Boo, I've just written a long post and my pc crashed.

Anyway, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Nothing really new going on in the NotNic household. Finlay has had Bronchilolitis, so we've had a lot of play days in doors.
Hope everyone has had a lovely christmas and new year celebrations. Lots of lovely photos of bumps and babies. Keep 'em coming ladies! Can't wait to hear from Bea too. I hope she isn't due back just yet though, as we're due another flurry of snow this week. After the record temps Australia is having I think snow might be a bit of a shock!
Hands - nope Finlay still can't crawl or have any teeth, but he sure does love to clap and dance.

We go to a sensory class with him, and he loves it so much. If he's upset at home I just sing their welcome song and he beams and starts clapping!

I spoke to my health visitor about him when he got weighed, and she thinks there is a good chance he may skip crawling and might start cruising instead. He loves standing up and takes steps properly when he's in his walker. He will faceplant into the floor and stick his bottom in the air, but mostly he'd rather use his muscles and pull the rug or mat towards him and bring the toy to him rather than he move over and get it.

His sitting up is much more reliable though. I don't feel like he is going to fall over every ten seconds anymore. How are the other babies doing? Any updates? Lisette - how are you doing? Are you weaning yet? Bex - is the bfing still going okay?
Snow - your little bump is so lovely and your pregnancy is going so fast. My sister is due on valentines day and I swear yours is going much faster! Looking back I wish I enjoyed my bump more. I was so self-concious and struggled a bit with my change in weight and size. Totally silly of me as my bump was tiny in comparison to my sister's! She has a normal bump, but I make hers look ginormous! Make sure you show it off and keep up the bump pics. I love looking back now and watching how much I changed and which weeks my bump really grew.
Anyway I think I owe you all some new pics. Here you go xx