Mid-August Testers

In all my excitement over Mr Hands coming home and name suggestions for Snow, I forgot to tell you our news. We have teeth! On tuesday I noticed two broken skin bits on F's gums. The next day one toothy peg appeared and I think the second was on Thursday morning. Just like buses you wait ages and then two come along at once! Also to be even more pickly the teeth broke through on the inside first, so you can only see them if he's crying over something. He spends a lot of time feeling them with his tongue so you can't see them! He only showed his daddy last night. OH didnt even get to see the broken gum patches as he wouldn't show him! We had a terrible night's sleep Monday. OH even worked from home because he was so tired, but apart from that he's coped pretty well. He's needed medicine and bonjela a bit, but we've had weeks when he's been far fussier about them.

Congrats on finding a nursery Bex. We put F down when he was 7 wks old. I'm going to see another nursery in a few weeks in case it doesn't work out at the nursery we've picked but I'm pretty happy with it. Im still unsure about when I will go back. Really hoping that I can last to June, but the house is so expensive and we still have a lot more to do to it.
Teefers for Mr. Pickle! Cute! Hope he's showing off those pearly whites now! What an awesome milestone!

Awe Bex hope the nursery search is going well. So you want to start TTC soon??!! After baby boy we are going to NTNP as soon as they say we can BD again considering how long it took for this one.

P.S. Crib is assembled and dressers are in the room! Gotta still pick up glider - I can't wait to see it as we had it done in custom fabric. Also, need to go and pick out nick nacks, curtains, curtain rod and things to put on wall. Such a work in progress!
Dexter had his 7mo appointment. He's 19lbs 7oz and 27 and a half inches tall. He's in the 63 percentile for height and weight. YAY!!!

BTW we introduced a sippy cup and juice to him. He hates apple juice but loves grape juice. He's handling the sippy cup pretty well and loves to fling it around when not drinking.
Woop woop for a big strong dexter!! :thumbup: mr hands must be very proud of you both!

Snow - I suppose at the moment you could say we are NTNP, but we have only DTD twice since LO was born so I'm not sure that counts ahahahah! But yeah I want to ttc again soon. I think I would like an age gap of 18 months /2 years! :)

Nic - teeth!! Very very exciting! Don't they grow up so quickly!!
They really do Bex! He's come on so much in the last 10 days. He's started to do his own version of crawling which is moving around on his tummy propelling himself with his hands. Kind of gliding. If he wants something straight in front of him, then he pushes his bottom up and digs his toes in like he's mountain climbing. He's also soooo chatty. It sounds a bit like he's saying mamamaaa. I'm not convinced enough to say he's saying mama but he's definitely trying to say something!

You girls are so brave about NTNP. I think that's the approach we'll go when we are ready, but right now I'm grateful for BCP. I know where I am and don't have to think about things so much. I'm also lighter on BCP as odd as that might sound. I've also decided February is the month to shape up. On the 1st March I'm going out with the NCT girls to celebrate our babies being 'Longer out than in!'. :haha: I'm hoping to pop on one of my pre-Finlay dresses and hopefully not look wobbly in it! :)

Great results Hands! How are you finding looking after Dex with hubby being home? Are you in a good routine? How are your nights? Are you still exercising?

Much love everyone xxx
No need to exercise anymore. Im back to my highschool body minus the stretch mark scars. Hubby saw how distress i was due to night feedings and he said he would take them on from now on. We arent in a solid state routine with him coming, working different times, and with the move just a few weeks away... but things are so much easier!

Congrats to Finlay and his glide!!!! It's so exciting to see them moving. So jealous of his mamamammaaas... all mine does is shriek lol He's a Dexosaurus
Morning all!

Yesterday my best friend had her little baby...I say little, he was 10lb 14oz..ouch!! I was on babysitting duty for the almost 2 year old. My first taste of looking after a baby and a toddler at the same time. It was hard work but lots of fun. I was just please OH was home to help with bath and bedtime. I couldn't work out how to do that on your own!

Has confirmed that I defintiely want 2 close in a age though. We had a lovely moment when we were all on the bed, OH was reading a story to my friends son and I was breast feeding Elliot. Very cosy :)
That sounds lovely Bex. Ouch though for your friend! I think Finlay weighed that around 2mths!

We also have a new arrival to announce. My sister had her baby yesterday evening - Lily Marie. Her labour was not the quick water birth she was hoping for and it all sounds a bit hairy, but lo is very cute. She was 7lb 8oz but feels like youre holding air. Maybe that's because Finlay is three times her weight. :D He was lovely with her. He was stroking her arm and when she cried he looked all round the room for her.

