May's Munchkins 2015

Missz I am so sorry! That is bullshit if they do nothing. That is a simple procedure to save a life. Which dr told you that you needed the stitch? Can you get ahold of that one?

It was the consultant I had when I was in labor I was so out of it I can't remember but it should be on my medical notes. I don't think he even had my notes today I didn't see him with them once neither did my husband. I'm going to try calling another hospital tomorrow, I'll travel if I have too.
Kazy and miss z, so sorry for everything you are both going through! The NHS can be really crap sometimes! I really hope things work out well for you both xx :hugs:
Could a regular obgyn just at a drs office perform the stitch? I can't believe he is treating your baby's live like it is nothing. Especially with a 2nd tri loss already. He wants 3 losses before he will act?!?! WTF!
It's different here in England, we don't have obgyns here everything is done through doctors referral. The stitch is done under spinal block or anesthetic and needs to be in a hospital theatre environment.
:( oh, well I think you are doing the right thing to travel. You will find a good dr at a hospital who is practicing medicine correctly and doing what I best for patients. I would sue too! Still cant believe that. So sorry you have to go through this. :hugs:
I'm sorry for your loss Kazy, hopefully you have a fighter on your hands and s/he'll make it through for you.

Miss z: I know this is probably a long shot, but could you afford the private health care? Even if its just to get your stitch in, the NHS can't remove it. I expect they will sort you out in no time. My dad had cancer although the NHS wouldn't test for it, so he went private turns out he had a tumor in his neck and if they hadn't of found it when they did (it was in the early stages) he might not be cancer free for 5+ years.
Yes, if it comes to it I will use all our savings if we have too, there won't be much left to buy the baby things but I'd rather have a baby with not a lot of stuff than no baby. I've already contacted a private specialist gynaecologist I'm waiting to hear back with a quote from his secretary, the intial consultation is £200 alone so can't imagine it's going to be cheap.

I'll remortgage the house if I have too. Nothing is more important to me than this baby!.

I'm trying to find a private ultrasound place that monitor cervical length but I've had no luck, I'm waiting for a few call back but I've rang every clinic in the East Midlands!!
Hey Rachelle! I seem to have disappeared from the front page, are you including us April stragglers on there?!
I was previously 4th May but now am 30th April. I'm staying team yellow xx

Yes, I took you and anyone who is not due in May anymore off our May list. I just didn't want any confusion.
Yes, if it comes to it I will use all our savings if we have too, there won't be much left to buy the baby things but I'd rather have a baby with not a lot of stuff than no baby. I've already contacted a private specialist gynaecologist I'm waiting to hear back with a quote from his secretary, the intial consultation is £200 alone so can't imagine it's going to be cheap.

I'll remortgage the house if I have too. Nothing is more important to me than this baby!.

I'm trying to find a private ultrasound place that monitor cervical length but I've had no luck, I'm waiting for a few call back but I've rang every clinic in the East Midlands!!

Okay, I'm a little lost as to what is happening. Do you mind explaining? this is only my 2nd baby, and I've never had any losses.

Kazy, I am very sorry for you loss.

List has been updated.
Hey Rachelle! I seem to have disappeared from the front page, are you including us April stragglers on there?!
I was previously 4th May but now am 30th April. I'm staying team yellow xx

Yes, I took you and anyone who is not due in May anymore off our May list. I just didn't want any confusion.

That seems a bit unfair, to all we know her baby might be born in May. My son was due March 26th and was born April 11th. A lot of our dates will be changing, especially until we all get our 12 week scans, so can't we have an end of April and Beginning of June list as these are ladies we've come to know and support believing everyone is having a May baby.
Kazy I'm really sorry for your loss x

Miss Zoie, where I live there is another company like a private mw and consultant service paid for by the nhs there called one to one. I know there expanding I don't know if you could contact them and ask if there in your area or could help xx of not def would go to a different trust x
Sorry to hear about the loss, that has got to be scary thinking about what may happen to the other little one. Hope all goes well!
Hey Rachelle! I seem to have disappeared from the front page, are you including us April stragglers on there?!
I was previously 4th May but now am 30th April. I'm staying team yellow xx

Yes, I took you and anyone who is not due in May anymore off our May list. I just didn't want any confusion.

