May Mummy's 2012

Me too Vicky! I think he may have been a bit poorly, he's hardly eaten at all today but that doesn't explain the last couple of weeks! He was also constipated and I've heard that can be a sign of teething? He does this cute thing of picking out my first finger and having a good chew on it!

How are you finding things having Will as well? Is it what you expected? xxx
Tay it's actually easier than I expected. Can't believe I just written that, I was dreading it in a nice way as I had no idea how I'd cope. We all have our moments and I have to be organised but it's ok.

I had another coughing fit after feeding Ava at 10, finally got to sleep at 1 am. Fed Ava at 3 again and then she came in with me. So really rubbish nights kip, today might be a toughie!!

Got Ava's jab today, wanted to get the worst of her cold done first, am dreading it!

How was your night?
I'm glad to hear it's easier than you thought! I'm already getting nervous about having 2!

Last night wasn't so bad. we delayed his bedtime again and he lasted til 7 but hardly ate. I decided not to do a dreamfeed though and something worked as he slept until 3.30am. I gave a feed and he had a little bit so i brought him int my bed and spent the next 3 hours trying to keep him asleep! I'm hoping if his body gets used to not getting up until at least 6 then he might start sleeping through!

What jab have Ava got? All of Logans are done.

Hope you feel okay today!

How did everyone elses nights go? Anyone have any luck yet? xx
Glad you're doing so well with Will and Ava! I can't imagine having more than one right now, I suppose you just get on with it. Good luck with her jabs today and I hope she feels better. It's the worst when they have colds cos there's just not much we can do.

Last night was so bad! Johnny went down at half 7 and woke at 10ish for a feed which is normal but then awake at 1.30 just making lots of noise, like screaming but not crying screaming just "listen to me!" kind of thing. I checked his nappy, tried to feed him, rocked him and gave him some teething gel but nope, he would not go back to sleep. I put him in our bed at 5am and Bill went and laid on the sofa hoping that Johnny and I would sleep, he didn't. So last resort, I put him in his bouncer with his blanket and dummy and he dropped right off. So we got about 3 hours sleep. I just don't know why he's refusing sleep :shrug:
The lack of sleep is making me so sluggish, I was in my pjs all day yesterday!!

Could these parents with babies that do 12hr stretches please share their secret!?
Ah Chloe I'm sorry you had such a bad night! Logan's started doing the screaming thing for some reason, not sure what it's about! Sometimes when I bring Logan into bed he won't lay down so i have to prop myself up and let him sleep on my chest, which means no sleep for me!

Does Johnny feeding seem to be making any difference at all? What is his sleeping like during the day? xx
Hi all,
What's going on with these naughty babies at bedtime?
You will all hate me but Taylor's an angel lol! He goes to sleep after a good feed at about 9.30 then wakes in the night at some time for a little feed, he then goes back to sleep in my bed - very naughty but doesn't get up until I wake him to take Neil to work.
He is just such an angel!

We went away for a long weekend to Devon cliffs haven site, not sure if any of you are into that type of holiday but it's fantastic when your babies are a bit older, will would love it vicky!
I've been going there since my mom and dad used to take me as a child,
We had a fab time we even got chance to build sandcastles and fly kites in the beach.

I'm still totally breastfeeding Taylor but he seems quite interested in my food, trying to snatch it off me lol! I'm going to see Hv a week on tue so I think I will ask for advice on weaning as I hear it's changed since I had carter lol!
Tay I'm not sure where the days go lol you will be surprised when you have another one, I find Morgan a great help and carter too, he will keep Taylor occupied while I get a few jobs done :) I can't leave them alone though I only went to the loo the one day abd came back down to find Taylor almost upside down in his bouncer and carter underneath it. Whoops lesson learned!!! All Taylor did was laugh. Good job its a low bouncer and we have a good pile on a rug lol! Xx
my mum told me stories of me "helping" when my brother was born and it's kind of scary! I'm only 17 months older than him so a bit different. I have come back into the room before to find the dog cuddled with him in his bouncer, the dogs really adore him and now he's that bit older he's getting really interested in them as well, it's so cute.

