May's Munchkins 2015

Pink bump here! Can't believe it, I was so sure it was a boy. So excited my girl will have a sister!!
Congrats to all the new girls and boys.

Imsotired, seems like we're seeing our babies again on the same day. I have no idea what side I'm on as its not like my sons or daughters pregnancy. My only guess is boy as I felt this baby and DS kick early. But it looks more girl at the 13 week scan... so no idea.
Congrats on all the gender reveals! I had my early gestational diabetes screening this morning and passed with flying colors! Yay. The best part of drinking the yucky drink, is that I felt baby do 4 or 5 rolls while I was waiting <3.
Leikela glad to hear your nausea's pretty much gone - it's definitely no fun! I have one older sister and I love our relationship, but my husband has a really great relationship with his sister - I'm sure your two will be best buddies :)

Aw, thanks RAFwife! I really hope so! And on that note, I have a sister and sadly, we really aren't close at all. So I guess her having a sister wouldn't guarantee that sisterly bond. I guess a part of me wanted her to have what my sister and I don't have but like you said, she could totally have that with her brother. Thanks again. :)
Congrats on all the gender reveals! I had my early gestational diabetes screening this morning and passed with flying colors! Yay. The best part of drinking the yucky drink, is that I felt baby do 4 or 5 rolls while I was waiting <3.

Congrats! Do you have to take it again at 28 weeks? I passes the early one, but have to take it at the regular time too. Boo!

Leikla, I am very close with my brother!mi know if isn't guaranteed, but I really hope my kiddos are besties like my bro and I are.

On a side note, I just found out my best friend is pregnant! So excited for her and I have a face to face bump buddy!

Also, I am! Anyone know any natural pregnancy safe cold remedies. I tried neti pot but am still super stuffed up. I feel achy and have a headache too. Maybe a head cold?
Also, I am! Anyone know any natural pregnancy safe cold remedies. I tried neti pot but am still super stuffed up. I feel achy and have a headache too. Maybe a head cold?

Sorry your feeling cr*p! Me too!
I tried a slice of lemon and honey in hot water which helped my throat and a steam bowl with some menthol crystals - helps to unblock and as your not ingesting anything its safe!

As for me - had our 20 week scan yesterday and the heart scan in London - baby happy and healthy with a strong little ticker!! &#128518; and right on target with growth!
Very happy mummy and daddy!!
We did find out gender too but we are keeping it quiet!


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Thanks mrsmandy! And great scan pic! So glad all is well! The hot lemon water is wonderful!
Once again I must apologize for my absence this week. Just been super busy with the hollidays and everything but I think I've got mostly everything I need now!

Congrats to all the new gender reveals, great to see everyone is doing well for the most part!

I am officially half way to my due date today! I had my 20 week anatomy scan a couple days ago, baby is confirmed a boy and its a good thing I already knew/wanted to know because that kid was going to show it off either way! haha!! My placenta previa is now a low lying placenta so not complete anymore! I'm hopeful for no c-section after all! (at least not due to previa) and hubby is happy I'm finally off bed rest.. lol :) No progress on names unfortunately (but I am pushing for Liam) No picture to share this week, baby was laying face down for the most part and while we did manage to get a few shots of his face, they are all blurry =/ I will have one final ultrasound in 10 weeks. Can't believe how fast time is going by!
18 weeks today :D
Still not felt any movements but hopefully very soon.
Hello ladies! I hope everyone is well. I'm sorry for not being able to drop in more often but this is such a busy time of year for us. By the end of the work day I'm generally so exhausted I can hardly do more than eat and go to bed. I wish I had more time to post, as I have no friends or family that I can really relate to (or want to even hear about baby) Most are long past their baby days, and honestly the only thing I ever seem to hear from the ones that do want to talk is about how things were for them when they were pregnant. Not that I mind, but sometimes it feels like they are competing for best pregnancy or something. Sometimes I just want to tell them what is happening to me, I don't need to hear how much better or worse it was for them when they were expecting....ok, enough ranting.

As of right now things seem to be going well for me. Baby girl (whom has finally been named) is a very active girl. Sometimes when I'm sitting she will will squirm and whirl around like she's throwing a party in there. I can't believe how quickly it went from hardly feeling anything to full on movements that are hard to miss. I go for my anatomy scan Thursday. Getting excited to be able to see her again! We got her room painted over thanksgiving, and have most of her furniture ready to order once we get a bit closer to her due date. I can't believe how quickly things are happening now. We are half way there!
Leikla, I am very close with my brother!mi know if isn't guaranteed, but I really hope my kiddos are besties like my bro and I are.

On a side note, I just found out my best friend is pregnant! So excited for her and I have a face to face bump buddy!

Also, I am! Anyone know any natural pregnancy safe cold remedies. I tried neti pot but am still super stuffed up. I feel achy and have a headache too. Maybe a head cold?

Aw, thanks for that atx! I am happy to hear stories of brother's and sister's being very close. I am glad you are with your brother. :)

And great about your best friend being preggo too. It will definitely be awesome to share bump stories with her. :)

Try vitamin C. I used to swear by herbal teas with honey but they don't recommend herbal teas during pregnancy. I have had many colds throughout this pregnancy and steam helps too. I have also been drinking diluted juice that contains 100% Vitamin C and that has helped too. I hope you are feeling better soon! :)
Congrats on all the gender reveals! I had my early gestational diabetes screening this morning and passed with flying colors! Yay. The best part of drinking the yucky drink, is that I felt baby do 4 or 5 rolls while I was waiting <3.

