conswayla you silly girl~ It's still early days if you are only 12-13 dpo. And you don't even know! But sorry that second pink line is hiding...
Well I'm kinda lost in the sauce in regards to my cycle. I think I am close to ov, if not oving already.

TBH- I've kinda given up. not in a depressed way (yet) but I've just let go of all the ttc stress. If it happens it happens. I don't wanna obsess over temps and cm anymore.
So I've just stopped thinking so hard about it.
Aparently DH hasn't.. He just called me on his lunch break and told me he was feeling depressed about the fact we haven't gotten pg yet. He said he didn't want to wait till october to get tested. (my original plan) he wanted to go like NOW.
So I told him I'd call my GYN to set up an appointment to talk about fertility testing sooner than later.
I wish he would listen to the info I convey from all I've learned so far. I mean we aren't unhealthy people, but we do indulge every once and a while. So I tell him to cut out the alcohol, and redbulls, but he doesn't believe me. He thinks that since Jo Shmo can knock up Jane Payne after a night of knockin em back he should be able to as well.
He always listens to what a "professional" has to say though. so we will see...
sorry I've not been around in a while. Just trying to keep busy!