May Mummy's 2012

Oh and thank you for my birthday wished I had a lovely day we went to our local hungry horse for lunch x x
Sarah I love that I'm guessing you have predictive text!!

You're completely right about feeling lucky, that's awful about those angel gifts. My step sister has had 3 miscarriages in the last year, I know how lucky we are!

Logan is turning into the sweetest, happiest little boy. I hate to say it but even when I was pregnant I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing. Now I'm absolutely besotted with him!! Vicky, Chloe & Sara are you ladies on Facebook? I can't upload photos of Logan onto here but there's a few of him on there, he's such a smiler!
Well that small blimp before was not the 4 month sleep regression... THIS is the 4 month sleep regression!! I'm pretty sure he's turned into a newborn again & I am shattered. He was up 5 times last night so the only sleep I got was from 9.30-10.45! Chloe is Johnny back to normal now with his sleep?

Luckily he's still so damn cute so that helps!

How's everyone else getting on? Good weekend? Sarah & Clare how on earth do you have time to do all that work as well? Your stuff is so gorgeous, wrong time to be on Maternity pay when you want to spend more than ever! xxx
Yes, I'm on Facebook! -> (That should link you...but technology and me haha)

Sorry I've not been on lately! It has been hectic here! Lexis jabs did not go well!! Poor toot had bruises from her jabs, was clingy and screamed for a good two days (joy!)

Mare happy belated birthday! Glad you had a nice day :)

Sleep is still rare here but she is 4 months today so I'm eyeing up the baby porridge and considering giving it a shot haha. Hope you all get some good sleeps soon!

I can't write much more as Lexi has made a big smell so I better run and fix it haha :flower:
Wondered where you'd gotten to Sara, Lexi is so adorable! I love having a boy but the girls outfits are so much cuter. Thankfully I'm not much of a clothes addict anymore, poor Logan has a pretty basic wardrobe compared to most.

We're hiding out today, the rain is horrible! :-(
My fb -

Shame about Lexis jabs :( Poor baby. Johnny has his tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to them!

Irish - Johnnys sleep is the same unfortunately :( I hope Logan goes back to sleeping. If only we could explain to babies how much we'd appreciate a solid sleeping pattern haha. I agree with the girls clothes thing, though. So much more to choose from but I still end up spending so much money on outfits for him.

We've officially started solids! I spoke to my HV, told her how he's been acting and she said they could be signs of wanting to eat and if I wanted to then to go ahead and we did. He's only had home made sweet potato puree so far but he loves it, hoping it'll help with his sleep too. I really wanted to wait until 6mo but he was just obviously ready. I love cooking, I've been making up apples, pears, carrots and all different purees and freezing them.
Chloe I have t managed to get on your Facebook yet it keeps redirecting me to my other Facebook account, I can prob do it when I'm on pc x well done Johnny on the solids! I haven't tried anything yet apart from toffee lol! Can't remember if I told you all about the toffee incident????
Sara poor lexi no more now for a good while :)
Tay yes I have predictive txt! Omg! Cocky????? What the!! I couldn't stop laughing when I read that back! I wrote the word tits when replying to someone in my Facebook page the other day lol!

Well you will all know what I look like now lol! Hope I don't scare you all off ha ha!! X x
I'm going to my first baby group on Friday at where I work :) wish me luck x
Sarah, did you skip the puree stage and go straight to toffees?! I'm guessing it's the joys of older siblings?! Good luck with your first baby group, I really enjoy mine! Took Logan swimming again today :)

I'm hoping not to start Logan on any food yet, going to have to watch the inlaws though, they've been counting down the days to 4 months for feeding!

Chloe & Sara, good luck with Johnny & Lexi sleeping tonight! Fingers crossed we're all refreshed Mummys by tomorrow! xx
Oh I obviously have more time on my hands but I was thinking we could all say one thing we love about our babies?

I love the way that when we go somewhere or see someone Logan will suddenly grip hard to my hair at the back of my neck and look at me before looking at them. It's like he's saying "I'll smile at them Mummy but you're going nowhere without me".

Oh and I love how the top of his body is ready to roll over but the bottom half has no idea what it's supposed to do!
Toffee? Haha I caught lexi with a mcflurry spoon in her mouth courtesy of my mother yesterday! Parents! I've been a bit behind with Facebook today but hoping to look through photos and everything properly but from what I've seen so far what a lot of cuties!! Been mad here with my mums temp job ending and the tenant at our flat leaving so all money stopping for a month! Looks like I might end up having to go work full time while my mum looks after lexi for a couple of months :( just makes sense since I earn more and get tax credits =/

What I love about lexi is that she always sneezes twice followed by a big sigh! She also scrunches up her face and does little t-Rex hands when she poos lol!
I couldn't remember if I told you all about it or not :) right
TOFFEE! Lol :)
Taylor has a tigger teddy come rattle tether style toy he loves to chomp on, he was sat on my dads lap sucking on his tigger for about half hour. My dad saying a couple if times, I can't believe the way he sucks that tigger! All of a sudden my dad shouts no wonder he's sucking on that bloody tigger! Big lump of thorntons toffee stuck on the top he was loving it lol! It was the hubby who had the toffee so not the kids fault for once lol! Taylor was so not impressed when I took it off him :)

I will do favourite thing about my 3:
she is so beautiful, thoughtful and kind hearted, I got her a bike from Smyths for Christmas yesterday but needed to check it was the right one so I phoned her. I told her they hadn't got it (white lie) she said never mind mommy maybee the elves will make me one. I will be broken hearted the day she tells me Santa isn't real!!