Congrats! Do you have to take it again at 28 weeks? I passes the early one, but have to take it at the regular time too. Boo!

Leikla, I am very close with my brother!mi know if isn't guaranteed, but I really hope my kiddos are besties like my bro and I are.

On a side note, I just found out my best friend is pregnant! So excited for her and I have a face to face bump buddy!

Also, I am! Anyone know any natural pregnancy safe cold remedies. I tried neti pot but am still super stuffed up. I feel achy and have a headache too. Maybe a head cold?

I am pretty sure I'll have to take it again at 27/28 weeks. But I'll find out for sure at our appt in January.

I am so sick too! :( I actually was told I have a sinus infection and started taking antibiotics yesterday. I'm starting to feel better already. I was told to try using the neti pot while taking a hot shower. It wouldn't work for me, but I thought that was a great idea. I hope u feel better soon!
How is everyone today? Its 3:30 AM here and I don't know what woke me up but I can't go back to bed.. my nose is sooo stuffed! My son has a cold and I think I'm getting it too.. at least the stuffy nose part, not at all congested...yet =/ I sat in his room with him for a while with the vaporizer on while he went to sleep but it didn't do much for me, so I tried some salt water, come to find out my nose is more swollen then stuffed so that didn't help either =/ so I figured I would just try to sleep it off.. but when I woke up, moments later I got that stupid runny nose along with it =/ so I grabbed some of the vicks baby rub and took to google..

I remember when I had the post nasal drip in first tri I asked the pharmacist I go to if I could take benedryl and she said no, but then I googled for safe meds (my dr was closed or I would have just called and asked them) and the safe meds list I found said benedryl WAS safe.. though I never took anything at that time.. but this is so bad right now I can barely breath =/ I would take a bath but the tub is full of bath toys and legos that my kids stuck in there when I was making dinner last night apparently (after their baths.. go figure!) and I don't want to deal with that right now.. especially because my son's room doubles as the play room right now and I don't want to wake him up..

Anyway after again doing a google search for what I can take, I found a list of specific meds (not just the medicine brand but the ingredients) that are safe and which ones to avoid.. I grabbed everything that MIGHT help out of the medicine cabinet.. ended up determining the children's benedryl had only things on the safe category and nothing in the bad.. so thats what I took in the long run =/ hopefully this at least helps the swelling go down.. I will definitely be calling the dr today! as soon as they are open. I don't want to bother the on call dr with this unless I REALLY need to. But seriously why is it that whenever I think I should call my dr's office, they are closed.. (it always seems to be the weekend!)

Hope the rest of you are doing well and having a wonderful holliday season!
SJD I think the stuffy nose is the worst part of pregnancy! My dr said Benadryl was fine too. Hope that helps a bit!
I was woken up around 3 or 4 this AM as well, and couldn't get back to sleep until probably after 5 or 6 this AM, then of course DS gets me up at 6:45. It's pretty par for the course for me. I can sleep great, I'm tired, I sleep...but something wakes me (pee? toddler? strange noise?) and good luck getting back to sleep, ever.

DS has been sick but I think I may have escaped it? Not sure how that happens as we share utensils and breastfeed and stuff. But not complaining.

We went out and got a Christmas tree yesterday and put it up last night! It looks great, but TBH I think it's leaning this morning....yep, definitely leaning.

I actually bought some benedryl with the intention of using it as a sleep aid (exact same active ingredient as unisom, but the generic is about $1 cheaper). Started sleeping better right after I bought it, until last night.
SJD - my doc last pregnancy suggested benedryl for me as a sleep aid so I'm pretty positive it IS safe.

I've been so terrified of getting sick! Influenza is going around at my office so I've been compulsively disinfecting everything and using TONS of hand sanitizer!!

Also, we moved this past week. I am SO exhausted. But I guess that's not reason enough to stay home from work... Though I do get almost two weeks off for Christmas and New Years!! I work at a University so it's closed part of that time plus I'm taking some vacation. VERY excited about that!
Also, I am! Anyone know any natural pregnancy safe cold remedies. I tried neti pot but am still super stuffed up. I feel achy and have a headache too. Maybe a head cold?

Sorry your feeling cr*p! Me too!
I tried a slice of lemon and honey in hot water which helped my throat and a steam bowl with some menthol crystals - helps to unblock and as your not ingesting anything its safe!

As for me - had our 20 week scan yesterday and the heart scan in London - baby happy and healthy with a strong little ticker!! &#128518; and right on target with growth!
Very happy mummy and daddy!!
We did find out gender too but we are keeping it quiet!

When is your due date? I can't find you on the first post. I'm just going to put you down as team yellow since WE don't know the gender. :)
Sorry everyone isn't feeling so well. I am still every stuffy, but don't feel achy anymore so am thankful I didn't get anything too terrible. Last night was the first time in a long time that I did not wake up to pee, but I still woke up about 4 times just cause my hips were killing my! Side sleeping is not my friend, even with a pregnancy pillow.

We have our 20 week scan on Friday! I am so excited and nervous. I can't wait to see baby again! Don't think we get a scan for a while after 20 weeks. I think 28 weeks is my next one after to check growth since I had igur with dd. but hoping they will make it 24 or 26 weeks!

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