That seems a bit unfair, to all we know her baby might be born in May. My son was due March 26th and was born April 11th. A lot of our dates will be changing, especially until we all get our 12 week scans, so can't we have an end of April and Beginning of June list as these are ladies we've come to know and support believing everyone is having a May baby.
I have to agree with this. Due dates are estimates. That how we all started in this thread. A scan moves someone a few days and they suddenly get kicked out? That's not right in my book.
Yes, if it comes to it I will use all our savings if we have too, there won't be much left to buy the baby things but I'd rather have a baby with not a lot of stuff than no baby. I've already contacted a private specialist gynaecologist I'm waiting to hear back with a quote from his secretary, the intial consultation is £200 alone so can't imagine it's going to be cheap.

I'll remortgage the house if I have too. Nothing is more important to me than this baby!.

I'm trying to find a private ultrasound place that monitor cervical length but I've had no luck, I'm waiting for a few call back but I've rang every clinic in the East Midlands!!

Okay, I'm a little lost as to what is happening. Do you mind explaining? this is only my 2nd baby, and I've never had any losses.

Kazy, I am very sorry for you loss.

List has been updated.

Sorry maybe I didn't explain my past, I have an incompetent cervix meaning I cannot carry outside of the second trimester but a simple cervical stitch (a cerclage) will save my baby. The procedure has a small rick of causing a miscarriage but the statistics for a full term normal pregnancy is high.

My cervix dilates painlessly and I only find that I'm in labor after I'm already 6 cms. And it happens early.

Kazy I'm really sorry for your loss x

Miss Zoie, where I live there is another company like a private mw and consultant service paid for by the nhs there called one to one. I know there expanding I don't know if you could contact them and ask if there in your area or could help xx of not def would go to a different trust x

Thank you for this I'll be looking into this, I'll let you know how I get on! Thanks again :).

I have booked a private scan for tomorrow, I've had to tell a porky but if I change my dates by a week or so I can have the same scan for £39 or if I but my dates in it comes out at £99 so I've changed lmp. I need to save every penny in case we are paying for private treatment.

I'm just going to tell them my LMP was 26th July and my EDD is the 2nd. It's only 10 days out :haha:
Hey Rachelle! I seem to have disappeared from the front page, are you including us April stragglers on there?!
I was previously 4th May but now am 30th April. I'm staying team yellow xx

Yes, I took you and anyone who is not due in May anymore off our May list. I just didn't want any confusion.

That seems a bit unfair, to all we know her baby might be born in May. My son was due March 26th and was born April 11th. A lot of our dates will be changing, especially until we all get our 12 week scans, so can't we have an end of April and Beginning of June list as these are ladies we've come to know and support believing everyone is having a May baby.

Its not suppose to be unfair. I'm simply reducing the confusion for myself. I'm also not saying they can't come here to chat. They are more than welcome to stay and chat, but they aren't due in May anymore, so they aren't on the May list. If I had come back and been due in April, I would step down and hand the reins over to someone who was.
Hey Rachelle! I seem to have disappeared from the front page, are you including us April stragglers on there?!
I was previously 4th May but now am 30th April. I'm staying team yellow xx

Yes, I took you and anyone who is not due in May anymore off our May list. I just didn't want any confusion.

That seems a bit unfair, to all we know her baby might be born in May. My son was due March 26th and was born April 11th. A lot of our dates will be changing, especially until we all get our 12 week scans, so can't we have an end of April and Beginning of June list as these are ladies we've come to know and support believing everyone is having a May baby.
I have to agree with this. Due dates are estimates. That how we all started in this thread. A scan moves someone a few days and they suddenly get kicked out? That's not right in my book.

I'm not "kicking" anyone out. They aren't included on the May list anymore. I'm reducing the confusion for myself.
Hey Rachelle! I seem to have disappeared from the front page, are you including us April stragglers on there?!
I was previously 4th May but now am 30th April. I'm staying team yellow xx

Yes, I took you and anyone who is not due in May anymore off our May list. I just didn't want any confusion.

