Mayhem Babies! May 2011 mummies and babies

glad you feel a bit better meow :hugs:
Whenever we take him out people comment on how gorgwous and tiny he is :cloud9: makes me so happy:cloud9:
It is just the best:cloud9:

Glad you're feeling a bit better meow:hugs:
Leo has his hearing test in a mo. Hes was up some much in the night crying so loud:cry: Nothing would quieten him down. He was clean,dry and fed and in the end he fell asleep in our bed again. I think wer moving more into co-sleeping now :haha:
Aww bless! Hope the hearing test goes well. Bethany has hers next week.

I'm just waiting in for the MW now, no idea what time she is coming, I hope it's not too late, I want to go for a walk later. This flat is boiling and getting some nice fresh air will be great.

Me and OH are taking Bethany to be registered tomorrow. :happydance: Kinda nervous about how Dylan will behave while we are there though, poor little man is so upset at the moment, he has come out with a rash ALL over him apart from his face and he has scratched himself raw, we are pretty sure its excma (can't spell it) he has a docs appointment on Friday morning.

I need to update my ticker, I have lost 6lbs since I put it on :haha:
Perfect hearing and hes now 7lbs 3oz. He was 7lbs 4oz at birth and lost quite abit but its coming back now. He was a terror for HV with the hearing test though! He usually is flat out asleep this time of day but he was wide awake and fidgetty for her :haha:
Glad leo's hearing was good. Josh has got his next Thursday.

Wiggler- Does sound like it could be excema, can't it be brought on by/made worse by stress? Could be because of the having a little sister and everything changing. I can't wait to get out and about. I'm going to leave it a few more days as my stitches are aching, i think they're getting tight now.

Weighed myself this morning and i only need to lose 6lbs to get back to my pre preg weight. Quite happy about that.
Glad the hearing test went well Inge!!

Meow -I'm pretty certain stress has made it this bad, poor little man is covered :( I hope your stitches feel better soon

Well MW has just been and said she can't discharge us yet :cry: Bethany is still 2oz below her birth weight. She is seeing us again on tuesday and fingers crossed she can discharge us then. She had a peek at my stitches cos I have been super sore and they are holding together nicely :happydance: I was so terrified this morning when I woke up in pain that they were going bad like last time.
:hi: just peaking in preparation so i can save this thread for when sprout appears - cant wait to be in here with you :cloud9: x
Hiya Wild, Won't be long now!!! x x x
wishfull thinking! but my carseat has just arrived, so im officially ready, :happydance: x

hope ur all doing well! mums and babies too! :D xx
I cant wait either. :( xx
youll both be here soon :hugs: cant even make a cuppa tea withou leo wailing for mummy:haha:
Someday I'll make it to this thread too. Although, not feeling like it'll be any time soon. :dohh:
any of the girls waiting for babies trying anything to get the ball rolling? I had a stressful day with plenty of tears and then sex :blush: and I went into labour that night. OH's ex is useful for something it seems :haha:
Aww wild, 24, bizy:hugs: Just come make yourselves comfy, it wont be long:flower:

Inge, yay for leo passing his hearing test:happydance: Hope you get your cuppy!

Wiggler, i'm sure Bethany will get there, Eilidh took awhile to gain weight quickly. Good news on the stiches! Another 6lbs lost?! WOW!!

Meow, how you feeling today? Well done on your weightloss too!

Eilidh had a rough night after her shots so Im knackered lol.

Wiggler, Anja has eczema its not nice, poor Dylan:hugs:
:hugs: Mummy

i feel guilty in here before sprouts arrival :rofl: will watch and read silently me thinks ;) x
Had a nice cuppa earl grey thanks mummy :flower:
took a walk to the shops to get some juice with Leo. Also now 2 people have come forwards to babysit him tomorow so I get to see the house too :happydance: SO excited. Just hope it looks a nice home to live in. Iv also decided I dont think I want more babies :haha: After Leo's screech-fest last night at 4am I decided I value my sleep and never want to go through this again. Il probably change my mind in a few years but I cant wait til he can sleep through the night and we get a good nights sleep again.
Its typical that just as we send off all the child benefit,furnishing grant,milk voucher forms we are going to move in a week or 2 :dohh: Am trying to fill out the housing benefit form but need to get a bank statement from OH then its done and I can send it off. Leo is alseep again now :cloud9: so Im chilling out and eating chilli. Jealous of you girls weightloss! No idea how much I weigh and im holding off til we move. One last thing... when is it ok to do little bits on the cross trainer machine? Im not wanting to do marathon sessions just 30mins a day 3-4days a week maybe but now sure when exercise is ok
Inge - I'm waiting until Bethany is 6 weeks old to start any excersize, but that mainly cos I want my stitches to be properly healed first and my poor pelvis is still struggling.

Bethany is not the owner of girly clothes! I got her a gorgeous dress, tights, socks and a sunhat earlier. I can't wait to dress her up all girly tomorrow!!! I'll take pics to show you how gorgeous she looks :)

Dylan has been awful today, when we was out earlier I was so embarrassed, he wouldn't walk at ALL so we had to buy him a cheap buggy after poor OH carried him all the way into town (after we spent £70 on a backpack and buggy board for him) When we tried to get him to walk he just laid on the floor and headbutted the shit out of it and now he is all bruised and grazed on his forehead :( then he started screaming because we wouldn't feed hm the banana that HE was holding :cry: I have seriously failed him, I am such a shit mum :cry:
Inge, since you had a vaginal birth I'd say whenever you feel ready you can exercise, but take it easy and stop if you dont feel right. Thats great you get to go see the house, cant wait to hear about it:thumbup: Yummy earl grey, we cant get proper tea over here lol. The no sleep will pass quickly hun, then you wont remember it until you do have another:haha:

Wild, you? quiet? :rofl:

Wiggler:hugs: Sounds difficult hun. I'm trying to think what I would do in that situation, Dylan is 2 1/2 right? I think hes only a few months younger than my son whos just turned 3. Anyway Ruaridh gets very frustrated and can temper with the best of them and only recently started being able to get his frustration out verbally and understanding consequences lol so easier to disapline. But he has been referred to a neurobehaviouralist as alot isn't right, he has to have alot of order, routine and has strange habits. Maybe asking your GP also would be an idea for Dylan? There's so many different things that could be going on to make him so frustrated, and if its just adjustion or the problem with your neighbours then you have a basis to work from but if its also a medical thing he could get extra help. Its been amazing for my son:hugs: You are also far from a shit mum hun:hugs:

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