do forget how much it bloody hurts by the time labour comes with your next one but as soon as the first pain hit I remembered very well lol!
Lovely picture of u and lexi, your right you do look young :) that's a good thing wish I did.

Have a good day :) x
Gorgeous pic of you and Lexi... It's difficult to get pics isn't it!! I have loads of pics of Emily with Chris but hardly any of me and her.. Will need to sort that out!!!

I need to fill you all in on my MIL's latest remark... She was cuddling Emily the other night and turned to me and said 'she's definately got one eye bigger than the other!!' excuse my language but what the fuck!!!!!!
I did snap at her a bit to say.. She's falling asleep, the poor wee thing is struggling to keep her eyes open!!!

Why would you say that to a mother.. Especially when it's not true, her eyes are the same size and perfectly normal!!!!

Tay.. Hope the packing is going well. Bet you can't wait to organise Logan's nursery xx
Clare I have almost wet myself laughing, sorry hun I just cant believe your own mil would say that to you!!! (((hugs))) I do feel for you x
What the actual hell?! You should of told her she has one boob bigger than the other and seen how she liked it. Cheeky bugger your mil is! Is she a sandwhich short of a picnic? Lol
Ah Clare, that actually made me laugh so much! Isn't it awful how people feel they can comment on your baby! My MIL has taken to calling him Logi (which i hate) and going on about how fat he is!!

Rara that pic of you & Lexi is gorgeous!

mare I completely agree that you deserve a medal for 3 pregnancies & labours. I used to be one of those women who would say "it's not an illness". Now I'm the woman that shouts at Lola giving birth on Eastenders cause it's so fake. She was in labour for an hour, was able to talk during contractions and had no pain relief - bollocks!!!

I guess that's all the summer we're having, that sucks! I'm off to baby massage, hopefully Logan won't be the screamer!
Haha! She does do my head in but she just gave us a cheque for £1000 to put in Emily's bank account so I'll let her most recent mad remarks slide!!!!

Tay, Hope baby massage went well.. I quite fancy it, will need to look out for a class near me. Would you tell your MIL to quit calling him Logi?!

Off on a wee family holiday next week, 4 nights on Filey Bay, Yorkshire. Starting to dread the amount of stuff we'll have to pack but looking forward to the break.

Quick question.. Do your LO's have set feeding / nap times yet? Really thought Emily would have by now but she's not and it's driving me nuts. xx
Hope he behaved himself during baby massage!

Clare that makes things a bit better! Lexis dad and his witch of a mother have presents that were for lexi but since they fell out with me for not giving her to them they have decided to not give them to us. Lovely people! I'm jealous of your holiday I hope you have a fab time :)

Also, has anyone else seen this stroller?! It's quite cool, if I had won the Euromillions like I was supposed to I'd of bought this!
Baby massage was great! He was good for it again and had a 2 hour nap afterwards!

I'm jealous of your holiday as well, have a great time.

Logan's in a great routine. It involves going to bed and waking up at a different time each night, being very smiley and chatty during his midnight nappy change to challenge me to ignore him, being hungry for a feed if he hears me eating or getting in the shower and having amazing naps whenever I have plans to go out. I recon he'll probably stay in this routine for a while yet :)
Hey, glad everyone is doing great. Love all the pics, nice to see every ones faces!

We're starting baby massage next month Tay, been on the waiting list for ages now.. Glad you're enjoying it, I can't wait.

Clare - I'm a bit of a control freak and I hate that I haven't got Johnny in a routine yet. I'm hoping we can establish one in the next few weeks.

Johnny is doing great, he's rolling on his side, babbles loads now and has learnt how to pick things up and can even take out and put his dummy in his mouth, he's such a clever boy. I'm especially proud of him today as he slept from 10-6 last night! I kept waking up though, my body is on night feeding time haha:dohh:

Did I mention that I went to pixifoto? Well, I would advise not to! The pics were rubbish and I didn't buy any of them.. I got the free one but it's just not a good picture.. it doesn't look like Johnny, I felt awful cos I really hate the pic but I blame pixifoto.

Here's some recent pics and I caught one of him rolling! xoxo


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