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I'm here! :wave:
And I'm confused. FF says I'm probablly 3 dpo today, but I am not too sure about that considering I got a very blank negative OPK on cd 13. And on a whim today I checked my cp and cm this afternoon and my cm was pinkish and somewhat EW-ish. Too early to be implantation bleeding if I'm only 3dpo, too late to be ov spotting at cd 16, and waay too early to be af.
So I'm not sure what to think. If I did ov on cd 9 I'd be about 7dpo, and implant bleeding would make some sense if I thought we'd timed BD right, but I don't, so...:shrug:
What I do know is that my boobs are more sore than usual at 3dpo, I felt so fat today I almost swore off icecream, and I am exhausted from a late night last night. Its crazy but I am so tempted to go POAOPK just to see if by some odd chance I am oving reeeally late. And I keep string at my chart expecting it to scream "you are definitly pregnant!" :rofl:
what signs did you have that made you think that you OV on cd13? Cause it sounds like this is OV? What did your temps say?
Temps suggest cd 13 I spiked cd14 and have stayed up.
Hi bunnyhop - you don't need to do anything to join us - you're welcome to come and chat. What's your story?

Premont - that temp jump is so striking - OV just has to be CD13. Maybe you missed the surge on CD12?
And Yay for sore @@s. Maybe its a SUPER-EGG or already on its way for implantation and your bodys getting ready !
Dun da da daaa!!! "Super Egg!" :rofl: so I adjusted yesterdays temp. When I took it yesterday I thought it was wonky and I retemped and got the higher reading. But when todays temp matched the low one from yesterday I changed it back.
Oh and we dtd this am just in case ov was indeed delayed. I checked cm today and it was the same as yesterday eggy with brownish tinge (yesterday was pink) my nipples are super sensitive today too, which usually happens round ov.
Ho hum...
Well Premom hun best of luck to you! This is a really exciting time! The brown tinge is really exciting! Does that happen to you every cycle? Fingers X'd that you will get a BFP in a few days! If you get symptoms are you going to :test: or wait for the day? LMAO Good luck!!!
No the tinge does not usually happen unless we've :sex:, and we hadn't prior to seeing that.
I will still wait until I am late to test, unless I notice something really out of the ordinary.
We shal see...
OH- I almost forgot, POAOPK and it was :bfn: so I'm not sure about the eggy cm..
No the tinge does not usually happen unless we've :sex:, and we hadn't prior to seeing that.
I will still wait until I am late to test, unless I notice something really out of the ordinary.
We shal see...
OH- I almost forgot, POAOPK and it was :bfn: so I'm not sure about the eggy cm..
ok so i looked at your temps and man that was a BIG jump! I hope it is a SUPER EGG for you! Just keep dtd and time will tell:) I bet this is your month!:)
positive opk today:)
SAMZI!! How are you hun! I was thinking about you all weekend.. How is the sticky doing? Any news on your doc appt? Isn't it tomorrow hun? Are they going to do a beta? Oooohhh I am so happy for you! This is great great news! Let me know how you are!
im ok thanks, all good here atm :) how are you? :hugs:

yeah, drs tomorrow, doubt anything will be done really, but going to see if i can get an early mention something along those lines anyway! im so tired but cant sleep cos i keep sneezing my head off :hissy:
Oh hun I am sorry! Is your tummy gurgling yet lol?? Uterus stretching? Bb's sore? Barfy? LOL SYMPTOM SPOT DAMN IT :rof: For me??? :rofl:
lol im nausea's every day and always yawning by 3pm, and ready for bed by 7! tingly bb's now and again and on off tummy pains (just had some baddish ones for a mo but they gone now!) um what else. oh yeah MAJOR bloating the last few days, was sat most the time with my pants open :rofl:
The theme of the day seemed to be "gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now..." And I'm not sure why.
We took the dog to the dog park today, and I got a venti drink from starbucks, and drank some water while we were there. I had to pee like I normally would when we left, and I was even sweating quite a bit from the heat. Then I had to make a few things for a grill out at my parents house tonight, and I didn't drink anything while shopping or cooking (about 2 hours) nor did I drink much while over there. Half a bottle of gatorade, and 2 wine cooler type drinks.
For as much as I was outside today in the 100 degree heat, I did not drink nearly enough and yet somehow I felt the urge to pee about every half hour or less.
I was in the pool for the later part of the evening, and I had to get out and pee so damn much it felt like I was taking pool water in through osmosis! :rofl:
I almost think I've got a bladder infection coming with how much I've had to pee today. But I don't think I actully do cause I've actually had fluid come out and no "after burn" :rofl:
So that is my SS for the day. A new one I've not had before. Oh and my BBs and nips are crazy sensitive/ sore.
Rant over! Sorry for tmi ladies, but I've got to pee!:rofl:

GAH, awake early on a week day AGAIN! damn it :rofl:
im in such a good mood...applied for a new nanny job and had the interview today and i think i kicked ass...find out in a few days
how are we all xx
Morning ladies you have been busy chatting while I was off this weekend.

Conswayla didn't mean to confuse you, about other woman and casino's. :rofl: Dh likes to gamble, the last time I was out of town he spent his share and mine too :rofl: that's what I meant about the casino and as far as other women go he is the most faithful man I have ever met, I have given him ample reason to find someone new way back and he never did so I know that's not an issue.

I couldn't temp Friday or Saturday and my temp Sunday was late and all off because I was moving around a lot and actually took it sitting on the lou :rofl:

Hope you all are doing well in what ever stage of your cycle your are PMA and lots of :bfp: for our team!

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