May Mummy's 2012

I've yet to buy Lexi her jumperoo! Thought she has a baby walker that turns into a rocker and she seems to enjoy that!

For dry skin my mw suggested olive oil when LO was first born - worked wonders! Also helped with cradle cap!

She's still not rolling I'm beginning to get obsessed haha though she has mastered pulling out her dummy and throwing it! The wee monster!
That's how Johnny started rolling, we'd roll him back and fourth on the bed and he loved it.. always rolled back over with a huge grin! So cute.

Johnny's good at getting a freshly sterilised dummy and throwing it on the floor, I don't know why I bother :dohh:

The jumperoo looks like so much fun! I got Johnny little play thing where he sits in the middle, bit of a rip off jumperoo but he doesn't seem to like it yet, same with his bumbo.. he's always trying to get out of everything!

Last night was the worst, I'm pretty sure it's teething now because he woke up every 20-30 minutes after 2am and was up at 6am, it was torture!! Will have to ask my HV what I should do.. I do hope everyone else had a few solid hours sleep though!
Lolli is it worth trying calpol, should do the job if it's teeth??

We weren't too bad last night, ava went to sleep at 9 up at 3 and then 6 am.

i've been really selfish this morning and had ava in her swing chair so i could exercise, so might pay the price later when she wants to be swung to sleep lol.

we're off to crealy tomorrow really can't wait, in laws are coming too so me and dh can go on the rides with ds.

i really want to get ava a walker for christmas, but early to get use from it. we borrowed a jumperoo for ds it was fab, he loved it xx
Oh no the dreaded teething to be fair I've never had buck trouble with my kids, they have glad red cheeks snotty noses and to put it politely runny bums lol! Teething granules are fantastic you can give them with Valois too, my friend also swore by an amber teething necklace but I was a reluctant to try one x x
How's johnny been sleeping now? LC are u still breastfeeding? Xx
Can't get my jumparoo down yet as the house is now on the market and we had to have major tidy for photos
X x x
Logan loves him Jumparoo! I'd be lost without it, he's so active and desperately trying to sit up. Think he gets frustrated so the freedom of bouncing is great!

It was hubbys friends birthday yesterday so where did they decide to invite us with a 3 month old? Thorpe Park! Gosh it was fun standing around in the heat trying to keep Logan happy while they waited an hour for each ride! :) Logan was actually amazing but struggled on the journey home as it was after his bedtime- never again!

Hope Johnny starts to sleep better soon! Thankfully we only had 2 bad nights. I guess some might find his 5.30am get ups annoying but he's asleep by 7pm so I can't complain, just adjusted my sleeping pattern!

Sarah have you had any viewings yet? My Mums looking for a house so I've been going with her to viewings just to be nosey, I love house hunting!!

Hope everyone's having a great weekend xxx
Oh wow thorpe park, makes our trip to crealy look very simple. Will loved it, we very nearly ruined him, he was pooped when we got home poor thing. He went on lot of rides though.....some a bit big, hope we've not pu him off. I had a great time and Ava wa brilliant!!

Mare, I'm still feeding, hope go all the way again, Will stopped at a year. Was good as we bypassed bottles completely.
Just popping my head in no time to stay, I will catch up tomorrow lol but had to share! Taylor just rolled over!!! Oh and he's poorly again got his brothers cold :( x x x
Well done Taylor! Still waiting for Logan to start that. Went swimming yesterday again and he loved it! He's had a hard time going to bed the last couple of nights, he's still asleep by 7.30pm but it's taken a couple of tries! Sometimes I think he's teething but i have no idea!

Got DH's aunts wedding on Saturday and Logan has the cutest outfit, can't wait to dress him up! xx
Johnny is definetly teething, I can feel two ones coming trough on top. Poor boy :( I've got some teething gel but doesn't seem to help. Hoping they come through soon!

Glad you had a nice time LC and irish with swimming. He's getting so big!
Johnny looks really tall! He's gorgeous I will pop a photo of Taylor on when I can on pc,
You will have to share a photo of logan Tay! Have a lovely time hope you've treated yourself to a nice new outfit!
LC that's fantastic 12 months I will probably stop at about 6 months :) I can't believe how the weight has dropped off I put loads of weight when pregnant and my ore pregnancy jeans are now falling off me! I thank the breastfeeding, trouble is I'm still losing loads of my hair! It's long though so I'm considering having it chopped
Oh and it's my birthday today :) 33 years young! X
Hope you had a lovely birthday Sarah! Did you take time off from your work?

Logan has the 3 jabs this morning and I'm so nervous already!

There's a bit of an uproar going on in my town for working Mums. We got a letter stating that they're reducing the number of hours of assisted childcare for working mums and they're giving mums on jobseekers full assisted childcare! Did anyone else get that? It's a joke!
Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a great day. Congrats on the weight loss, breast feeding is amazing. You and LC are champs at it.