We now have a teeth shot so I'll post one when we're on the pc. He is also commando crawling now and today he almost pulled himself up. Eek! Unfortunately for him he pulled himself up with the walker and as he got to the point of locking his knees to stand up straight, the walker started to move and he fell. He can't sit up from laying flat on his back, but he can get himself to standing. Go figure!
Bex Congrats to your friend! And how exciting that you will be trying again soon. Maybe this thread will always have someone pregnant on it .. who knows!

Nic- Standing! How exciting. Can't wait to see the toother picture! Poor little guy will have to learn to pull up on more stable pieces of furniture. That was sweet how he wanted to take care of the little baby. Maybe he'll be a really good big brother some day!

As for Dex... we hit another Major milestone yesterday. Crawling with belly off the ground. YAY!!! He has found all sorts of new things now. Door stops (the springs) is probably his favorite new find! <--haha. The best part was both hubby and i were home to see it. awwwww. He still hasnt learned how to make Ma, Da, Ba, Ga sounds though. He does so well when it comes to gross and fine motor skills, but he seems to have a hard time keeping up with the verbal. I want to hear a DADADADa come out of him so bad.
OMG ladies once again it's been way too long & I've been a terrible "mid-august tester" :( I hope now that we have Miss Melina's sleep under control I'll be on here more often!!!

SUPER congrats on having H home Hands! I got teary reading that update :)

Nic teeth and almost crawling! Eeeeekkkk where does the time go hun?!

Bex how's ur little man doing? Wonderful for finding a daycare...it's my next project to follow up on the million lists we're on but so far no calls....7months to go :(

Snow how you feeling preggo? Isn't all the planning just surreal? Its quite the task hun!!!

Well i gotta run cuz she's up but here's some early Valentine love from us xoxoxo

Lisette- great to hear from you! And a brilliant picture....I expect nothing less from you :thumbup:

Snow - you all set for embracing your inner Brit for pancake day tomorrow? I have decided I a giving up chocolate for lent this year having not given up anything for the past 2 years

Hands - dex is crawling!! What a great milestone to hit!!

Nic - Congrats to our sister and a beautiful name. It seems to be babies everywhere at the moment. My friend ended up calling her baby Henry Jackson :)

Today we have started experimenting with a sippy cup as plan to transition straight from boob to cup when we wean. I'm just letting him use it as a toy at the moment with a bit of expressed great milk in it! Watch this space to see how we go!
I can't get over all the newly developed milestones y'all are having. I can't wait to have them with baby boy.

Very cute name Auntie Nic!! How sweet is Finlay with her too!

Love Dex's babble's and how cute about the door stoppers. I remember me and sisters playing with them too!

Sounds like a very special moment you had with hubby Bex with your friends baby!!

What an adorable Valentines Day pic Lisette.

I am super bummed but we will not participating in Pancake Day tomorrow instead we will be pushing it back a day to Wednesday! Since Lent starts on Wed - I won't be eating meat that day so we will do Pancakes on Ash Wednesday instead (but no bacon!) I haven't decided what or if I am going to give anything up for Lent. Hubby made plans for us to meet up with friends to go out for chicken wings tomorrow night. Since I was born and raised right in Buffalo - how can I say no to that???!!! Yummy!!!

Things are moving along quickly. Did the meet/greet with the Pediatricians last week - I LOVED the practice so we will def be going there for everything!! I did a bunch of shopping on Sat - what else is new???!!! Hubby picked up glider - It is so gorg - I love it!! My showers are in less than a month now!! I have surpassed V-day. I am getting bigger and things are going textbook - if I do say so myself. Next appt will be the glucose test.
Just a quick one as I'm sneaking on during nap time. :) Finlay had pancakes yesterday. I made pancakes stuffed with spinach and ricotta with a white sauce, then he had a sweet one for pudding! I did intend to make crispolini but ran out of time. Perhaps you can try that instead of bacon Snow? Xx
That sound amazing Nic. I'll have to keep that recipe for another Friday during Lent! I just did the Pancakes and then mushed up some strawberries I bought to put ontop. It turned out yummy. Hope everyone had a great Pancake Day and has a great weekend! I'm pooped this week. I can't wait to go to sleep!!
oh my an eggplant already!!!!! Time is flying by Snow! Just a few more weeks and you will have hit 3rd trimester!!!! It's amazing how fast time flies.

AFM - The movers are coming to get our stuff in 4 days!!!! We are leaving in 11 days. Housing doesnt have a house for us till mid april so we will be living in hotels for about 2 months. oh joy! Things are very busy, but blessed here.
So many changes Hands! Stinky about the hotel but hopefully you have one with an indoor pool!! Dex can work on his swimming skills!

