Desperately need the money so have decided to sell off quite a few of my Me to You bears, etc.
Prices include P&P but could you gift payment, as to avoid me getting fees thanks !
3 Small Blue Nose Friends for £12 (otherwise £4.50 each)
All 3 big Blue Nose Friends for £30 (otherwise £12 each)
2 Boxed Bears for £40 (otherwise £25 each)
2 Bigger boxed bears for £50 (otherwise £30 each)
I will also provide further discounts the more you purchase
Apologies for the state of some of these pics (Especially the last ones, the boxed ones, as they are on a shelf, and I'm too small and OH is at work )...
Top: Tatty Teddy "with love from Scotland", Little drummer boy, dressed as a tiger, Tatty Teddy holding chilly the penguin - £6 posted each.
Boxes: Tatty Teddy holding MBNF with a blue Stocking (number 2592 out of 6000), Tatty teddy holding MBNF (number 3060 out of 5004), Tatty teddy holding MBNF with a pink cupcake (number 0757 out of 5004), and tatty teddy dressed as a gingerbread man (nuber 0092 out of 7092) £25 posted each.
Big blue nose friends: Echo the bat, Ruby the Robin, £12 posted each, Tatty teddy with his scarf, £10 posted. All small blue nose friends £4.50 posted each.
Large tatty teddy wearing a scarf and boots, £20 posted. All small blue nose friends, £5 posted. BEE SOLD
All small blue nose friends £4.50 posted each, tatty teddy wearing hat and jumper, SOLD.
All small blue nose friends £4.50 posted each, tatty teddy holding hearts, £6 posted. GOAT SOLD
Tatty teddy sitting on a beanbag £5 posted, spider blue nose friend £4.50 posted, Big Legend the Unicorn Blue nose friend £12 posted, Boxed "I Love You" Tatty Teddy £8 posted.
Hamster blue nose friend £4.50 posted, boxed Christmas tatty teddy with a robin, SOLD.
Tatty Teddy Sailor £25 posted, Tatty Teddy pyjamas holding panda £30 posted (bigger), Tatty Teddy chef £25 posted.
Tatty Teddy tiger £25 posted, Tatty Teddy Monkey £25 posted, Tatty Teddy Elephant £25 posted.
Same as above, took picture twice by accident as the view is bad.
Tatty Teddy soldier (blue square on ront of box is not there that was the flash, and sorry about my strand of hair haha) £25 posted.
Tatty Teddy pyjamas holding elephant £30 posted (bigger),other two at the end already mentioned in a photo above...
Tatty teddy dressed up as a dog £25 posted, other two shown above.
Tatty teddy pyjamas holding a giraffe £30 posted (bigger), Tatty Teddy doctor £25 posted.
Tatty Teddy dressed up as a leopard and panda, £25 posted each.
Will post figurines later, again sorry for awful photos, all items posted (and yet to be posted) are in mint condition (or as near to mint as possible, as they have all been sitting in my cupboard "on display" (although the cupboard was shut so were never relly seen haha!) I wouldn't sell something I wouldn't be happy to receive myself.
Will offer discount for multiple buyers xx
Prices include P&P but could you gift payment, as to avoid me getting fees thanks !
3 Small Blue Nose Friends for £12 (otherwise £4.50 each)
All 3 big Blue Nose Friends for £30 (otherwise £12 each)
2 Boxed Bears for £40 (otherwise £25 each)
2 Bigger boxed bears for £50 (otherwise £30 each)
I will also provide further discounts the more you purchase
Apologies for the state of some of these pics (Especially the last ones, the boxed ones, as they are on a shelf, and I'm too small and OH is at work )...
Top: Tatty Teddy "with love from Scotland", Little drummer boy, dressed as a tiger, Tatty Teddy holding chilly the penguin - £6 posted each.
Boxes: Tatty Teddy holding MBNF with a blue Stocking (number 2592 out of 6000), Tatty teddy holding MBNF (number 3060 out of 5004), Tatty teddy holding MBNF with a pink cupcake (number 0757 out of 5004), and tatty teddy dressed as a gingerbread man (nuber 0092 out of 7092) £25 posted each.
Big blue nose friends: Echo the bat, Ruby the Robin, £12 posted each, Tatty teddy with his scarf, £10 posted. All small blue nose friends £4.50 posted each.
Large tatty teddy wearing a scarf and boots, £20 posted. All small blue nose friends, £5 posted. BEE SOLD
All small blue nose friends £4.50 posted each, tatty teddy wearing hat and jumper, SOLD.
All small blue nose friends £4.50 posted each, tatty teddy holding hearts, £6 posted. GOAT SOLD
Tatty teddy sitting on a beanbag £5 posted, spider blue nose friend £4.50 posted, Big Legend the Unicorn Blue nose friend £12 posted, Boxed "I Love You" Tatty Teddy £8 posted.
Hamster blue nose friend £4.50 posted, boxed Christmas tatty teddy with a robin, SOLD.
Tatty Teddy Sailor £25 posted, Tatty Teddy pyjamas holding panda £30 posted (bigger), Tatty Teddy chef £25 posted.
Tatty Teddy tiger £25 posted, Tatty Teddy Monkey £25 posted, Tatty Teddy Elephant £25 posted.
Same as above, took picture twice by accident as the view is bad.
Tatty Teddy soldier (blue square on ront of box is not there that was the flash, and sorry about my strand of hair haha) £25 posted.
Tatty Teddy pyjamas holding elephant £30 posted (bigger),other two at the end already mentioned in a photo above...
Tatty teddy dressed up as a dog £25 posted, other two shown above.
Tatty teddy pyjamas holding a giraffe £30 posted (bigger), Tatty Teddy doctor £25 posted.
Tatty Teddy dressed up as a leopard and panda, £25 posted each.
Will post figurines later, again sorry for awful photos, all items posted (and yet to be posted) are in mint condition (or as near to mint as possible, as they have all been sitting in my cupboard "on display" (although the cupboard was shut so were never relly seen haha!) I wouldn't sell something I wouldn't be happy to receive myself.
Will offer discount for multiple buyers xx