which ones did u go for love? It’s shit that easy@home ones u never know which ones ure gonna get. I used the ones with just HCG on the handle and had faint lines at 10dpo and they got darker everyday. By 13 dpo they were blazing positive. They were so good.
I have wondfo too but yet to fall pregnant with a sticky beanie to see what there like as never used them B4. They are 10mlU and got lines on them at 9dpo with last months chemical so definitely sensitive. But then there’s 25mlU wondfo which is the ones I think I got with the opks.
I used all the opks up but still have the pregnancy tests.
So sorry you have covid love. Hope ure managing to rest and take it easy.
Sorry u think ure out love but still have time with AF not being due until Sunday.
hopfully you won’t need those opks. But if you do the good ones are
Pregmate opks were good too but don’t think much of there HPTs.
Mommed are good as well but the batch I got this time didn’t give me a blazing peak where as the last batch I had, the test line was way darker than the control line. But Since I been trying this time my opks get to matching and I don’t get the mega blazing opks anymore. I’m gonna try and test more this cycle so I don’t miss it. I think last cycle I missed it as I went 18 hours without testing when I was getting almost matching lines. It was because I was up the hospital for ages waiting to be seen for a UTI.
Stupid bloody UTI right on top of ovulation. I hope that don’t happen again.
I am cd3 now as it’s past midnight so will start the opks in a few days. These last 2 cycles tho I have ovulated late. Day 19 then day 16 but I used to ovulate on cd12 cd13. I want it to go back to that again. so will start opks on cd6 or cd7 I think.
got loads so why not lol.
Hope AF stays away love