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MC#10 at 4w6d~ I need some positive vibes. Page 159.

Omg this is too unfair :(

Hoping its a dilute pee problem. I got non existent lines with FMU and evening pee, but my 2mu was great xxx
Digital was taken with my 2MU.

I give up.

It's not ever going to happen for us.
Oh hun, i have just read through the whole thread, taken me 1/2 hour! i am so sorry your going through such a rough time <3 <3 <3 x x x x x x x
I had days with lighter lines. I know of ppl that have an hcg dip for some reason and it comes back..don't give up hope yet, not until you r sure. I'm sorry everything is so confusing for you and its not fair that you have to feel like this at all. Ever. All the hugs and hang in there's won't make you feel better, but know whatever it is, you have us ladies to back you 100%.
Maybe its a bad test, Did you take any other tests? Have you had a beta?
i just wanted to let you know, once your hcg gets to a certain level, its harder for a test to show it as it should. aka your hcg is so high, the test can't read it =]
I don't know what to say. I'll stay positive for you that the test was a fluke. I'm sorry for everything you have been through.
I know this is really unfair for you but u really hope that it's a hcg fluke !!!!!

But if not my problEm is chemicals and they have suggested having ivf and letting the beyond grown for 5-6 days instead so they have the best chance and get past the early early
Mc side xxzx
@Stuck, I am sorry that the tests look lighter today!! Big Hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs: I am keeping you in my prayers that you will still go on andhave a H&H 9 months!!!:hugs::hugs:

Question, Have the DR's checked your progesterone levels yet?? Many women with reocurring miscarriages have to take progesterone supplements for most of the fist Tri. If you aren't on progesterone yet than ask your DR to check your level with blood work and if it is low than they can get you on a progesterone supplement ASAP!!!! I know this works for many girls with this problem because I have read their stories over and over again on the boards!!!! Please look into it if you haven't already!!! I will be keeping you in my prayers!! I wish you all the best hun!! :hugs::hugs:
I'd be calling my docs ASAP sweetheart :( so sorry....praying you got a bad batch o tests....
I'm already on the progesterone :(

I haven't tested again, but I'm not having cramps or anything either.

I'm praying it was just a flukey pack of tests...since I took 2 out of three, but I can't help but think it's just the beginning of the end :(
Sorry u are going through this roller coaster ride...don't lose hope!!
Ok, I tested again.

I promised myself that whatever the results were, that I would not test anymore. I feel like a hypocrite. I said I wasn't calling for bloods because I didn't want to stress out about my levels...that I wanted to relax about this pregnancy, but by testing all day long I'm not doing anything but making myself crazy...I mean, like, pacing the house worrying crazy.

I'm a worrier by nature, so I know I'll worry no matter what, I just want to keep my stress level down.

Thank you for all of your support ladies. I know I'm not out yet, I was just so worried after seeing that not pregnant on the digital [I did look later and it was expired...so maybe that and the fact that my FMU contains all the extra folic acid and B vitamins]

I talked to my friend who is about 6 weeks pregnant, and we have the same symptoms...a little tired, boobs are a little heavy and tingly, and bloating.

Maybe things will be Ok after all.

My FRER is crazy light, but my blue dye is definitely darker than yesterday...maybe it was just a bad batch.

I keep telling myself that every test has different dye amounts and that I could take 3 from the same pack and get 3 different lines....





I know you don't want to go in for bloods, but maybe it would give you peace of mind? It seems like the hpts are only making you worry worse :( Even just 2 betas so you can see that the levels are getting higher would be enough to help relieve some of the stress...

I can't imagine what you are going through right now :(

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