May Mummy's 2012

Lexi has been in 3-6 month vests for weeks now! But that's due to length, She's getting weighed on Wed with her second lot of injections :(

I have those links already but she seems to have no interest at all in them, she likes tummy time though but she tries so hard to move that she goes all red in the face and grunts so have to pick her up haha

One of the dentist in my work is expecting a little girl in the winter so I said I would give her a lot of the out grown clothes (But I'm keeping her coming home outfit and things like that)

I'm excited to be getting my first 'mum' birthday card that sad? haha

Lexi has also returned to waking up every 2 hours during the night - has any one ever heard of babys sleep regression due to the 8 week needles, since that's when it went all wrong for us :(
How did Lexis injections go?

Johnny had his second lot today and he was so good, only had a little cry and then he started smiling at the nurse!

How is everyone else doing? Now Johnny is 3 months, everyone is asking me when they can feed him. I want to wean at 6 months if I can, what is everyone elses plan?
She has the jabs tomorrow - dreading it!

Hopefully she's as good as Johnny but I highly doubt it haha

I've already gave Lexi a spoon of baby rice and she seemed quite keen! Won't really start until she's 4 months though - she's a hungry wee thing so seems like holding off till 6 months wouldn't go so well with her.
I'm sure she'll be fine. He's been so sleepy today though, poor boy :(

I'm so excited to feed him haha I'm wanting to wait mainly because my family seem to get so many food allergies and stomach problems so he's probably most likely prone to getting one and early weaning can set it off apparently! It's so tempting though, I can't wait to see what his favourite foods are. He's a big boy so he's gonna love food! xo
It's been quiet in here!!
Emily had her injections last Thursday.. I was dreading it but she was better than last time. Just very sleepy the next day.

She's putting everything in her mouth now.. It's so funny to watch her!! Prob start giving her some baby rice etc next month and start weaning properly about 5 months I think.

Started making my own baby gift frames to sell online.. I'll post some pics later to show you ladies and see what you think!!
In the process of setting up a Facebook page and getting it all organised.. Need a hobby to keep me sane!!

Anyways, hope you are all doing well and your LOs are having fun!!!! ;) xx
How was your first Mum birthday Rara? what did Lexi get you?

Logan has his jabs on Thursday, really not looking forward to them :-(

I was really hoping to wait until 6 months to start weaning but he's showing signs already. He's so sturdy and really watches whenever I'm eating. Don't think he'll last until 6 months.

Went to see SILs new baby today, he's 4 days old and tiny! It's hard to remember when Logan was like that and it was only 12 weeks ago.

How's everyone settling into being at home with babies? I have to say that I'm loving it! I was so nervous but now I'm dreading having to go back to work, already decided that I'm going to take a demotion and find a way to be part time (managers aren't allowed to work part time hours so I either go back full time or take a demotion!)
Lexi got me...nothing haha my mum forgot to even get me a card from her so she had to buy me one from her on her way home from work...wasn't happy as I remembered to get her a grandma birthday card and had a present from her!

I too am dreading going back to work but think I've came to the conclusion that I'm leaving the fabulous world of dentistry and probably going to just do something like evening reception work so I can be with her all day and mum can just look after her a couple of hours at night - probably change when she start nursery at about 3 years though.

Yea my cousin is due her baby in about 4 weeks and the mw seems to be telling her it's going to be an early baby (no idea where she's getting that from as she's 21 and it's her first baby) but I dread to think the size difference as Lexi still looks like my teeny weeny baby to me...I'm going to have to have another in about 9-10 years time lol
Eugh, we were talking about having another today. BIL was saying that he thinks they waited too long for their second and there's a 2 year age gap. I know I have to have another for Logan but if someone could do the pregnancy, giving birth and first few weeks for me then that would be great!!

We were also talking about Christmas! Not long now and all our babies will be celebrating their first!
I know I'm far too excited about Lexis first xmas! Looking at maybe buying her a jumparoo for it :haha:

So she got weighed today, 14lbs 6oz! She's over a stone! HV was a pain and it was a different one again but she looked younger than me and tried to tell me all about how I shouldn't be feeding her so if I hadn't tried that!
I got the same "advise" with logan! don't feed him as much as he's over 16lbs now. I'd like to see them try feeding him less, he's a demanding baby when it comes to food!

He slept 7.30pm to 6am last night, I was so happy! It is probably a one off so I have to mention it!
How often and how many oz are your babies on? Johnny usually goes 3 sometimes 4 hours and is having 5 and a half oz. I don't know how they can tell you to feed less, when a baby is hungry then they are hungry and there's no stopping them!

Rara - I was thinking of getting Johnny a jumperoo too, they look so fun. I can't wait for christmas. He's going to be spoilt rotten haha and he'll be eating so he can have his first christmas dinner and everything.

