May Mummy's 2012

Naughty boys always weeing on everyone! Logans doing great, chunky babies are the best! I haven't had Johnny weighed in a few weeks but I'm guessing he's 14-15lb by now. I was so annoyed at the Drs today though, some old lady in the reception poked her nose in the pram and was like "Oh he's a big boy, such a fat baby. Isn't he a fat baby?" How bloody rude!! He's perfectly healthy, no wonder some people get body issues if people are calling you fat before you can even understand :dohh:

I think it is the 4 month regression, hoping it doesn't last long. I'm switching his bottles this week and upping the amount in hopes it'll make him last longer through the night. It's worse than when he was NB cos he doesn't nap half as much.
What a bloody cheek!! No baby is ever fat! They're chubby and that is how they're supposed to be! I'm surprised you didn't hit her I would of been tempted :haha:

I feel for you with the up 3 times a night, that's a lexi special! I was quite bad earlier...Lexi had a go at a piece of melon I was eating haha she seemed to enjoy it since she sucked it half to death! Bad mummy but don't think it'll do much damage haha
It's so tempting isn't it?! I just want to give Johnny everything to see if he likes it haha. Weaning is going to be so much fun
Yea I've gave Lexi tastes of baby rice and porridge already (only teeny tiny bits mind) just in the hope she would sleep a little longer, can already tell she has no patience for baby rice though! She's all for the porridge though! Two weeks till she's 17 weeks and the HV wont kill me for giving her any :haha:
Logan looks at everything I eat with such interest, it's so tempting to give him food! Hoping to wait until 6 months though as he seems to be doing great on milk & he's sleeping so well I'm terrified of rocking the boat!

I get the fat comments a lot with Logan. My MIL is the worst for it. she compares him to Budda. Hope you told her where to stick her fat comments!
Hey ladies I've been reading but never get five minutes to myself. Will update tomorrow, Will is at nursery and I need to catch up x
Gave Lexi a bit of porridge last night and the little monkey slept from 11-6! So seems to be a good thing for her :p

Look forward to hearing how you are LC!
Johnny only woke up once last night so hoping it was just a funny few days, maybe he'll sttn again soon. I wanted to wait until 6 months to wean but I don't know if Johnny will wait that long but we shall see!

I just bite off more than I can chew and set masses of jobs for my two free days.

Been up taken Will to nursey, did food shop, put it away, hung washing out, put more on. Half an hour on exercise bike and then sorted bills and things out online, skyped family and spoke to boss for a catch up. Need to shower, iron washing and generally tidy up for my men get home lol. This is how I never have time to sit. I'm my worst enemy.

We are doing great though. Ava is just the cutest and I'm so in love!! She is so chilled out, she weighs almost 14 lbs and found her feet yesterday and lays holding them and coo'ing. she is suddenly so strong and tries to stand up in her chair and sits really well in the bumbo. where is the time going? I'm loving reading about all you gorgeous babies and the photo's are great. I need to upload some.

We're kind of in a routine, mostly around DS. Ava sleeps for half an hour about two hours after getting up and self soothes then. the day is a bit of mish mash after that, but generally feed at 4:30 pm, followed by a snooze. Bath at 6:30 then another feed at 7 pm, she sleeps for about 40 mins, then another feed and bed between 8 and 9 pm. Her nights are either good (feeds at 2 and 5) or great with one feed between 3 and 5. She is just fab, I hate putting her down and want to cuddle her the whole time. DS is brilliant with her and is doing great himself

It's so funny I was so overwhelmed when DS turned up. Ava is currently in the garage in her swing chair as that's where I was on my bike and she's still swinging and asleep. would never have done that with DS lol. I'm literally 3 metres from her.

Don't really like using the swing chair too much and reserve it for desperation as it does seem to distrupt her sleep as later she might expect to swing when asleep. Got caught out on that ha ha.

My womb infection was a nightmare, had scans and loads of antibiotics but seems to have settled down now. I'm kind of doing ok on the wieght loss, enjoying some exercise but just can't stop ramming food in my face. Loosely doing WW, I've lost 10 lbs so far but still have at least 2 stone to go urrrghhhh.

I really hope you are all healthy and happy, I really must get back into the swing of this and post more often. I am reading and sending you all lots of love xx


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Vicky, Ava is just gorgeous!! She sounds like a really sweet baby as well. Glad the womb infection has settled down, bet that was horrible. 10lbs is a lot to lose, now you're on the right track. I've put on a bit of weight since I stopped bfing, only 3-4lbs but it's all formed on my belly! Taking Logan to a swimming lesson on Monday and I've only got a bikini so it's a weekend of healthy eating!

Oh and I feel so lazy hearing what happens during the days of you ladies. I refuse to iron anything so if it doesn't look good without ironing, we don't keep it! We have a field at the back of the house so dog walking is really easy. I take Logan to something everyday but I can tell I'm getting it easy with just having one baby!

Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine :)

Anyone else think they've hit the 4 month sleep regression, we were up 3 times last night. Think we've joined the club lolli and rara. Not too bad but my toddler has started to refuse his lunchtime naps and has been very tired and irritable. Ava's only 3 1/2 months so not sure?

