Hello ladies
C-section went very well! I actually couldn't believe I was so worried about it. Of course it hurt the same and next day, but I'm moving and it's getting better everyday.
Mason Reese Tenney was born 12.12.13 at 10:45am. He weighed 8lbs 6oz & 20.5" long. We are so in love with him. Now i understand what they mean by love at first sight with children. Even my DH was crying in the OR and got to see Mason being taken out. Here's some photos of him.
Happy new year ladies! I hope 2014 bring you all happiness!!
Good luck to those ttc, I have my fingers crossed for you's for 2014
And to those getting on in their pregnacies, where has the time went!?!?
As for me - my wee man has arrived!!8 days late on Christmas Day!! Couldn't believe it. He was 8lbs 8.5oz and was born at 9.38pm after a traumatic birth. Luckily he is okay
just me that needs to recover. I'm over the moon though!
so m on CD3 today , after discussion with hubby m nt taking Clomid this cycle
this week he is on call duty, so we plan to visit Dr on next weekend ... i think now its time for his retest and he has make his mind too
and if i see little bit improvement in his result, i ask Dr about IUI details first