Irish - That's absurd!! Why would you need childcare if you're on job seekers anyway? That seems odd. Working parents need a lot more help, childcare is SO expensive. I hope Logan is okay after his Jabs, poor baby xoxo
I'm so impressed with you ladies as well that are still breastfeeding, I would never have survived this long! Especially as you both have bigger kids!

Logans jabs were horrible :-( He screamed at all 3 of them. He was smiling again 10 minutes later but he's a bit clingy. How did all your 4 month jabs go?

Chloe that's exactly what we thought! Hoping I only have to go part time as full time nursery is just too expensive! Plus I'd miss him a lot! xxx

Happy Birthday for yesterday mare!!

Lolli, grogeous pic of your smiley boy, boo to teething but at least your almost two closer to that horrible bit being over.

Irish, I'm dreading the 3 jabs we are a couple of weeks late with ours. Least there's a break now...

I'm dreading paying to two in nursery it's so expensive but Ava will go the same one as Will and it is very good.

I had a nightmare day yest. Took Will to his swimming lesson, he refused to participate so we ended up getting out early. THEN he refused to get dressed, by this point I was calm but not prepared to have him call the shots and so took him to the car naked. He was having a massive tantrum by this point. I had tried everything and had so many people tutting at me, that was more upsetting. So he went home with just a nappy on and fell asleep so went to bed in just a nappy. He was a delight all afternoon. Terrible two's grrrrrr. Fortunately Ava is just so good!

Off to get Ava weighed this afternoon.

Irish the bf is so easy now, for me it's the lazier option lol. I can't be bothered with bottles ha ha Do hate the fact that I constantly stink of stale milk though! Best DH deterant going lol xxx
Vicky I know it's not funny but the image of Will going to the car naked has made me laugh, I know that will be me in a couple of years!

Glad all the jabs are out of the way now until he's one. I'm going to be delaying the MMR and hopefully getting the separate jabs, not sure how to bring that one up with the HV! She's already referred to me as being a hippy type for not having the jab for the placenta or letting Logan have the Vit K.

Love that you've got a DH deterrant going on! Think we're back to normal now in that area, took a while though!

Went to see my friend yesterday that just had a baby. It all happened so fast that she had him at home and I actually cried when I found out, jealous that another of my friends got "my" homebirth which I felt awful for! Turns out she was terrified, had 3 ambulances and was transferred to hospital separate from the baby with a 3rd degree tear. Guess things aren't always what they seem! Made me feel lucky!

I won't admit this to anyone else, but I've eaten a whole box of celebrations to myself today! Not good times!
I've had four bars (small) of dairy milk - oops have done half an hour on the bike and walked to the weigh in.

My chunk is 14 lb 12 oz she's gained 14 oz in 2 weeks x

Check out these phots, me and ava in the same dress and shawl......


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Ava is just adorable and that's so cute she's in your outfit!

We've had an awful day, poor Logan was knocked by these jabs, he was fine with the first 2 lots. He's been so upset all day, really clingy. Had a temp so I gave him some calpol. He's gone to bed fine though so hoping he'll feel better in the morning. Hope you all had better days! xx
Oh no LC, sounds like you've got so much going on! I don't know how some mums do it, amazing. Ava looks gorgeous, that smile! So cute she's in your outfit.

Poor little Logan :( Hopefully he'll sleep it off. Johnny has his 3rd lot of jabs next week, he wasn't too bad last time so hopefully he'll be the same. You just feel so hopeless when they're in pain.

Don't talk about food! I can't stop eating this week, it's terrible. I keep saying "Monday we will start eating healthy again" but get distracted :haha:

I put away Johnnys first outfit in his memory box today, I can't believe how small he was and how quickly time has gone. Maybe he'll put it on his baby in the future! It gives me a headache thinking that far ahead though...
Well where do I start,
Cocky I'm sorry hun I know it probably really was awful for you at the time with will playing up but I'm still laughing to myself now over the naked car thing oh dear I know exactly how it is carter was a devil from 10 months when he started running around lol! He goes to school nursery now every day but I get right paddies when he gets home because he's so tired.

I can't believe that photo how amazing!!!!

Tay things happen for a reason hun Don't beat yourself up over not having Logan at home there's no medals and rewards, you gave birth to a health baby boy. You are healthy and well and that's all that matters - I know that just doesn't help in the slightest! Lol!
I have done 3 angel baby blankets and comforters I broke my heart all the way doing the first one but it's opened my eyes to how lucky I really am x x

Yes I had the night off my machine lol! :)

Chloe if you can get them try powders honestly they were amazing I can't remember what they are called they are in a little old fashioned white card box I'm not sure they still sell them. I would post link but I'm on my phone,

The dreaded injections! Taylor had his yesterday he was fine after but I hate the way he cries in pain it's heartbreaking,

Bucky in lazy too lol! Can't be bothered with sterilising and formular yet lol!

Hi Katie when was your little girl born?

Have a good night talking Of food I've just ordered Chinese yum!!!! X x x

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