That seems a bit unfair, to all we know her baby might be born in May. My son was due March 26th and was born April 11th. A lot of our dates will be changing, especially until we all get our 12 week scans, so can't we have an end of April and Beginning of June list as these are ladies we've come to know and support believing everyone is having a May baby.
I have to agree with this. Due dates are estimates. That how we all started in this thread. A scan moves someone a few days and they suddenly get kicked out? That's not right in my book.

I'm not "kicking" anyone out. They aren't included on the May list anymore. I'm reducing the confusion for myself.

I personally feel bad for rachelle for having to change everyone's dates multiple times and am thankful for her keeping up with it all. I know I couldn't handle it especially itch pregnancy brain, lol. :haha:

Maybe we should all just keep to our original may use dates based in our lmp. I know that with dd the endure date changed by a few days with each scan and there is no sense having her change it after every scan. As someone said earlier it's more of a due month. Who knows when lil beans will actually come. With dd I was due in oct, but she is a sept baby!

I am just happy we are all here and able to support each other! I would be so sad without you ladies!
Sorry for all the typos in the previos post...on my phone, lol.
Hey Rachelle! I seem to have disappeared from the front page, are you including us April stragglers on there?!
I was previously 4th May but now am 30th April. I'm staying team yellow xx

Yes, I took you and anyone who is not due in May anymore off our May list. I just didn't want any confusion.

That seems a bit unfair, to all we know her baby might be born in May. My son was due March 26th and was born April 11th. A lot of our dates will be changing, especially until we all get our 12 week scans, so can't we have an end of April and Beginning of June list as these are ladies we've come to know and support believing everyone is having a May baby.

Its not suppose to be unfair. I'm simply reducing the confusion for myself. I'm also not saying they can't come here to chat. They are more than welcome to stay and chat, but they aren't due in May anymore, so they aren't on the May list. If I had come back and been due in April, I would step down and hand the reins over to someone who was.

Well she felt like she has. She's now joined the April bunnies and I wish her all the luck in there. I don't see me staying around in here which is a shame as I had a great time in March Monkey's 2014 so thought I'd have a similar experience this time. I am really unsure how it will cause confusion though so if you could please explain how then I would understand it from your point of view.
Hey Rachelle! I seem to have disappeared from the front page, are you including us April stragglers on there?!
I was previously 4th May but now am 30th April. I'm staying team yellow xx

Yes, I took you and anyone who is not due in May anymore off our May list. I just didn't want any confusion.

That seems a bit unfair, to all we know her baby might be born in May. My son was due March 26th and was born April 11th. A lot of our dates will be changing, especially until we all get our 12 week scans, so can't we have an end of April and Beginning of June list as these are ladies we've come to know and support believing everyone is having a May baby.

Its not suppose to be unfair. I'm simply reducing the confusion for myself. I'm also not saying they can't come here to chat. They are more than welcome to stay and chat, but they aren't due in May anymore, so they aren't on the May list. If I had come back and been due in April, I would step down and hand the reins over to someone who was.

Well she felt like she has. She's now joined the April bunnies and I wish her all the luck in there. I don't see me staying around in here which is a shame as I had a great time in March Monkey's 2014 so thought I'd have a similar experience this time. I am really unsure how it will cause confusion though so if you could please explain how then I would understand it from your point of view.

She has what? If she choose to go to April's thread, thats fine. I'm sad to see her go, but I wasn't kicking her out.

I made a thread for May babies. It gets confusing for my pregnant brain to be in charge of April, May and June mommies. I'm making it very simple for myself by doing only MAY. Like I explained, if my date had changed to April, I would have given up my spot to someone who was due in May. I have a lot of nausea, and am feeling like crap about 85% of the time.

April's mommies are NOT being kicked out. They are just not on the list anymore. They are MORE than welcome to stay and chat.

If you too feel like leaving because I'm simplifying it for myself, then I cannot stop you. It was a personal choice, and its hard enough keeping up with peoples changing dates on top of having to read every single comment, looking for changed dates. Just please try to understand, I'm battling very severe nausea and I'm trying my best to keep up with this page.

That's all I can say I suppose. If you don't deem my reason good enough, and you still feel the need to leave, then I wish you all the luck. I'm NOT making anyone leave tho. Everyone is welcome to stay.

That's all I have to say about the subject.

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