Tell me about the boob thing MSmith!!! Mine are huuggee!! I got asked by my acupuncturist today if I'd had a boob job since she lasy saw me!!
arrived this morning. Not been about for a few days due to work and an impromptu camping trip, Fab news about the first
Hope she stays away for you hun!! I'm soo dizzy today - I hope this is a good sign and not sign of the swine flu!!!!![]()
hey msmith, I dont have any tests in!! I hope shops are open tomorro with it being bank hols! I cant be trusted to have them lying around in the house!
Good luck girlies....I've been so ill all day - I cant keep anythin down and spent all day with my head down the loo - TMI - Sorry!!!!
Think I am 14dpo tomorro so fingers crossed - My periods all over the place at the min cos of PCOS and chemical preg last month so its been 45 days since last AF - so cant really rely on missed period just gotta judge it by when I think I Ov'd.
Off to bed with hot water bottle now - night ladies - best of luck x x