It will probably never happen again but we had an awesome night! Got bedtime delayed until 7pm now. did the normal routine and settled for a cuddle but he was so lively still! Thought I'd lay him in his crib to babble etc while I tidied up, left his room for 2 minutes and he'd falled asleep lovely, not even a whinge. He's never settled by himself before! I heard him stir at 5.30am but he went back to sleep and was up at 6.30am!

Sarah your holiday sounds fab. We always used to go to Pontins growing up and I definitely think we'll be doing similar with Logan.

We're not going to start weaning at all until 6 months. Logan does seem interested in food but he's doing well so that I'm happy to wait and then just do BLW.

How did everyone elses nights go? Are they settling back down again?

Vicky how were Avas jabs? Was she okay with them? xxx
Hi Sarah what an angel!! That's sooo good. We don't live very far from Devon Cliffs, so we go to World of Country life now and then and to the beach lots. Glad you had a nice time!

Tay jabs went well, it was the last three, they were delayed by a bank holiday and a cold. She did really well, but then was unusually grumpy yesterday teatime. Last night wasn't too bad. Bed at half 7, feeds at 10:30, 02:30 and in with me at 5 until 7. That's really great that Logan self settled, Ava used to be really good but tends to feed to sleep now.

Chloe, really hope you had a better night last night!!

Getting my washing machine fixed today, I'm so excited been without it for 3 weeks now and it's been a nightmare. I now have a small mountain to wash and that's only been since Sunday!

Hopw you all have a nice day xx
Well done for getting a full nights kip! Lexi is still a nightmare! And now I've started my own 'baby blinging' shop on Etsy ( I do ask for the extra stress sometimes huh) haha

Your holiday sounds amazing, that's the kind of thing I look forward to doing with Lexi, I'm already contemplating Longleat for lexi's first birthday! Though that may be for my own amusement haha
It was a complete fluke that he slept through, last night he was up at 4.30am!

Today he's been awful for naps and has barely had an hour in total all day. So he's now in his Jumparoo doing a mix of a cry/whine with each bounce!

Struggling a bit with today for some reason. Most people look forward to the weekend but when Russ is working, i dread them. No babyclubs going on, my mummy friends are with their OHs and my non mummy friends are recovering from last night and getting ready for tonight. Russ never mentions money at all, but i feel bad going out and spending it when I know he's working so hard for it so I end up staying in (and eating too much!). I'm bored, Logan's bored, even the dogs look annoyed! Eugh, moan over!

Hope everyone else is having a better Saturday! xx
Tay hope your weekend got much better!! My DH works 3 out of 5 weekends, I know how you feel xxx
I feel for you guys! I don't know what I would do without Bill on the weekends, that break is what keeps me going sometimes haha.

Johnny is still sleeping rubbish but hey ho, trying to get use to it! Sorry to hear Logan didn't keep up the sleeping through, still one step closer though.

I went to baby group today, it was really good. Johnny got to play with some little baby's, he was nearly as big as the 9month olds haha.

How is everyone else?
The weekend did get better thanks! Just had a down time!

Logans sleeping has been so much better over the last few nights. He's going in his crib awake and settling himself to sleep. Since he's been doing this, he's been sleeping through until 6am, really happy. Took him swimming today and he loved it, shame that it was our last session.

Chloe, I had the same thing with Logan as well. At babyclub he looks like the 9 month olds. In fact one mum actually said "don't worry if he's a bit slow with his crawling, at least he can sit up by himself" When I said he's only 4 1/2 months I'm sure she thought I was lying!

Vicky I have full respect for you coping with 2 during those weekends. I struggle sometimes with just Logan xxx
Yay for Logan! -I hope he keeps it up and I hope Johnny follows in his footsteps :haha:
Baby swimming looks so fun, I really need to go. I love the pictures they take of the babies under the water!