Just a quick drop by... 99 days to go!! Double digits!! Holy cowzas!!
Hey lovely ladies :wave:

Bex same here boob to sippy for us but so far still a low level toy/teether :haha:

Wow snow - congrats on dd + passing vday :happydance: u must be soo excited for ur shower soon - eeekkkk! Do u have ur outfit picked out?

Nic Fin is having panckaes :o My my time flies!!! We just sett up Melina's high chair today since the 6month mark is fast approaching! I can't quite believe it yet!

Hands how r u managing in the hotel? Must be just fab having H with u :) We need family pics girl :)

AFM came through sleep training ok thankfully & life is now much more scheduled but its got loads of advantages too! Miss melina is rolling around like crazy & we're wondering if it'll be crawling or a tooth first! Both seem to be close now :)
Lisette - another boob to cup person, let me know if you have any tips as I. Think it's going to be tricky! I have 2 cups at the moment, a free flow sippy and a no spill one. Will be very interested to see how you get on! we have also just set up Elliot's high chair so he can practice sitting in it. He loves it, I give him spoons to play with and he thinks it is great. I'll post a pic next time I am on!

Snow - double digits already!! To me this seems like the fastest pregnancy in existence, have you got any nursery pics to post??

Hands - I'm guessing you won't have to much time to post at the moment with all the moving etc. hope that it all goes really well for you and it's not too stressful.

Nic - hope you and F are doing well!

Bea - MISS YOU come back to us soon!!

We are fully in wonder week 19 / 4 month sleep regression, boooo :coffee: argh I hope this doesn't last too long because getting up every hour in the night is not fun!!
hi all. i have a quick moment.

Nic - Yay for pancakes. How did he like them? Dex loves pancakes over other breads like torillas and biscuits. How is Finlay doing? Has he reached any other milestones lately?

Lisette - is Melina talking any? I heard girls tend to talk faster than boys. Dexter still shrieks and goos and gaas... but no DaDa or MaMa's yet.

Bex - Im sorry to hear about the 4 mo sleep regression. It's no fun. Dexter still hasnt gotten back to where he was before the sleep regression... but not all babies have long term affects. I hope for your sake he evens out soon. Either way, keep us posted.

Snow - Yay for double digits! Congrats girl. May is coming way too quick! Surreal. How's the name thing coming along?

I don't have too many recent pictures.... but here's what i do have.

Due to the snow storm... the movers packed our stuff on tuesday but still havent come by to pick it up. We have been living in a maze of boxes. Dexter is experiencing some anxiety about it all... but he's doing so great. He's pulling himself up, has 4 teeth now, using a balance walker to walk around, and has been sitting up on his knees to play. Life in a hotel is going to be so confinding for him.... *sighs*. We leave tuesday. And no, its only an out door pool.... booo.


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Hey everyone. Sorry I've been so lame recently. I owe you guys photos too. Ive got some funny ones of him getting to grip with a pancake. its bigger than his head! :D I will definitely try to get on the pc this week and do some.

Hands - wow the move sounds stressful. Do you know how long you'll be in a hotel for? OH is looking very slim too. It looks like he needed those fajitas! :haha: Can't believe Dex has 4 teeth and is walking around with a walker. Clever boy!

Snow - Yay for double digits! :happydance: I agree that this is the fastest pregnancy yet. Any luck with names yet?

Lisette - It sounds like Melina is doing brilliantly. Have you thought about which way you're going to wean yet?

Bex - Hugs for bad nights.x 4th mth I think was definitely the worst for us. We never truly recovered either but he did learn to nap after that. We're just coming out of wk 37. His sleep was bad during this one, but we had two consecutive sttn this week so fingers crossed we are making some improvements. He has learnt so much since Christmas. We have two teeth and he now commando crawls everywhere. He can be on all fours and lift his tummy, but he hasn't figured out how to crawl that way yet. He can pul himself to standing from sitting, and can cruise for a few steps. We also had his first proper word - hello (which I think I told you?!) Still refuses to say Dada though! We've had to lower the cot too, which makes him seem tiny. He's not though! He's now 22lbs11oz and 28 inches, which puts him on the 91st percentile line for both. Not bad considering I'm so short! :)

He's also turning into a little comedian. He has started to mimic. He pretend coughs if you cough and loves a dance. He's a little show off! At baby explorers he likes to stand and clap and wiggle. :D He's also mastered a coy look and pretends to look all shy. He still has clingy moments though, which are driving my OH mad. Thing is, he only cries if I'm in the room. He'll happily play or be with other people if he knows I'm not an option. It's nice to be wanted though. :)

Mrs Bea - Have you recovered from the weather shock yet? I can't believe snowing again. How is Ariana doing? Have you any ideas for her 1st birthday party? We went to one today at a soft play centre. My ears are ringing and I still have a headache 10hrs on!

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