Carter: I love the way he is so loving, hes always got a cuddle for me and he adores morgan and Taylor :)

I love that the first thing I see every morning is his great big smile from his crib (sometimes in mommys bed lol) i love the way he smiles when you talk to him and he gives really tight cuddles.

Love my 3 so much x x x
Ah Sarah your 3 sound so sweet! They are absolutely gorgeous, you definitely make beautiful babies! Poor Taylor probably wonders why his other toys don't taste as nice!

Sara, that's so funny with lexi pooing! Logan likes to hold my hand and look at me while he's doing it if he's straining a bit! Do you mind going back to work? It's nice that your mum is there to watch Lexi and obviously knows her so well

Well Logan was up at 5am this morning, had a feed and I could see he would go back to sleep but everytime I put him down he woke up... until I put him in our bed! He slept lovely until 6am and woke up with a smile. Does anyone else still put their babies in bed with them at any point? I'm hoping if he gets used to going back to sleep then his pattern might change?
Sarah love toffeegate!! Your three sounds gorgeous you must be so proud.

Sara where do you work? It's great that your Mum can have Lexi, I'm not sure when to start solids. I started Will early to try and improve his sleep but it didn't so might wait longer this time. Saying that she really does watch when you eat xx

Tay, Ava still comes in with me quite a bit only from 5 onwards. I'm trying to stop her doing it, it's only laziness on my part to feed her whilst I doze ha ha Your night sounds like it was much better. Ava was only up once at about 3:30, which was good.

I love that when you look at Ava, she almost goes shy before she gives the biggests smile. It's sooooo cute xx
Ah Lexi looks you directly in the eye also! It's a bit weird to me haha I took her in with me from 6am since she still looked sleepy lol I usually do take her in any time after 4am if she wakes up as if you hold her hand she settles n sleeps better so just makes it easier for lazy old me!

I work as a dental nurse in a private practice but after the way I was treated when I was pregnant makes me think I should maybe try and find a nice NHS one since I get more holidays, unpaid days for if Lexi was ever ill and later on I would get a place for her in an NHS nursery if I wanted. Yea I would only consider going back if my mum had her, would not be doing it if involved nursery or a childminder! Plus all the costs would probably completely defeat the purpose!
Omg the toffee!! That is so so funny. Your three sound so cute!

Tay - That's lovely! It's so nice when they show they want you.

Ava and Lexi sound so gorgeous, I love the little shy smile!!

I love it when Johnny is crying in the morning and as soon as I look in his basket his face lights up and he kicks his little legs out of joy. Also when I'm feeding him and he's all sleepy and he grabs on to my fingers with his little hand, I love that. Plus he's the only person who enjoys my singing :haha:

Not loving the lack of sleep as much, I do feel bad for him with his teeth. He was up constantly last night, just slept in bursts of 20-30 minutes. He had his injections too which he didn't love, he's been a grump since and won't be put down. Poor thing, so sad when you can't explain things to them.
I'm getting so jealous of you creative ladies! I'm about to make an attempt at blinging out my converse (don't see it going very well if I'm honest) but worth a shot since they're old anyway haha

Hope everyone is well! It's looking like I may be unable to return to work after mat leave with no child care since my mums going back to work full time :( depressing as it is I don't think I could handle putting LO in nursery this young but on the other hand I'm not so keen for living off of benefits either. This has depressed me more than I ever would of imagined lol :(
That sucks about work Sara! But you get to spend more time with Lexi. There really should be a better system for working mothers, nurseries are so expensive. You might get real good at glitzing up dummies and converse and can start selling them ;)!

I've had no time to be creative, I don't know how you others do it.

Johnny's sleep pattern is getting better, he's only waking twice a night now.

How are all the other LO's doing? What have you got planned for Halloween? Are you dressing up your baby? I'm still looking for something for Johnny. I'm going out for the first time since he was born for Halloween.. I'm so nervous to leave him but excited to have grown up time!
I wish I was as creative as you ladies! Sara I know how you feel about work. We went to view a nursery recently and although it was lovely, I couldn't imagine him being there until he's 2 or 3! Don't know how I'll cope with going back to work.

Logans nights still aren't great. 2-3 wake ups per night now. I can deal with those, the problem is that he thinks between 4.30 & 5am is the perfect time to wake up for the day! It's knackering!

We're not doing anything for halloween, don't ever celebrate it here. Have fun on your first night out! You'll have to let us know how it goes. I'm such a loser & won't go out yet but hopefully one day!
I've had three nights out already - I look like a reckless parent compared to you all! :haha:

The most glitzing I'm doing for now is lexi's converse! Seems my mum might be leaving working so that I can go back to work, only thing is that I would have to go full time, it's difficult because if I did that it would mean a lot more money for us but less time with her during the week! Luckily if that happened I would at least know she was fine and wouldn't have to worry about her if mum had her! Oh the decisions! Two interviews for me tomorrow (boo!)

Oh I never told you all I had an interview for a new Tesco since I fancied the hourse but a group interview was not for me...They asked me for a 'funky fact' about myself and then we had to build a disney princess puzzle...strangest interview I have ever been to lol!

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