Can I ask what every ones bed time routine for their LO is?

I usually feed him solids around 5pm
Milk feed at 7pm
Bath (every other day), book and quieting down time and in bed before 8pm

This doesn't always go to plan and he ends up falling asleep in the living room sometimes, I'm going to start being strict with it and maybe it'll encourage him to sleep through?

Does Logan have a dummy? I'm thinking of getting rid cos Johnny wakes up for me to put it back in his mouth all through the night x
Logan doesn't have a dummy or a comforter which I'm glad about! We play until about 6:45. He has his last feed then and 10 minutes of quiet to settle his tummy. He then has a bath which lasts between 30 seconds and 10 minutes depending on his mood! Since he's learnt to splash he enjoys it more. I do a baby massage before dressing him, spend 1 minute cuddling him and chatting to him. Then I place him wide awake in his crib to fall asleep. he's started settling much better for naps as well if I put him in the crib.

Hope Johnnys sleep starts improving for you! I was starting to go insane! does he have his dummy for naps as well? Is there anything he's really trying to learn at the moment? Not sure if it's related but his sleeping improved massively once he'd learnt to sit up by himself.
Chloe, we're still up every three hours, it's killing me!! She's not feeding very well during the day and so I think stacking up during the night. Think there are too many distractions to feed during the day..... not sure I can doing anything about that though.

We go up stairs at about 6 pm. No nappy time for about 10 - 15 mins, then bath. Read to Will and I sometimes feed her then or just after 7 when he is in bed. She went down wide awake last night (need to do that more). Then was up at 9 pm 1 am and 4 am, when she came in with me until 6:30 when Will woke up. she did manage to sleep until 7 though, even with a wriggly Will in bed with us.

I really need to sort our nights out, she wouldn't take solids. I'm just trying to feed more often during the day be she just won't have it. She is currently sat in her chair craning her neck to watch Peppa Pig.

Ava's not had a dummy, Will has his until 5 1/2 months. We had two nights were I was up every hour and a half putting it back in. I took it off him and it was the best thing we did it improved his sleep dramatically. Still up but no where near as much. It took three nights of shhh'ing and rubbing his tummy.

Hope you all have a good day xx
lol vicky, getting excited over a new washer, you can tell were mummys!
your so lucky living near there, its such a beautiful place!

Chloe, I was the same with my other lad, everyone thought he was loads older, he was running around at 10 months though lol!

Sara, youve joined the creative side, you will be embroidering next :haha::haha: have you blinged lexies converse?
Hows the new job?

hope your feeling better Tay, I have days like that, you feel like the worlds against you, and everything gets ontop of you :cry:

shame we dont all live close, we could have our own little baby group lol!
OOPS EXCuse the capitals, im not shouting lol!:thumbup:
Vicky - Thanks for the advice! I think we will take the dummy cold turkey. We use it for naps and sleep mostly but we do use it to calm him down which I know is so bad and I said I'd never do, it's totally become a crutch for us so the sooner we get rid the better tbh!!

Tay - How's Logan doing? I hope he's still sleeping through.

Sarah - I swear he's trying to crawl already :haha: I've got a feeling he'll be running around before he's a year! It's going to be so weird when he can actually move about haha.

I'm joining all you creative ladies and starting to make jewelry again, really cutesy stuff (mainly hello kitty bits) I'll have to show you when I've finished it, I've just ordered some materials, excited at the prospect of making some extra money. Feeling a bit fresher today, Johnny only woke up 3 times last night which is good for him! Going to baby group again today, probably a lot more kids cos it's half term.

Also I'm going out for the first time tomorrow night for Halloween! Bills mums having him over night, I'm so nervous to leave him. I know it'll be a cheap night though cos I haven't had a drink in over a year!

Hope every ones good!
Sorry just quickly dashing on while I have 5 minutes! I use the tesco baby bedtime stuff - works great!

Yea Lexi has blinged converse and a couple of dummys haha!! She's a stylish baby ;)

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