Hope you're all ok xxx
I thought this for Logan but it's different to how others explain it. He wakes up at 4am and is awake for the day, I'm shattered! He seems a bit more grumpy but hardly naps during the day.

I know Ava's only 3 1/2 months but she was nearly 2 weeks late wasn't she? would be right on time for the regression!
Well Lexi has suddenly turned day into night?! She was sleepy yesterday I couldn't keep her up and then she woke up at half 2 this morning and here I am....I feel like death! Doesn't help my mum has suspected chicken pox. Could end up being really fun here soon :(
Sounds like we're all hitting the sleep regression! I was up 3times in the night and he hardly naps now. I'm soo tired!! Johnny also broke out in a lot of dry skin on his legs which is where they focused on baby massaging last week so we've had to stop going, boo!
Just popping my head in while ive got 10 seconds lol! Glad your still with us vicky, it's lovely on here with us all being due virtually the same day as d now our baby's are growing! I think Taylor is a little fit he is still in 3-6 months and some things are too big! I'm not letting him grow up lol!
Is anyone else still loosing hair? Mine is awful! Abd to add to my chaos our house is going up for sale on thu! We're moving lol!
Lovely to see photos gorgeous babies
X x x
Irish, that's a good shout she was 10 days late. She's just gone to bed, DH is working late and I've just finished the ironing. So rammed a load of biscuits in my face and here I am ha ha.

Rara really hope Lexi swaps back for you that's shattering x

Ava is only just in her 3-6 stuff and her grows are a bit big - so cute!!

Lolli that's a shame about massage, can you try a different oil? We were allowed to take our own x

Mare - funny you should say that I was horrified at the sight of the bathroom floor when I bathed the kids tonight. Looks like there is a resident yetti in there, it's almost all covered in my hair - gross. Thought I'd escaped that this time. OH and ladies the best bit is the random bum fluff regrowth when it comes through. The joys ha ha ha

Hope you've all had a good day. My Mum's up tomorrow and we have swimming and the dentist to look forward to.

Wishing you all restful nights xxx
Well Logan woke up at 4am and 5.30am but went back to sleep both times after a feed so we're getting better! Hope the other babies (and mummies) had a good nights sleep!

The only annoying thing was Russ waking up at 6.15am and seeing me in bed said "bet you got a great nights sleep with him sleeping through"! Seriously didn't hear anything!!!!

My hair is still falling out but not as much. Luckily during pregnancy it seemed to grow at an amazing rate and was really thick so you can't notice it except when you're trying to clean it up!

Sarah you're crazy! I went insane moving house with just us and Logan. Are you moving for more room or moving to a different area?

Vicky have fun at swimming! Logan loves it. One of our Surestart centres has a pool which is really warm and it's free. Can't believe how much is available, I think it's fantastic!

Have a great day ladies! xxx
I do laugh when I realise what my predictive txt writes! Taylor is not a little fit! He's a little dot! Lol,
We're moving for more space bigger house with a garage, we need a garage now for my embroidery, I have a bedroom full of blue and pink blankets lol!
I've never heard of this 4 month sleep regression?? Taylor has decided to start night feeds again though after all this time little monster :)
I haven't took Taylor swimming yet but were off to Devon in a few weeks and they have a huge heated pool there,
Hope johnnys legs heal soon, my other son had dry skin when he was younger, the best thing I used is a cream by Avent called magic cream! It was fab :)
Here's to a good nights sleep! X x x x
Well last night I put Johnny down at 7pm and he was up at 9.30, 12, 3 and then up at 6! Little rascal, I've even put him on hungry baby but it doesn't seem to be working so may switch back.

He still fits in to 0-3!! He's in some 3-6 but it's mostly too big but at the rate he's eating then he'll be too big for it all soon haha.

I haven't noticed any hair loss yet, mine grew like crazy when I was PG too Irish. Johnny pulls on it constantly and always seems to have my hair in his fist.

Ooh have fun swimming! I really want to take Johnny but I'm just not confident enough to get in my costume haha, I'll have to bite the bullet soon cos it does look like a lot of fun and Johnny loves his baths so I bet he'd love the pool.

Good luck with selling your house Mare, hope it all goes to plan! I'll have to try the avent cream, I've got such sensitive skin so he's obviously got it from me. I finally got rid of his cradle cap though, woo! Just used baby oil.

It is lovely to hear how all our LO's are growing, can't believe how quick it's gone! Johnny is constantly rolling over now and he's just recently learnt how to blow raspberries so that seems to be keeping him entertained haha xo
ah I can't wait for Logan to roll over! We roll him over a lot on our bed but he just thinks it's a game!
Logan was asleep by 7.30pm and up for the day at 5.30am so an improvement! Just need to get it to 6am wake up and I'll be fine.
You should go for it with swimming Chloe! I don't think any new mum feels good in a costume so you won't be alone.
Logan's completely into 6-9 month clothes now. His sleepsuits are a bit long but in the 3-6 months he looks like the michelin man, poor baby!
He absolutely loves his Jumparoo, best thing we've bought by far!!

Hope you all got good nights sleep xx

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