So I think the girls may be falling asleep... but is this going back to sleep for the rest of their night? (Please God) Or just a little nap??? Not sure if I should get my hopes up about getting some more sleep
Parenting journals are private, so only members can view, so no guests and if we did have lurkers we would know who they are as their name would be at the bottom. xx
Oh joy, Sam eventually went back to sleep at 3, and then got up for the day at 5.45. I completely give up now, whatever I do he is just up all night and since christmas I have an hour or two of sleep each night, and now plus work!
Happy Mothers Day everyone! My hubby forgot. xx
Happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful ladies
Speaking of not sleeping it's 3:15AM here- and I've been up for 2 hours The girls and I all three woke with a coughing fit at 1 and it's just been downhill from there- including a fever spiked to over 103, snot everywhere, and maybe a small argument between hubby and I I can't help the way I react to his goings on about sleep and work and blah blah blah when I have had 2 friggin hours of sleep, I'm sick as all hell and worried about the girls- I kept telling him now is not the time, but he's like a dog with a bone and will just not shut up. So, for now, the fever is down, both girls are UP, Baby Einstein is chirping away on the TV, all 3 of us are coughing, and hubby is supposedly trying to get some sleep - although he has made no shit, no lie, FOUR bathroom trips in the last hour
24- I totally agree about moving- but it's up to Miss Inge- since she's our thread starter= plus we kind of need everyone else to agree- I guess we could ask for a show of hands? lol
Wiggler- same here, hon- Sorry you're so sick- drink lots of juice and water and tea
Parenting journals are private, so only members can view, so no guests and if we did have lurkers we would know who they are as their name would be at the bottom. xx
Oh that sounds controlled!!!!
Im sure if Inge contacted admin, explained a few things we could get moved OR we could just let this thread wash away into the archives and start a fresh?