I'm loving being at home with Johnny, I'm pretty sure I'm not going back to work next year. I'll hopefully be able to find a good part time job when he goes to nursery though.
Jealous! I'm hoping this second lot of jabs might undo the damage the first lot did to get improving sleep!

I honestly think most of those people don't have children themselves it's like, fine you sit with her for half an hour when she gets hysterical because she's hungry. If your baby is hungry you're going to feed them! She then went " we'll its their only form of communication it doesn't necessarily mean she's hungry" cheeky bugger!! I know my own baby!
I offer 6oz every feed, sometimes he takes it all, sometimes he leaves an ounce. He feeds every 3-4 hours, occasionally he won't go that long. I think it depends what we're doing, if we're out and about like today then he goes longer as he's distracted. I went to see work today and took 2 of my team out for lunch. Went in to see my boss, he sat on her lap, looked her straight in the eye and pooped!

Do everybodys babies dribble constantly or is it just Logan? Does it mean he's teething or is it just a normal thing?

Rara how did Lexi do with her jabs? They were today weren't they?
Yea they were, she screamed out as soon as she got jabbed - mum was holding her though going "look at the lady - it's her that's mean not me!" slept for 2 hours and now is her usual happy self thankfully! She's giggling away next to me at the tv!

Lexi is drooling like mad! I'm feeling bottom teeth but it could still be months until they cut through though, nightmare as her bibs are getting soaking in no time!

Haha at Logan pooping like that though! Lexi has a thing for staring you in the eye whenever she poops it's creepy but funny haha
Hi everyone got 5 mins to myself lol! Sara my hubby often replays and he won't know who you are so I will look out for your order lol!
Getting Christmas stockings in soon too lol!
Clare you will have to let me know your page of you do one and I can advertise you on my page :) hope you had a good birthday apart from the card and prezzy situation!

Got Taylor's injections tomorrow, hope I don't cry again. I don't know how much he weighs I'm going to take home when my other 2 are at school,
I hear all this talk of more babies, you can tell our Los are 3 months, forgotten about the pain already lol!
Lollipop you will have to show us a couple of pictures if you can.

I'm still breastfeeding so I don't know how many oz but he goes for long periods between feeds and yes Taylor is always dribbling lol!
He had better not be teething yet :)
To be honest I haven't forgotten the pain at all. The only thing getting me through the thoughts of another was that surely it's unlikely that I'll be induced twice right?! However SIL just had her second and had to be induced again so that's my theory out the window!

I had the most amazing childhood with my brother. I was picked on a lot at school for how I looked as I was really fat and if I didn't have my brother I don't know how I would have gotten through it. I can't deny Logan a brother or sister to grow up with for selfish reasons. Not sure when I'll be brave enough to start though!

Hubby has been doing the bedtime routine the last 5 days while he was off work and I couldn't settle Logan tonight! He obviously loved Daddy doing it. I had to put him in the bouncy chair and get him dozy before rocking him to sleep!

How's everyone elses OHs enjoying being a daddy?
Well Lexis dad hasn't seen her since she was about ten days so he's really not interested in being a dad, never mind enjoying it! He enjoys going out drinking instead it seems, ah well his loss!

Defo no brothers or sisters for Lexi until I'm happily married I've decided haha so big age gap ahead!

And ooooh I'll be ordering in a stocking for sure - she's going to have everything for xmas I can tell :haha:

Anyone else already been thinking about LO's first birthday, or is that just me?! I've already decided she's getting an ice cream cake! lol
Hey everyone,
Hope you are all well. Is it just me or is time going by FAR too quickly?! The days just disappear and Emily is changing so much... can't believe 3 months have passed.
My Mum got her a bumbo (whatever its called) seat and she absolutely loves it.. its incredible that she can hold her head up and look about.

I'm jealous of your babies taking regular feeds of a certain amount of oz.. Emily just seems to graze and wants fed loads throughout the day (and night!) but only takes a wee bit and end up drifting off to sleep most of the time.

Tay - you are lucky your OH does the nights when he's off work..! Chris is just back at work after having 2 weeks off and he did a night feed twice - once of which he gave up and said ' you'll need to do it Clare, she just wont go back to sleep and you are much better at it!!!!!' The cheek of him...

My best friend is due on Saturday, really excited for Emily to have another wee friend.

Total other subject but has anyone noticed their hair falling out? I was in the shower yesterday and so much came out.. It scared me but I've googled it and it says that around 12 weeks after birth women can begin to shed.. oh joy, yet another side affect!!! xx
Oh and Mare.. thanks for the message. I'll post the link below to my page. Waiting on getting my likes up so I can choose a better URL - I'll put a link on my page for you too xx

The site is going really well already.. got a few orders coming in for the 3D box frames so I will be working on them today and get them sent out.

Have a peek ladies.. It would be fab if you could like the page and share it on your facebook page too.


P.S - tried to upload some pics on here but its doing that really annoying thing of saying its to big!!!

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