Mind if I join? I was first diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15 years old because of irregular periods. After a few more years of erratic periods I went on the pill for 9 years and forgot all about it! However during those years I managed to gain 5 stones and started sprouting hair where no woman should! I blamed the weight gain on university but even 4 years after graduation I still cannot shift it! Since coming off the pill a year ago my periods got worse and worse and I am now on a 45-50 day cycle. I ended up getting tested again for PCOS after asking or help with loosing weight. On the scans I had many cysts on both ovaries (but the left one is far better which is hopeful) but apparently my blood work is normal (?) so apparently I shouldn't have the excess hair problems I do have!
I started met two weeks ago and I am hating every day of it! First week 500mg, next week 1000mg and then tomorrow starting 1500mg. I feel so sick all the time! I just really want to be sick but I have not managed it yet. I have such bad diarrhea that I am now scared to eat anything! (it is making my hour long commute to and from work very stressful!) Yet according to my wii fit I have put on 2 pound this week!!! Constantly dehydrated so just living on water at the moment. (is it just my imagination or is the nausea worse when you are hungry?) I am suffering such humiliation at work from the wind I honestly cannot control it- just bending over is enough! If I am brave enough to eat anything I have to go hide away from the office until I have stopped the seemingly inevitable burping which is occurring after each meal! Absolute nightmare! But as from the other posts I will get used to it just need to get to the full dosage and suck this up for another couple of weeks (fingers crossed!)
I find it most amusing that medication to help you get pregnant gives you plenty of practice with some of the side effects of pregnancy! Nausea, wind, heart burn, indigestion - all well and truly practiced thanks to the met!