We made it through the night
Sore breast is feeling very full so now Im looking at something to buy to express, based on Brandi's review Ive been looking for the Avent one she suggested but cant find it, but found another few Avent ones. The electric is £90 and the manual is £30 and Im not sure which to get, both have the best reviews for manual/electric categories. They both seem to be well used by larger breast ladies so do I go manual or electric? Im a little worried that if £90 doesnt work I have a huge expense of bottles and steriliser on top and its going to be a bit harsh in one lump sum! MW is due in 1 hour so will be asking her advice on the way forward. I slept well and more focused today, tried him on the breast, I cant do it, nursing with a razor blade is pretty close to a description. The boob is very full and I feel no lumps. If it is thrush is it treatable?? Does expressing still hurt the nipple like the baby does?? Is he too young to be fed bottle and breast or will I have to waste the milk?? Oh I suppose i could freeze it until he is old enough. Arghh so many questions sorry, but my determination is better today, I dont wantr to go down the formula route. Awww OH was begging me last night to open the formula and stop putting myself through it but the good breast feels so good, I have extremely little latching pain, its not even pain just a sharp 'oooo' then he is on and feeds so well.
milos I kept losing this thread lol so I bookmarked it now